Chap. 25. I feel safe.

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I know I say this a lot but again sorry for the delay.



Its been few hours since leaving Wisteria, and still another hour or so to go. The sun had started setting and it was getting more cold out. This is the first time that I've travelled this far only on a horse. Normally I would be in the carriage with my parents but I'm on my own now.

"Should we stop somewhere to find a place for the night, Princess?" Jun called out from beside me. 

"That would probably be a good idea..." I hesitated 

"What? you seam unsure of something" Jun said

I looked up at the sky still seeing a bit of daylight. "I just-" 

"What is it?" Jun spoke again with concern in his voice

"I just really want to see him" I started to get teary eye considering I haven't seen Raji in so long. "All I want to do is run into his arms and hug him so tight and never let go" My heart was beating like crazy. I really am in love with him

"Then let keep on riding." Jun broke the silence with a chippy voice. "id say we still have an hour of sun, so we should be able to make it far enough before it gets too dark to ride." Jun started laughing

"what?? Whats so funny" I shouted and punched him in the arm since our horses were close enough.

"its nothing" he wipes his tears from laughing. a huge grin on his face appeared later on "you're too cute. Young love ha" he laughed

"ohh shut up" I said out of embarrassment. "lets just get a move on"

I could still hear him chuckle a little bit but soon his horse took off in front of mine. I laughed a little too. I wonder if this is what it feels like to have an older brother. This bond that Jun and I have created is totally different from Zen and I. I feel safe. 


An hour now has gone by since we decided to move on. The sun had now set and it was dark. We kept on a well light path which could be a good and bad thing. These paths were notorious for bandits and thieves. Take me meeting Jun for example, something like that could happen again. 

"hey Jun" I called out and caught up to him now side by side.

"what's up princess" he asked still looking ahead

"I think when were out like this in the open, it would be best to drop the 'princess'." I said getting a little nervous. He turned towards me with worry in his eyes

"yes it would be best" he spoke calmly. noticing my worry. "are you worried"

All I did was nod. He took note right aways and gave me a warm smile. So I smiled back. not the best smile but it was good enough to make me feel a little better.

"You're in good hands. I'll make sure nothing happens to you. okay?" he spoke again. I nodded again.  

We kept on the move and a steady trot. we stayed silent and focused on just getting to our destination. But I became more paranoid by the minute. Im sure nothing will happen since I'm not alone this time but still thinking about what happened last time I didn't want to take any chances. 

"Look!" Jun said with excitement "We made it"

I looked up to see Raji castle lighting up the sky. My heart started beating again. Faster then usual. Whats this feeling, excitement? No. Happy, No. Relief, No. 

"I'm nervous all of a sudden" I said stopping my horse. Jun noticed and turned his horse around and walked up beside me. "I don't know why but I'm really nervous" I'm starting to feel sick

"is this your first time seeing him since your parents approved of you guys?" Jun hit the bullseye. 

I never really thought this trough myself. I had so much adrenaline the past two days that I never actually thought about it. Whats going to happens when see him? Doubts started building up in my mind. 

"hey listen." Jun spoke pulling me out of my thoughts. "don't worry about it. do you love him?"

His words took me by surprise " I do. I love him so much"

"then what do you have to worry about." he paused "if I had a second chance with the one I love then I wouldn't hesitate for a second. I know its scary actually committing to something now but once you brake that nervous jitters and confess, a huge weight on your shoulders will lift off and it'll be worth it"

He's right, nothing in this world would make me happier. When I first heard that I would be marrying a complete bonehead of a prince I was furious, but I got to know him. The real him and nothing made me happier. He has done nothing but treat me right and actually try to be better. My mind was now clear and my heart slowed a little. Now I'm excited. 

"Let's go" I said and galloped away.

"Alright" Jun smiled

 I could feel the wind in my hair and cooling my face off. I'm ready for what lies ahead. 


Hope you enjoyed it. 

And thank you for those being patient with me. no amount of sorry could amount to the time I've let this story just sit and your guys waiting. Im trying my best.





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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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