Cpt 9 : Found Him

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Its been 2 months since one of my students was abducted and there have been no leads.

Its strange Allmight just keeps saying how his quirk needs to be back here, but he doesn't seem to care about the holder of it.

I miss my problem child, he was the light of the class.
Since he's been gone everyone's grades have come down and they have lost the compassion they had to become hero's.

Well most of them but Bakugou is telling everyone that the nerd will be fine and he'll come back.

I was in the middle of class when the door swung open making every one jump, When i looked up it was my husband Present Mic.

I was about to tell him off for interrupting when he said something that left everyone shocked.

"They know where Midoriya is" i was just staring at him in shock unable to say anything until Bakugou spoke up "Then lets go get him" he said flashing his trademark smirk.


When present mic came in and said they know where the nerd is i was so glad, "Then lets go get him" i said.

I am not letting him stay there any longer, I'll save him and then rub in his face how i was only captured for a day haha.
But i hope he is ok, not that i care.

The only students allowed to join the rescue was me, shitty hair, pink cheaks and speady.
The rest were pros and police.

The place they think he is was some kind of factory but now its abandoned and in a remote location so nobody really knew about it.

When we were a few miles away from the place i was getting angry, the pros kept saying we need to make sure there weren't any traps.

But its dark now and god knows what that shitty nerd had been through.

"Tch" shitty hair looked at me knowing what i was thinking and shook his head "no" but fuck that, I ran towards the building hearing Aizawa whisper shouting for me to stop.

When i got to the open double doors i froze, i couldn't see his face because his head was down but i could see blood all over him and his clothes completely ruined.

I couldn't move i could feel the others getting closer and seeing the same sight as me hearing all the gasps.


Dammit of course Bakugou would run in there without thinking, i was trying to tell him to stop but he just kept running.

I followed him making sure there was no villains around when i noticed he stopped dead in his tracks a look of pure terror on his face.

Kirishima noticed too because he ran to him.
I followed behind only to be stuck staring at the sight he had found.

It killed me to see my student like this, he didn't deserve any of this.

Someone had found a light switch turning it on, only to be frozen again as we could see more cleary now.

He had scars all over his body.
Blood pouring out of new ones, i could see his chest which had obviously been the victim of Shigaraki's quirk.

He had bad burns on his arms from what i can see and his head was drooped down looking towords his lap.

Slowly he started raising his head, when he did i saw Kirishima crying and trying to help Bakugou stay on his feet.
I could have cried too.

His right eye was missing, blood stained down that side of his face.

His other eye looked drained of life, how could they do this. Everyone was too stunned to move, even being a pro hero none of us had ever been through something like this.

Weve never even seen it.
I was brought out of my thoughts by Izuku's voice "Ai-za-wa" His voice was croaking he could barely get the words out.

He started sobbing looking directly at me what he said next broke my heart.

"Y-yo-u C-a-me" he was waiting to be saved from this, he was just waiting for us to come for him this whole time.

I ran to him and untied him from the chair telling him he was going to be ok, the next few hours were a blur.

Everyone was rushing to stop the bleeding and trying to calm his friends. Uraraka was screaming his name with tears pouring from her eyes.

I couldn't let go of him i held on for dear life, scared he would disappear.

Next thing i know we're at the hospital with my student in a bed all bandeged up.

794 words

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