Cpt 3 : Help?

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Me? Why are thay talking about me? Nobody cares about me, i decided to listed to the conversation.

"What are we going to do now?" Hm? isn't that Dabi's voice?
"Lets keep him he is so cute" Toga I'd know her voice anywhere.

"He's not a dog and he would never betray Allmight" Oh no Allmight he will kill me if im late the last time i was late i broke most of my bones at least 3 times over it was so painful.

My heart started beating so fast and i was shaking now that i'm panicking i have to get to the beach, i have to go now.

I opened the door and everyone was staring at me, no it doesn't matter i need to go.

"Izuuku you woke up" Toga said
"Jeez don't scare the kid he looks terrified already" Dabi shoved Toga a little when he said that but i just headed for the door, i need to leave before the training gets too bad.

I got to the door only for a gloved hand to push on it so i can't open it. "Sorry, but we can't let you leave, we don't want the pro's to find our base. Our plans are already ruined now that your in this state"

State? what does that mean? What state am i in? I could hear them all talking but all i can think about is all the pain ill have to go through if i dont leave, strange that im more scared of a hero than i am of all these villains.

My breathing was getting really fast and i was struggling to keep focused on what was happening.

I shook my head with my eyes closed tight "No, No i have to go, hell get mad if im late. I dont want it to hurt anymore, i have to get stronger, i'm too weak" I can't breath, I'm scared he'll be so mad, by this time i had tears streaming down my face.


"Kurogiri take us to my room, NOW" i had to calm him down he was having a panic attack i know how that feels.

Once we were in my room i gently guided him to sit on my bed i knelt down between his legs with my hands on the bed eather side of him.

"Izuku calm down, your safe, nobody will hurt you" He closed his eyes breathing hard shaking his head, "N-no he will b-be so mad i-if im late, it h-h-hurts to m-much, i don't w-want it a-anymore"

He was hyperventilating, i took the hand of my face so he could see me fully and put my hands on both his cheeks, "Izuku look at me" he shook his head still with his eyes closed.

"Izuku it's ok, just open your eyes and look at me" he slowly opened his eyes to look into mine, honestly i'm surprised he didn't cringe at my face like everyone else does when they look at me.

"That's good, now match your breathing with mine, your ok" we stayed like this for a few minutes he slowly calmed down.

Now that he was ok i was about to pull my hands away when he put his hands over mine, i flinched a little not expecting it.

"T-thank y-you, S-Shiggy" i was dumbfounded nobody and i mean nobody has ever called me by a nickname before let alone a really cute one like that.

As i took my hands away and stood up he spoke so softly "Why are you doing all of this" when i looked at him he was looking down a little he seemed shocked that someone would take care of him.

"We want to help you Izuku" ok i don't know why i said that, we were originally supposed to get info about Allmight and UA but i don't want to do that with him like this.

"Help? But why? Im just a useless deku"

681 words

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