Chapter 1

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Camila's POV
It's the first day of school today and everything seems pretty normal here from my locker. Oh by the way,I'm Camila Cabello, I'm 17 years old and I go to Miami High. I'm popular in this school so I have a lot of "friends" here but I only trust few of them. I have 3 classification of friends when it comes to this school.

First, there's the loyal and trustworthy friends,they are the only ones I hang out with everytime and they are the people I trust the most.The only people who passed this are Demi,Taylor, Dinah and Normani.Next on the list are the ordinary friends,they are the friends I make during my classes.

And lastly there's the hypocrites. They only talk to me when they need me to boost their popularity and because one of them has a crush on me. Oh I forgot to tell you, I'm a lesbian and everybody in school already knows it. Well speaking of the devils, here they come now.

"Hey Camila! Have you heard about the news?" Ashley asked. She's the leader of the "Bitch Squad" or that's what the other student call them and she is the one who has a huge crush on me.

"And what, may I ask, is this news all about?" Dinah said from their backs. Thank goodness they're here, but wait,where's Taylor?

"The news,my dear friend, is that we have new students this year. Do you think we should give them a little "Welcome surprise?" Ashley said with a wink. Oh no,.that doesn't sounds fun.
"I don't think so Ash." I said without any hesitation.
"Oh come on guys! It would be so much fun!" Britanny exclaimed from Ashley's back.
"No means no guys and it's final" Normani butted in the conversation.
"Besides, we're known for being the nice and smart kind of popular kids and we don't want to ruin our reputation,right girls?" Taylor said while she was approaching us. Well hello life saver!
"You know what? We'll do it ourselves. Come on girls" Ashley and her friends finally gave up and walked away.

"What took you so long?" Normani glared at Taylor.
"It's not my fault that I needed to go with my brother because my dad used my car" Taylor said then pouted.

I was watching my friends fighting about a scene in Twilight when I noticed something. "Hey guys, where's Demi?" They stopped arguing and looked around until we all heard somebody sing "You don't know Oh oh! You don't know you're beautiful oh oh! And that's what makes you beautiful! Oh Hey guys! What's up?" Demi said when she reached us.
"Damn girl! I'm really sure that your weirdness improves everyday" Dinah said amused.
"Well, I would have been more surprised if Demi acted normal." Normani added before we all laughed at Demi while she places her hand on her chest acting hurt. "And to think you guys are my bestfriends" she said.

"If we haven't known you better,we wouldn't have known you just saw a cute girl. Now spill it Demitria! "Taylor said. Yeah I forgot, Demi's a lesbian too! Hey don't judge us.we're just being true to ourselves.
. "Ok, I'll tell you guys the details, but first,let me do this" and with that, Demi smacked Taylor's arm unexpectedly.
"Ouch! What was that for?" Taylor asked while rubbing her arm.
"That was for calling me Demitria! You know very well that I hate being called by that name Taylor Alison. Alright moving on! I saw this very cute girl earlier,her name is Selena,and I think she's new here."
I giggled before I spoke "Oh you think so Dems?" And then Demi looked at me sharply.
"Hush my dear child, for I am telling my story.Anyway,I accidentally bumped into her earlier and her things fell so I helped her out. I promise guys, I heard the angels sing when she thanked me"
Demi finally stopped talking when the warning bell rang. "We would love to hear more stories about Demi being whipped but sadly we have classes to attend to.So what are your classes guys?" Normani said while earning a glare from Demi.

"Well I have Homeroom, AP Math, History, Physics,Lunch, AP English,Spanish and Music. What about you guys?" I asked them thoughtfully.
"I have some classes with you in Homeroom, Math,History and Music Mila" NormanI said after looking at her schedule.
"SAME goes here Mila, except the fact that I don't have History but I do have Spanish and Physics with you" Demi said with a wink.
"Ew stop it Dems! Ok! I have Homeroom, Spanish, Physics and Music with you guys"Taylor said while hugging me."How about you DJ? "
"I have Homeroom,Math, History, English and Music with this dweeb here so yeah!" Dinah playfully rolled her eyes while pointing at me which caused her a smack on her arm from me while the others laughed.

"OK,since we all have Homeroom together,I think it's best for us to go there now, agree?"I asked them.
"We couldn't have agreed more smarty!" Taylor said while we were walking.Now this is gonna be fun.

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