Chapter 2

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A week later...

Y/n's POV

I already met with Diggy and he is so sexy! I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. So me, Hope, and other people get to stay over at Diggy's family home. Diggy is such a sweet guy and he is also single. When he told me that I was jumping up and down in the inside but kept cool on the outside. Once all my clothes were packed I put my suitcase into my all black Benz.

Heather: Wow! You are going to see the Simmons family.

Y/n: Yea.

Heather: *hugs Y/n* I'm going to miss you Y/n.

Y/n: *hugs back* Me too...Mom. *smiles*

I can feel her smiling really hard. I have been doing some thinking and decided to realize that they adopted me for a reason. They are my real family now. My biological dad didn't want me when my mom died but my foster family does.

Y/n: Tell dad I said bye.

Heather: *crys happy tears* You make me feel like the most happiest and proudest foster parent ever!

I smile and hug her one last time. I get into my car and drive off. I have Diggy's number so I texted him to send me the address.

👑Y/nBabyyyyy👑~Could you send me your address?


Diggy sent me his address and I put it in my GPS. I drove there and his family's house was huge! It was nice all around. I parked my car got my suitcase. I walk to the front door and knock. Diggy answers the door with only his sweatpants on and no shirt. Damn he is so sexy.

Diggy: Hey!

Y/n: Hey Diggy! Did anyone come yet?

Diggy: Nah it's just you. Let me carry these up to your room. Follow me. *grabs your suitcase*

I follow Diggy to my room and everything had Diggy in it.

Y/n: You sure this is my room? *confused*

Diggy: *chuckles* I didn't mean separate rooms. My mom told me that you sleep in my room with me.

Y/n: Ok. *giggles* Where do I sleep?

Diggy: On my bed. I'll sleep on the couch. My mom upgraded my room so...You can put your stuff in my walk through closet.

Y/n: Ok. *picks up suitcase*

I went inside his walk through closet and my oh my! It was huge in here! Luckily, if I had this closet it would've been fully cause half of his walk through closet was empty.

Y/n: My space if over here. *unpacks clothes*

Once I was done half of his walk through closet was filled with my clothes and shoes of course. I set my stuff up just like his to match a little. Don't call me crazy but his closet looks a lot more better.

Diggy: Trying to match me?

Y/n: *jumps a little and holds her chest* Damn! You almost scared the shit out of me.

Diggy: My bad.

Y/n: Well, I tried to match a little. It looks a lot more better than it use to cause it was so empty in here. Good thing I packed a ton of clothes and shoes. *giggles*

Diggy: *chuckles* Well ok then. It does kinda look better in here.

Y/n: Duh!

Me and Diggy chilled until everyone else arrived. We talked and got to know each other.

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