Chapter 6

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Hope's POV

I couldn't get what Jessie said out of my head! It was driving me nuts! Why would Y/n do something like that? I don't know what to believe but Ima find out myself. I brought 5 different pregnancy tests for Y/n to take. I know this sounds bad but I just want the truth and to not stress so much. I go to Y/n and Diggy's room.

Hope: *knocks on the door*

Y/n: *opens the door and smiles* Hey Hope! Wassup?

Hope: Um...Can we talk in my room? Alone?

Y/n: Uh sure. Dig, I'll be right back.

Diggy: aight!

Y/n closes the door and comes with me to my room. She sat down my bed as I grab a bag full of the 5 different pregnancy tests.

Y/n: What did you wanna talk about?

Hope: Ok, Jessie came to my room the other night and told me that Diggy got you pregnant.

Y/n: You really believe that bitch?! *a little mad*

Hope: Not really...I just wanted to see the truth myself. So I brought 5 different pregnancy tests.

Y/n: What the actual fuck Hope?!

Hope: I'm sorry Y/n! It's just driving me crazy and I need to know!

Y/n: Even if Diggy got me pregnant, wouldn't you be happy for me?

Hope: *hesitates*

Y/n: Hope, I thought you was happy for me and Diggy. You said that me and Diggy are meant for each other and you was over him. *stands up and puts hands on her hips*

Hope: I know but...*sighs* You know that Diggy has been my MCM for like, forever! Now here we are and I had my chance to be with him. But you take him just like that! I'm sorry but I don't want you to be my manager no more.

Y/n: What?! *shocked*

Hope: I'm sorry but you're fired! Me and the crew will leave here tomorrow morning. Get out! *crying a little*

Y/n: *eyes begins to water* Fine! I can't believe you would do this to me! We were Bestfriends and here you are throw it away in my face. Just because of what Jessie said?! *begins to walk out but looks back* Just so you know...I'm not pregnant. *closes door*

I don't mean to do this to her but I wasn't happy about Y/n and Diggy at all. I tried to get over him but I can't. I just can't...

Y/n's POV

I walk into Diggy's room crying hard. Diggy ran to me as I slid down to the floor.

Diggy: Babe? What happened?

Y/n: I got fired...*crying harder*

Diggy: For what? You are such a good manager. *holds you close*

Y/n: I know but...*sighs* Jessie told Hope that I was pregnant by you and Hope believed her.

Diggy: *pissed and breathing gets intense* Why tf would Jessie do some type of shit like that?! You are such a good person and hands business well!

Y/n: I know, but Jessie only hates me for taking you and not Hope. I'm telling that Hope loved you more than anything and I didn't have a clue who the fuck you was! I'm so dumb! Hope deserves you more than me!

Diggy: No. Don't say that. *caresses your cheek* I do deserve you. Hope and Jessie are nothing but jealous bitches! They just know that they can't never be like you or my type. *smirks*

Y/n: *smiles a little* Thanks Dig. But Hope was my Bestfriend and Jessie ruined it! Also, guess what?

Diggy: What?

Y/n: Hope wanted to talk to me about the whole pregnancy thing and I saw her grab a bag. I didn't know what was in it but she told me that there was 5 different pregnancy tests in the bag. She wanted me to take those tests but I refused to do so.

Diggy: Wow, that's crazy.

Y/n: I know right.

Diggy: Come here.

I look up at Diggy and kiss him. He deepens the kiss, it wasn't just any kiss...This kiss meant something. It was like a caring, so passionate, and loving kiss. I could tell that Diggy loves me more than himself. Just like me...I love Diggy with all my heart and I'm pretty glad that me and a Diggy hooked up together because...We were meant for each other.

The next morning....

Hope's POV

I already packed my stuff and so has the crew. Jessie was in here helping me take the boxes downstairs.

Jessie: So...Was Y/n pregnant? *smirks*

Hope: No. I don't think so...*sighs*

Jessie: Look, you fired her and you should be happy. Y/n was a shitty manager and a shitty friend.

Hope: No she isn't! Shut up Jessie!

Jessie: Then why did you fire her? Why are you mad at her? Just tell me why!!!

Hope: You wanna know why so bad?! Because she took the man I loved! That's why I fired her!!!! Just get out of my sight!!!

Jessie put her hands up in defense and took my last box. I went downstairs to see Y/n and Diggy. Y/n looked at me then looked down while Diggy just shook his head when he saw me. I felt terrible but this felt right at the same time. Y/n took the man I loved and I took her away from her job. Now that I fired her there is no way that I will see her anymore. Bye bitches!!!!!! Hello new life!

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