Cpt 8 : Preparing

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          We had already told everyone that All for one was my dad, as you can imagine they were all shocked.

Now all i needed to do was tell them about the whole torture me and then get saved by hero's plan, how exciting.

"Ok. Everyone shut up we need to talk. All of you are going to use your quirks on me then daddy will heal me, Shiggy will use his on my chest too.

When we get to where the hero's will find me we will start with the plan. Then we will put newer injuries on me and BAM were in U.A. Any questions?"

They all started screaming about how they don't want to hurt me and asking Shiggy how he could allow this to happen to me. Now, i don't care about me but they are upsetting my baby.

I put on my scariest face and screamed at the top of my lungs "ALL OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP NOW, IF YOU UPSET MY SHIGGY I WILL KILL YOU."

Everyone stopped and looked at me scared except Shiggy who had came and pulled me into him, God i love having his arms around me.

"Now first of all it was MY idea to do this, second of all Shiggy is allowing me to do this because he knows i can handle it and third if any of you bitches go easy on me while using your quirks I'll get daddy to take them from you, understand?"

I smiled my sweetest smile at them and they all flinched nodding there heads.

"Wow son i don't think even i have made them this scared before" i hadn't even noticed when daddy walked into the room from next to me since i was so angry.

My eyes lit up when i saw him and i ran and jumped on him, my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"Daddy when did you get here?"
"Haha about the time you told everyone you would kill them if they upset "your shiggy" Daddy had his brow raised teasing me about what i said.

I jumped of him and walked to my baby and kissed him on the cheek "He is my shiggy, right baby?"

Shiggy smiled at me and hugged me from behind resting his head on my shoulder "Of course doll, and your my Zuku" he kissed my neck which made me giggle.

"Nothing better than seeing my two sons happy together" i smiled and leaned further into Shiggy.

             Its been a month and Izuku has mastered all the powers i gave him. Now we needed to get ready for the plan.

We made our way to the abandoned factory where Izuku will be found, we made sure the hero's would think this is where we've been keeping him.

Izuku wanted this to be as realistic as possible so he wanted to be tied down while we do this, he also wouldn't let me take away the pain he would be feeling.

I didn't enjoy watching my son screaming in pain but he kept telling me he was fine. When Toga was cutting him repeatedly she was crying her eyes out saying sorry non stop.

"Toga, you're not doing your best. It's ok i'm not going to hate you so i want you to hurt me as bad as you can ok?"

How is my son so strong if this was anyone else they would have gave up.

I was healing all his cuts making sure some looked more healed than others, they needed to think we have been doing this for months.

I know i can make all the scars disappear when he wants me to but it still pains me to see him like this.
"Son are you ok, we can take a break."

"No we need to keep going, I'm ok i promise. Thanks for healing me daddy"

I smiled at my son and as i was done with the healing.
Now it was Dabi who came in with toga crying in the corner.

It had been a few hours and the outfit he was wearing when we took him was in shreds with dried and wet blood all over it.

Dabi had burned him on his back and arms.

Shigaraki disintegrated his chest a little, not all the way just enough to see his muscle and nerves not the bone though. The mark was all over his left peck and reached over his shoulder before stopping at the top of his back.

I had to comfort Shigaraki after because he felt bad.

Izuku decided it wasn't enough and made compress steal his right eye, i healed it but not all the way as he told me.

Now we had to leave even though i really didn't want to.
My son had looked like he'd been through hell which in a sence he did but he was still smiling.

He had tear marks on his cheeks from the pain he went through and was breathing heavy.

"Thank you guys and I'm sorry i made you do this. I love you guys and I'll see you all soon."

We were all crying even Dabi. "I love you Zuku" my second son said "i love you too shiggy"

We all said our good byes and went through the portal, we were watching from cams we had set up just in case something went wrong.

930 words

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