Chap. 17. I love him

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im gonna apologize in advance. sorryyyyyyyyyy this chapter is gonna brake you heart



"I love him"

Everyone stood dumbfounded by the sudden words that I just said. I was even caught at what I said. My hand went right to covering my mouth as soon as I said it. I was frozen.

"You-- you do" Raji said standing by my side with a blush across his face. I looked back down at the floor and my hands dropped. I can't believe I'm admitting this but I do. I'm in love with the stupid prince.

"yes I do" I turned to him and stared in his eyes. my eyes started to water. knowing my parents will probably not care and still want me home. Raji suddenly pulled me into a hug. His arms wrapping above my shoulders. I leaned my forehead into his chest and grabbed onto his shirt by his sides.

"I'm not going to say it again. Please y/n go pack your bags" My mother said. My heart dropped.

"oh cmon don't be ridiculous. don't you see how happy they are? You're willing to separate them after that?" Raji Father spoke.

"This is none of your concern anymore." My mother continued

Raji tighten his grip around me. "I won't let you take her" Raji spat. I looked up to him and he was glaring at my mother. I looked over to my parents. My mother was fuming in anger while my father stood there facing the ground. I let go of Raji and walked up my Father.

"Please Father." I looked up at him and I could tell he was hurting. He looked at me in the eyes and smiled but it faded quick.

"Please do as your mother said. We are leaving." With that he walked out of the room. I could see Zen, Shirayuki, Kiki and Mistuhide standing outside the door in shock. I'm assuming they heard everything.

I felt defeated. I walked out of the room as well and headed towards the stares to my room.

"y/n?" Zen called out. I kept my head down and walked passed them. I could hear the pain in his voice.

I got to my room and closed the door. With my back on the door I slid down to the floor and started crying. I cant believe this.

- - -

I finished packing my bags and headed back downstairs. I got outside to see everyone there, standing by the carriage. I went to Zen and the gang first. Zen gave me hug but I didn't hug back.

"its going to be alright" he said hugging me tighter. "well figure this out" he let me go and looked down at me. I gave a weak smile which made him frown even more. I hugged the rest of them then moved on. Raji sibling were next. Both of them were crying.

"Hey don't cry its okay" I said choking on my own words. I got down to their level and they gave me a hug. I hugged them back.

"I was excited to have a big sister" Rona said

"Me too" Eugena added.

"well see each other again" a lie

"promise?" they both said. I only nodded.

I got up as they ran to their Father. He gave a weak smile. "I was looking forward to you being around more often." King Shenazard said

"thank you for the lovely hospitality, your highness" I bowed and move on.

Next. and last. Was Raji.

I stood in front of him. I was at a loss of words. I could feel the tears coming again. He pulled me into a hug. It felt different this time. It felt like it would be the last time. Which it will be.

"I- I'm sorry" he spoke into my neck. I could feel his tears rolling down my shoulders.

"Hey" I pulled out of the hug and held onto his cheek. I brushed my thumb over his cheek and wiped the tear away. "this isn't goodbye." he looked into my eyes and grabbed my cheeks with his hands. He pulled me in and kissed me softly. This kiss was special. and mostly likely the last.

We let go. his hand went to mine and held it. I gave him a smile and started to walk off. he pulled me back into one last hug "ill come find you" he whispered into my ear. He finally let go of me and I walked away.

I got to the carriage and my father stood at the door. I couldn't even look at him. I got in and sat at the back. He soon followed and both my parents sat across from me.

The carriage stared to move. I turned around and looked out the window. Everyone stood outside still watching the carriage go. Raji was the closet and the only one I watched as we slowly became out of view.

and then he was gone.

My heart is broken.


lmao so is mine.

Sorry for the long wait again. shit been tough for me lately and I haven't had any time.

I hope y'all understand.




love you <3

Ains (:

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