Cpt 16 : Traitor?

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I've been in my room for the last month feeling really depressed, i couldn't get in touch with Denks or Shiggy.

The teachers were keeping too close watch on me, at least the class believes im upset about what happened.

Im really missing my boys, i know they will be taking care of each other while im not around so that makes me feel a little better. I just want to be with them.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a loud knock on my door "OI DEKU, THE SLEEPY CAT WANTS TO TALK TO EVERYONE"

I got out of my bed and out the door. I just nodded at Bakugou and followed him to the common room.

Everyone looked up worriedly at me i just huffed and sat on Kirishimas lap.

No not in that way, Kiri has been visiting me and keeping me company and making sure im ok since Denks got "kidnapped"

Kiri had his arms around my waist while i had my head on his shoulder.

Nobody said anything since I've been quite touchy, then Aizawa walked in with Nezu next to him.

"Alright I'm not going to beat around the bush so I'll just say it straight up. We have a U.A traiter"

Everyone then started looking suspiciously at each other and i just had to pretend i didn't know who the traitor is or should i say traitors?

The truth is there are 2 other people who joined the League after they realized we were trying to fix the world.

Guess i need to start acting "Do you know who?" Everyone looked at me then the teacher for the answer. "Not right now but we know its someone in this class" Aizawa said.

I got off Kiri and he tried to stop me leaving while the class started shouting at me that it wasn't them

I turned to the class with tears falling down my face "SHUT IT, if i find out who the traiter is I'll kill you for taking my Denks from me" i grabbed Kiri and stormed into my room and layed on my bed with him.

"I know your upset but you will see them both soon when they attack again, they miss you too Izuku" Kiri said hugging me "i know i just want to be with them. There my whole world"



Today we are attacking the class to get my baby back and bring the traitors as well since Nezu is getting close to figuring out who they are.

"Dont worry we'll get him back" Tomu said kissing my temple "i know i just miss him" i leaned into him and he hugged me.

We all got ready and i was nervous to see Izu since I've changed my look i now have black hair and a yellow Lightning bolt, i also have a couple piercings.

My outfit for when we get him is a black dress shirt with the top couple buttons undone. I have a white blazer and black ripped jeans.

Honestly i feel really hot and if Tomu giving me a hot make out session while grabbing my butt is anythimg to go by then i think he agrees.

"Ok lets go get our precious boy back from them morons" I said and everyone got ready to head out.

We stepped through the portal and saw the class on the field training, the second Izu saw us he had tears in his eyes and made his way towords us.


The second i saw my boys i started tearing up i took a step forward when Aizawa stopped me "Izuku i don't think this is the same Kaminari we know"

I pushed his hand away and powered up One for all "oh its my baby all right" I grinned and ran to Denks and kissed him with my hands wrapped around his neck.

He had his arms around my waist by now we were both crying i felt a second pair of hands wrap around us.

I broke the kiss and saw my Tomu smiling at me i put my left arm around his neck kissing him while still holding Denks with my right arm.

I looked back at the class to see their reactions some were crying mostly that slut Uraraka.

Some were angry while Aizawa looked almost distraught but he hid it well.

"Lets go home doll" tomu said to me. We left with the traitors Kachan and Kirishima who are currently dating. I know right shocking.

I stuck my middle finger up at Uraraka and said before we left "Suck it bitch you never had a chance with me"

She looked hurt but whatever. Kachan gave me a fist bump  and we all left laughing.

When we got through the portal Kota jumped on me and i hugged him tight telling him i won't leave again.

835 words

A.N. the next chapter will be the last

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