Chapter 11

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Demi's POV

             "Sel,  I need to tell you something. .."  I told Selena. She looked at me with furrowed eyebrows while I sat straight.

             "What is it Dems? " she said in a low voice. I let out a deep breath before facing her. This is it Demi. This is your chance to tell her.

              "I l-like. .  "

               "You like? " Selena said while waving her hand in the air.

               "Puppies! I like puppies! " I said  with a nervous giggle while mentally face palming myself. Seriously Demi? Puppies?!

               "So you wanted to tell me that you like puppies?  " Selena said while giggling.

               "I like puppies,but that was not what I was suppose to say. " I told her.

              "Then what is it?" She asked again.

              "I like somebody. " I told her. Why is it so hard to admit my feelings for her?!

             "May I know who it is? " Selena asked again. I was about to say her name when my phone started ringing and when I looked at my phone, I saw Normani's name pop up.

            "Normani.  . ."

            "You like Normani?" She asked amused. I looked at her with wide eyes.

            "WHAT?! NO!  I was reading her name from my phone." I answered her. She bit her lower lip and lowered her head.

            "Sorry Dems. " she said shyly.

           "It's OK Sel. OK give me a sec, I'll just answer this call. " I stood up from my bed and went out of my room to answer the call.

           "Nice timing Sherlock." I said purely annoyed.

           "What did I do this time?  " Normani asked from the other side.

          "Oh I don't know, you  may have just disturb me from admitting my freaking feelings for Selena Marie Gomez?! " I whispered/yell at her.

         "Oh my gosh! I didn't know! I'm so sorry Dems! "Normani apologized. I just sighed then pinched the bridge of my nose.

          "Why did you call me anyway? " I asked her.

          "I was gonna ask if you were available tomorrow for a girls night in here at my house. My parents are leaving tomorrow and they let me have you guys around. So, are you in? " Normani said.

          "Yeah sure! Why not? " I said

.         "Could you ask Sel if she could come tomorrow? Pleaseeeee.. " Normani asked. I peeked inside my room before asking Sel.

          "Uhm Sel? Normani wanted to ask if you wanted to have a girls night in at her house tomorrow. " I said from the door.

          "Tell her I said yes. " Selena said from my bed. I closed the door again and went back to Normani.

          "She said yes. Can I go back to my past activity now? " I asked her

          "Sure. Good luck with your confession Dems. "

          "Thanks Mani. I gotta go now. Bye! " I ended the call and went back to my room.

          "I'm back. OK so where was I? "I asked Sel.

          "You were gonna tell me the name of the person you like?" Selena said. Her mood kinda changed eversince I told her about my crush.

          "Oh Yeah, that. Well I'm crushing on somebody. . .  "

          "Ugh! Could you just say her name already?! " she said impatiently.

          "I can't say it Sel. " I told her.

          "Why not? It's not like she's gonna know or anything. " Selena said while rolling her eyes.

          "Because she WILL know. " I answered her.

          "How the he'll would she know?! " she asked.

          "Because the girl that I'm crushing on is you! " I said with my eyes closed. The room was quiet until I decided to stand up and leave the room. I went to our backyard and sat in our lawn.

          "I'm so stupid! " I yelled to myself.

          "You are not stupid Demi. " I heard Selena say from my back. She sat beside me and hugged me tight.

         "You're not stupid ok?" She said gently. She caressed my cheek.

        "I'm Sorry if I weirded you out.I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore. You just leave me here. " I told her with pure sadness in my voice. I was surprised when I felt her kiss my cheek gently.

        "I'm not going anywhere Demi. Not when I just found out that I have a chance with my own crush. " she told me while holding my hand. I looked at her with wide eyes and an open mouth. Did she just admit that she has a crush on me too?

         "Are you telling me that you have a crush on me too? " I asked her.she just giggled and gave me another kiss on the cheek before resting her own head on my shoulder. I can't believe this.  Selena has a crush on me too?  Well isn't this wonderful. There was a brief silence before Selena spoke.

          "So what are we gonna do about this? " she asked me. I looked at her and gave her a small smile before kissing her forehead.

          "If It's OK with you,I would like to give it a try. "I told her.

           "Sure.let's give this a chance. " she said with a small smile on her lips. My smile grew wider by hearing those words.

           "So you're letting me court you? " I asked.she nodded her head and then latest it back in my shoulder. We stayed like that until it was time for her to go home.I took her home and she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek again.

          "Let's make this work Dems." She said while holding my hand.

          "We would make it work Sel. We would make it work. "

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