Chapter 4

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Y/n's POV

Me and Diggy went up to his room and started to make out. Next thing you know Diggy starts to take off my clothes but I'm not ready and we are taking this wayyy too fast.

Y/n: *stops kissing him* Diggy?

Diggy: Hm?

Y/n: Don't you think....That we're going too fast?

Diggy: *shrugs* Not really. Look, I wasn't gonna have sex with you until we officially trust one another and go on multiple dates.

Y/n: *smiles* Ok. I want my clothes on and we can still make out tho.

Diggy: *smiles* Ok.

Me and Diggy started to make out again.

Hope's POV

Me and Jessie go up to Diggy's room where Y/n and Diggy went. We tip toed to his door and listen.

Y/n: Mmmm. I love your lips. *giggles*

Diggy: *chuckles* Not as much as I love yours tho.

Y/n: *giggles*

Diggy: You are so cute. Come here. My lips want more!

Y/n: Ok.

I listen and all I hear is lips smacking. Tears began to fill up my eyes as I hear Y/n and Diggy kissing.

Jessie: You ok?

Hope: *sniffs and wipes tears away* I don't know anymore....

I get up and go to my room. Jessie didn't bother to follow because she knows that I need some time alone. I closed the door and locked it. I lay in my bed for probably like 4 hours! I don't care anymore. Y/n didn't even like Diggy or know anything about him! She knew that I loved him more and knew everything, as in EVERYTHING about Diggy! I loved him so much and Y/n ruins everything. She ruined my chance with Diggy.

Y/n's POV

It's been 4 hours and Hope hasn't been downstairs yet. I was beginning to worry until Jessie came to me.

Jessie: Can we talk?

Y/n: Uh...Yea sure. *gets up and walks with Jessie to the hallway*

Jessie: What were you thinking?!

Y/n: What? *confused*

Jessie: You hurt Hope so bad. That's why you haven't seen her for 4 hours!

Y/n: What did I do???

Jessie: We heard you and Diggy kissing. Don't try to act like you don't know! Hope is upstairs crying her heart out and you didn't even bother to think how she would feel if she found out about you two. *crosses arm across her chest*

Y/n: Look Jessie, me and Diggy aren't a thing. It was a accident. *shrugs*

Jessie: An accident? An accident?! Oh, I remember when you said this! Mmmm I love your lips. *fake giggles*

Y/n: *sighs* Please don't tell her anything else about us. That would just make things worse.

Jessie: *scoffs* Please, she already heard enough about what you two did to make things worse. You better go apologize to her or I will cause problems. *threatens you*

Y/n: Are you threatening me? You better watch your step Jessie. *angry*

Jessie: No. You better watch your step! *walks off mean mugging you*

Y/n: Ugh! *walks off*

I go upstairs to Hope's room to see how she was doing. I knocked on her door and waited for her to answer. She opened the door and her eyes were bloodshot red.

Y/n: You ok?

Hope: Can we talk in here? *sniffs*

Y/n: Yea. *walks in Hope's room*

I sit on her bed while Hope sat next to me.

Hope: *begins to cry* How could you?

Y/n: I'm sorry Hope. It was an mistake, me and Diggy aren't a thing.

Hope: But you kissed him. You knew nothing about him! You knew that I loved him wayyy longer, knew wayyy more than you, and even mentioned him wayyy more than you! Y/n you are like my best friend in the world! This was my opportunity to finally have a chance with Diggy. But...*sighs and looks down* You have him now.

Y/n: *sighs* Hope I'm sorry...

Hope: It's ok. *wipes tears away and smiles at you* You need someone in your life anyway. You're always lonely and I want you to be happy. Maybe you could ask Diggy to hook me up with Trevor sexy ass.

Y/n: *laughs* Ok.

Hope: *hugs you* I'm sorry.

Y/n: Me too. *hugs back*

I left Hope's room and went down to Jessie.

Y/n: Ha! Hope forgave me now watch your step bitch!

Jessie: Whatever bitch! Fuck you!

Y/n: Nah bitch, not tonight!

Jessie: You gon learn today! *jumps on Y/n*

I punch her in her nose causing her to fall off my back to the floor. She held her nose as blood came out. I punched her some more and stopped after she didn't fight back.

Y/n: What was that bitch? Hm....Oh yea! I just beat your ass up! Now go upstairs and get your dirty ass cleaned up!

Jessie runs upstairs crying while Diggy ran to me.

Diggy: Wtf just happen?!

Y/n: Taught that bitch a lesson. *smirks*

Diggy: Damn you sexy. *bites bottom lip and pulls you close* Now can daddy teach you a lesson?

Y/n: *moves legs around a little* What did I say tho?

Diggy: Ugh! *throws head back* Fine, I'm sorry you just got me turned on. How am I gonna fix this tho? *points down to his pants*

Y/n: *bites bottom lip when you look down at his pants* Damn...

Diggy: I know you want it and you can get some tonight. *smirks*

Y/n: I'll be right back! *runs upstairs*

Diggy?! Why?! My area is twitching like crazy! I need to stop it before I do something I might regret.

Diggy's POV

When Y/n ran upstairs I walked upstairs to hear moaning in my bathroom. It was Y/n! Damn her moans are sexy asf! I put my hands in my pants and stroke him while Y/n kept moaning.

Y/n: Ahhhh! *moaning*

Diggy: *groans* Mhm keep going....*strokes faster*

Y/n: Ah shit! *breathing heavy*

Diggy: *nuts in his hands* Damn....

I walk inside the bathroom and Y/n smirked.

Y/n: I know you heard me. *smirking*

Diggy: Sure did. And this is what happens. *points to his hand*

Y/n: Wow. Wash your hands! I know you feel better too. *chuckles*

Diggy: *washing his hands* Sure do. *chuckles*

When I was done washing my hands me and Y/n went back to my room and chilled watching movies.

Y/n: Hey Dig?

Diggy: Yes?

Y/n: I was wondering...Could you hook up Hope with Trevor?

Diggy: Idk. He might still be with Zendaya but Ima see what he says.

Y/n: Ok. *lays head back on his chest*

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