Chapter 5

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Camila's POV

            "Hey Camila baby!" an all too familiar voice called out. I am so in trouble right now.

            "Please don't tell me it's Ashley again... " I closed my eyes tightly, praying that it's not her.

           "Oh it's her alright." Demi said with a very annoyed voice. I felt arms wrap around my neck and when I looked up, I saw Ashley smiling devilishly at me. I looked around our table and I saw confused expressions from our new friends and very annoyed expressions from my best friends.

              "What do you want this time Ash?" I asked her with pure annoyance in my voice.

             "Can I not say hi to my own friend right now?" Ashley said while pouting.

          "Uhm Cami? Since when did you ever became friends with her?" Demi asked me which made our friends snicker.

             "And who told you to join our conversation?" Ashley raised an eyebrow and crossed her arm.

           "Well isn't she nice?" Selena said sarcastically in a low voice. Ashley heard what she said and she looked at Selena.

             "Who are you and what are you doing sitting in this table?"

           "I'm Selena Marie Gomez, nice to meet you too." Selena answered sarcastically again.Then Ashley noticed that we have other new friends in our table. I saw Demi clutching her hands trying to stop herself from punching Ashley straight in the face. How I'd wish she would do that right now.

             "Camila what are they doing sitting in the same table as you are." Ashley asked, purely angry right now.

          "We're here because they invited us to sit here. Why, is there a problem with that?" Lauren answered bravely. Wow! she's feisty. She just made me like her more and more right now.

             "Excuse me bitch but I wasn't talking to you." Ashley snapped at Lauren. All right, that's it! Nobody calls my friends bitch or anything!.

               "What did you just say Ashley?" I stood up from my seat with clenched jaws and hands facing Ashley.

              "Oh don't tell me you're angry because I called that new girl a bitch." Ashley rolled her eyes

             "For you're information Ashley, that new girl is my friend, and I do not like it when somebody calls any of my friends any rude names, so if I were you,I'd walk away now before I do anything worse to you." I threatened her. I'm quiet sure every eyes on the cafeteria were on both of us right now. She looked around for a while and decided to walk away, just as I told her.

             "Good ridance to her." Taylor spoke. I looked back at my friends and I saw Dinah glaring at Taylor. I just sighed and took my seat.

               "I'm sorry about that guys. I was just annoyed at Ashley." I apologized to my friends.

               "It's ok Camila, we understand. Besides, you stood up for me so thanks for that." Lauren said giving me a small smile. I just smiled back at her and nodded before the bell rang.


Lauren's POV

        Camila has been quiet ever since we left the cafeteria earlier.I was so surprised by what she did to Ashley earlier but I was also happy that she defended me. We're now in Spanish class and our teacher was teaching basic Spanish. I already know how to speak Spanish, that's why I'm not quite listening to him. I was more concerned about Camila than my classes right now though. I don't know why,but I feel a strong connection with her. It's like there's something's really different about her from all the other people that I know. Our teacher was called to the office by the principal so he left for a while and I was waiting for Camila to talk to me. I waited about five minutes for her to speak but she didn't. I decided to finally talk to her first so I looked at her since we're next to each other.

        "Hey Camila,are you ok? "I asked her.She looked at me and gave me a small smile before answering my question.

        "Yeah, I'm ok. Don't worry about me."

         "You don't look like you're ok to me." I told her honestly.She looked at her hands and gave a sigh before she answered.

        "I'm just angry at Ashley for calling you a bitch earlier. I mean who does she think she is? Calling you that when she's even bitchier than you are?! Ugh! I swear I could have slapped her earlier if it wasn't for you guys being there."she told me. Awe she looks so cute when she's ranting. I saw her face turned crimson red and I immediately realized that I just said my thoughts out loud.

       "Shit. I'm sorry Camila.I didn't mean to weird you out." I told her apologetically. She smiled at me and then said "Hey, I'm not weirded out or anything. I was just.  . Caught off guard by you thinking that I'm cute. " she looked at her hands again while blushing. I was about to say something when the bell rang.

       "It's time for Music class!" Taylor shouted from her seat.

      "Well aren't you excited for Music class." Alexandra told her and she immediately blushed. I could really tell that Taylor likes my little bimbim.We all just laughed at Taylor and then we decided to get our things.

      "Come on,let's go to Music class now." I told Camila while offering my hand to her.She smiled at me and took my hand then said "Yeah let's go now." We held hands until we reached the Music room where our other friends were waiting for us.

       Nothing much happened during Music class though. We just introduced ourselves to one another and boom! Class has ended. We were walking to the parking lot so that we could finally get to our respective rides when Dinah started talking.

         "We've been talking to you guys ever since we met you, but we still don't have your numbers."

          "I agree with Dinah here for once. So what do you girls say about exchanging phone numbers?" Normani said agreeing with Dinah.

       "Sure,why not? I mean we are friends now right? " Ally asked.

      "Of course we are. Do you guys think Camila would go ape shit at Ashley earlier if you guys aren't our friends?" Taylor said confidently.

        "Taylor. . . ." Ally spoke while glarring at Taylor.

        "OK ok. I'm sorry for saying a mean word" Taylor raised both her hands in surrender while me and the others laughed at her. We then took out our phones and started exchanging numbers.

       "Well it's getting late now, I guess we have to go. See you guys tomorrow!" Camila said.  We hugged each other and then Camila spoke. "I'll text you later Lo."

        "I'll be expecting it Cabello" I told her.I waved goodbye to my friends and went inside my own car and went home.

A/N: Hey guys! I just wanted to ask a few things. . .

a)What do you think  is the perfect shipname for Alexandra and Taylor?

b)What do you think about the story so far?

I would really love your suggestions guys so just comment if you ever have one. :)

See you next time loves!!! :*


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