Chapter 15

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Selena's POV
We were all at the parking lot waiting for Alex to arrive. It's kind of weird though. Usually, Alex was the one to arrive first in school to wait for us then start rambling about her waiting so long for us to arrive. I looked over my friends and I saw that Normani and Dinah were having one of their crazy arguments again.

"Why did you even thought that coloring your hair blue would make you feel close to Queen Beyonce?" Dinah said while waving her hands in the air.

"Because her baby's name is Blue Ivy and it makes me feel like I'm her daughter too! " Normani answered while giving Dinah her "duh" face. I was trying so hard not to laugh at my two cray friends right now.

"Oh please Mani. We both you could never be Beyonce's daughter because I was already her daughter in the first place." Dinah said. Lauren hid her face on Camila's back while me and the others just laughed.

"You did NOT just say that Dinah Jane." Normani said while giving Dinah a death glare. I swear, their obsession for Beyonce is even bigger than my love for sleeping.

"Oh but I just did Normani Kordei. " Dinah smirked at Normani.

"Oh my gosh, somebody please stop this two before they kill each other just because they both want to be Beyonce's daughter." Ally said while laughing. The banter between Normani and Dinah went on until we saw Alex's car coming our way.

"Thank goodness she finally arrived." Taylor said. Alexandra turned off her engine and went out of her car. I noticed she's wearing some shades on. Did she cry or something?

"It's about time that you arrived girly." Ariana said. Alexandra just shrugged her shoulders and kept quiet.

"Hey,are you OK? " taylor asked concerned.

"Yeah I'm OK.I'm just not feeling great today. " Alex answered. Me, Lauren, and Ally shared a knowing look before I went to hug Alex.

"They're home,aren't they? " I whispered in her ear since the other girls still don't know about her family situation. Alexandra just hugged me tight and rested her head on my shoulder to answer my question. I looked at our new friends and they were all wearing confused looks on their faces except for Taylor. She looked sad rather than confused. I let go from our hug and looked at Alex for a while. I don't need to take off her glasses just to know that she's been crying her eyes out.

"Come on guys. Let's go inside for our classes." I said while holding Alex's hand. Lauren looked at Camila for a bit before side hugging Alex. Ally hugged her too and we started walking inside the building. I looked at our other friends and Dinah whispered. "You are so gonna tell us what's happening later. " I just nodded my head and went to my locker to get my stuff. Just as I was closing my locker,I felt Someone wrapped their arms around my waist.

"What's wrong with Alex babe? " Demi asked quietly.

"I'll just tell you later babe,ok? " I said while kissing her cheek. I looked to my side just to see Alexa hugging Taylor tightly while Taylor rubbed her back to comfort her.

"They look so cute together, don't they? " Lauren asked. I just nodded my head and held Demi's hand. "Come on guys, we don't wanna be late for class. " Taylor said while holding Alex's hand. We just nodded and went straight to our classes.

Taylor's POV
This must be really hard for Alex right now. I know how much she hates it when her parents are home, I mean who wouldn't hate it when your parents don't give a shit about you? If I could only take the pain away from her then I would. Dang it! I really do love her,don't I. I was busy with my own thoughts about Alex when I heard Mr.Contessa ask a question.

"Alright class, can somebody please tell me what the first law of thermodynamics states? " He asked out of the blue

"Thermodynamics? We haven't even left magnetism yet. " I heard Camila complain. I saw Lauren pinched her arm which caused her to cringe.

"Does anybody know the answer? " Mr. Contessa asked again.

"The first law of thermodynamics states that: The change in internal energy of a closed system is equal to the heat applied to the system minus the work done by the system to the surrounding, sir." Alexandra answered out of the blue. We all looked at her with pure shock in our faces, even our teacher was shocked as well.

"Well,well. Looks like somebody did some advance studying. I thought you were gonna tell me that we should just stick to our topic to avoid confusion for you guys. That was correct Ms.Daddario. great job." Mr. Contessa said while Alex just shrugged. Usually she would joke around and answer sarcastically, but I guess she's really not in the mood.

"Who would have thought that she could answer that question seriously? " Demi asked. I just shrugged my shoulder and waited for the bell to ring. We all headed to the cafeteria and looked for our other friends.

Alexandra's POV
This is the worst day ever. My parents arrived from their beloved business trip. It's not like anything's gonna change anyways. I'm just like a ghost for them anyways. I was stuck in my own world when I felt somebody hold my hand. I snapped back into reality and I saw my friends were looking at me with concerned faces while Taylor just held my hand tight.

"Seriously Lex, what's wrong with you. You haven't spoken a single word ever since we sat in this table." Ariana asked. I looked at my long time best friends with a tensed look.

"I think you should tell them Lex. " Laurem said seriously. I just sighed before I looked down.

"My parents are home. " I told them quietly.

"What's wrong with them being home girly? " Dinah asked.

"That's the problem, they're home. They're home but it's like they aren't even there with me. It's I don't even have my own parents. " I said while crying. "I hate this. I hate my parents because they think that they could replace the love and attention that I need from them with money. I hate myself the most because I keep on thinking that they would change and I finally realize that I need their love more than their money then end up being disappointed because they never change. " I added while crying hard. I felt Taylor hug me tight which made me cry even harder.

"Stop saying that. It's not your fault that you need attention from your parents, ok? " Taylor whispered in my ear.

"Oh Alex. It must be really hard,isn't it? " Normani asked. I just nodded my head while I kept on hugging Taylor.

"Stop crying Lexy. You know we hate it when you cry." Lauren said while rubbing my back. I just remained in Taylor's embrace and stayed quiet. Somehow, just her touch makes me feel safe and peaceful.

"Alright, alright. Enough with this. Let's all eat now. We still have classes and. We barely ate our food. " Selena said.

"Sel's right. My emotional status can wait,but food can't." I said trying to lighten up the mood which I'm so glad that it worked.

"You do know that we're here for you though, right? " Camila asked.

"Of course I do." I answered her.

"Let's talk about this later since it's our Friday night hang out later. " Ally said. We all nodded our heads and continued eating until the bell rang again.

A/N: Poor Alex. :( It's hard when your parents don't acknowledge your presence you know.
Well anywhooo . . . . . . AFSFDGEGADFSFADA FIFTH HARMONY AND SELENA GOMEZ WON AT THE RDMA!!! PROUD HARMONIZER AND SELENATOR HERE!!! The sad part is that some fans think that we cheated even though we didn't.:(

What do you think about this chapter? Is it good, bad or just whatever? Just leave your comments about your thoughts and opinions for this fanfic. See you soon loves.;)

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