Cpt 12 : Heartbreak

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My little doll is coming to visit the league today with his new best friend Kaminari.
I can't wait to see him again.

I've been sitting on this stupid stall waiting for about an hour since Zuku wanted to show Kaminari how to get here in case of emergencies.

"Aww what's up handy man, you miss your little puppy?" Dabi has been teasing me all day.
I was about to say something when the door opened.

My Zuku walked in holding hands with Kaminari.
I smiled when i saw him, I'm so glad he is happy.

"Shiggy, baby" Izuku ran to me and kissed me placing his hands in my hair, i smirked into the kiss and slapped his ass.

He yelped and giggled still clinging to me "Behave Shiggy, you can have me all you want later"

"Mmm good, i have some plans for you. You look beautiful"
I kissed his cheek and admired his outfit.

He was wearing a black mini dress that hugged his curves perfectly with white thigh high heals. And man, I just wanted to take him right here on the bar.

"Alright everyone, This is my best friend and our new family member Kaminari Denki. He is really fun and he helps me with my clothes sometimes hehe."

Everyone said hello to Kaminari he was a nice boy.

Kaminari was sat on the chair in front of me with Dabi on his left and Toga on his right, Kurogiri was behind the bar of course and Zuku was sat on the bar with an arm over my shoulder giving me kisses every once in a while.

It was around time for dinner when toga and Kurogiri left for a job so it was just the four of us. We all ate and chatted about stupid stories and silly things we did in the past.

At some point Dabi and Kaminari left to "explore" the base.
I sat on the sofa and pulled Zuku onto my lap so he was straddling me.

I don't know how he can look at me like I'm his favourite person in the world. Zuku cupped my face in his hands and started stroking my face and studying my features.

I was getting worried that maybe he was thinking i look strange, i mean my skin is dry and my face lookes tired and my lips are cracked.

"Something wrong?" I asked a little concerned. He shook his head and smiled, he is so cute. "Your just so handsome, whenever i look into your eyes i feel safe. I love you baby"

God this kid is going to be the death of me, "I love you too doll, more than anything."

I placed a chaste kiss on his lips, Zuku soon started deepening the kiss pulling my neck so we could be closer together.

I held onto his waist digging my fingers into him a little, he moaned into my mouth making me groan.

I was about to ask him if he wanted to go to our room but Kaminari came in looking a little upset.

"Kami, what's wrong hun?"  I don't know why i didn't feel jealous at Zuku's nickname for him but i just didn't.

"Izuuu" he started crying and of course Zuku ran to hug him, i don't know what happened but i feel bad for him.

I came towards them and joined the hug, Now Kaminari was sandwiched between Zuku and i.  I heard him gasp at first but then he relaxed, haha cute....WAIT WHAT? Did i just think Kaminari was cute.

Whatever it doesn't matter right now "Lets all go to my room we can talk there and don't worry its soundproof so nobody will hear"

Kaminari nodded i wiped his tears and Zuku smiled at me while he had his arm around Kaminari's waist.

When we were in the room i gave Zuku a change of clothes so he could be more comfortable and sat on the bed next to Kaminari.

I watched him change checking out his body till he stood there in just some booty shorts and a crop top. I looked down to see Kaminari blushing, im not suprised since my baby boy is hot as shit.

Izuku sat on the bed and pulled Kaminari onto his lap, I sat next to Zuku and wrapped my arms around him and Kaminari.

"What happened Kami?" Kaminari was blushing like crazy but he shook it off and answered "Dabi....he likes Toga"

Ah i see, it sucks when your crush doesn't like you back, "Im sorry hun, but don't cry your amazing any man would be lucky to have you"

Kaminari nodded "Dolls right y'know, your really fun to be around and when you smile the room feels lighter, not to mention your super cute. You'll find someone and he will know how great you are."

Zuku and Kaminari both looked shocked and then smiled at me "Baby that was so cute" Zuku said grinning.

I rolled my eyes and got changed, i handed Kaminari a yellow jumper i had "Here get changed, we can get some sleep and you'll feel better tomorrow".

He changed looking a little shy that we were watching, "Am i um....sleeping in here" shit why are these guys so cute.

"Sure, we can all cuddle. My shiggy likes to snuggle right baby?" He kissed my lips and smirked.

"Yes i like cuddling, Kaminari do you want to go next to Zuku or in the middle? I don't mind."

"Ah..umm...the middle please."
I smiled at him and we all got in bed.

When we were all in i pulled Kaminari closer his back pressed against my chest with Zuku snuggled up to his stomach it was so cute. We slept like that till we woke up the next day.

978 words

Three's The Charm Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora