Chap. 18. My Happiness

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I wrote this at 2 in the morning so if it don't make sense let me know otherwise 



It's been weeks since I left Raji's. There isn't much I can say bout how those fews weeks that I've been home. well, lets just say, there hasn't been a day that goes by where I don't cry, or have a hard time sleeping, or days where I just stay in bed. My life has become quite depressing to be honest. And my parents, they just went back to their everyday routines. 

"Heartless bastards" I whispered under my breath. I had decided to go for a walk around our garden. I think today if the first day I actually leave me room. Today was surprisingly nice out, the sun was shining and hot, no clouds and a nice cool breeze. 

This reminded me of when we went to the park with Rona and Eugena. I sat down on a bench and tilted my head back, feeling the sun ray tanning my face. 

I could remember as if it was yesterday. From when Raji was sleeping on the chair and his siblings scared him, to me stupidly walking into a branch and falling. And even when I fell asleep beside him on the blanket at the park. All those memories stuck and I was hoping to make lots more.

"what am I doing?" I open my eyes and sat up on the bench. My thought are so clear and haven't change at all so "What am I still doing here?" 

I jolted up from the bench and ran back towards the castle. I need to go back to him. He's the only thing that make me happy. And I don't want to lose that happiness. 

As I ran into the castle, I bumped into my parents. They were shocked to see me. "Why are you running?" My mother asked. 

"I'm leaving" I pushes pass them and headed towards my room. I just need a few thing to pack and then I'm leaving. 

"what do you mean you're leaving?" My mother continued. they followed me to my room. 

I ignore her and grabbed a bag and started throwing some things in it. My mother came up to me and grabbed my wrist. "you better not be thinking about going back to him" she said with anger in her voice. 

I stayed quiet for a second. I started debating oh what I'm actually doing but then his face flashed in my mind. "I am" I yanked my wrist from her hold and threw my bag over my shoulders and walked pass them again and out of my room. I kept a fast-ish pace hearing towards the stables. I could hear them following behind and my mom yelling some nonsense. 

"Mother please shut up!" I yelling turning around fast. This took both of them by surprise. 

"I beg your pardon?" she said fuming

"Mother, I can't do this anymore." I turned around again and went to my horse in the stable. I settled him up and walked towards the gates. 

"y/n stop this instance" my mother yelled again 

I got to the gate and one of the bell boy held onto my horse for me. I walked towards my mother. I couldn't take it anymore. "you don't get it do you?" I said. I could feel tear forming in my eyes and that awful feeling in your throat when you have to try. 

"do you not see how unhappy I am here? how blind do you need to be to see that your only child is depressed? I love you both so much but I cant do this anymore." I turned around and faced my horse. "I love Prince Raji. I really do and being away from him is killing me. so I'm going to him."

"I don't want you around that family anymore" she said

"Its not your choice anymore" I screamed, tears were now streaming down my cheeks "you wanted me to marry him in the first pace and told me that I would fall for him one day and I have but you clearly don't see it? I was happy with them. they felt like home for me and they accepted me. so I'm going back." I hopped onto my horse "disown me if you want I don't care. But just know I love you and I hope you can accept the one mistake they did"

They didn't say anything. My father was the most quiet of all but he walked up to me on my horse and grabbed my hand. He didn't say anything at first but then looked up at me with a smile. "I want you to be happy" he said 

I was caught of guard. "if that prince really does make you happy then go to him" he continued 

"dear I don't think-" 

"Thats enough of you" My father screamed cutting off my mother. "I want what's best for our daughter and if that means we need to let her go then that's what we are going to do." he looked back up at me "please be safe, and make sure to write to us. Y/n I am so proud of you and I love you so much"

"Father" I whipped the tears from my eyes and grabbed onto his hand "thank you"

"Now go before it gets too dark" He said kissing the back of my hand and letting go. 

I kicked the sides of my horse and he rode off out of the castle grounds. as we rode I turned around one last time and as if it was deja vu, my father was the last I saw before getting out of view.

"Thank you father"


Sorry for the wait!

How everyones quarantine life going?? lmao out of my 20 years of living, I never thought id see the day of us going in total lockdown because of a cold. cracks me up!

ANYWAYS hope all of well for y'all. hope you are staying safe and staying clean!! 




Ains :)

Arranged marriage (Prince Raji x Reader) SLOW UPDATESDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora