Chap. 15. I Liked It

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The night went as normally as any. After having a talk with Zen and Shirayuki, they made me realize that a first kiss will never be the greatest. Sometimes it'll be awkward, or bad, or even the best ever.

We all sat in the common room and continued our chatting. Zen and Raji started a game of chest and Kiki, Mitsuhide and Sakaki sat close to watch.

Obi, Shirayuki and I sat on the couch in front of a fire place. We started chatting about thing going on in the world. And every so often I would look over and Raji and we would make eye contact and every time I would look away blushing. This would happen ever maybe 10 minutes.

"okay so are you going to tell us how it happened?" Shirayuki asked. i was flustered at her out of no were question.

"how what happened" Obi asked leaning into our conversation. I gave him a look and he backed off. "oh about you kissing-" I threw a pillow at him cutting him off.

"don't say it so loudly" I said sinking myself into the couch. "fine ill say it"

"yay" Shirayuki said and sat closer to me. Obi also sat closer to listen in. So I told them.

"you walked out on him without saying anything?" Obi laughed. I glared at him once again and grabbed a pillow. he stopped laughing and apologized.

"that's why I felt awkward all day. it had nothing to do about the kiss, it was just the fact I walked out without saying something" I started blushing and covered my face with me hands.

"oh that's okay y/n. I did the same when Zen first kissed me. I think I honestly scared him" she giggled "he kissed me out of no were and I just didn't say anything to him for a few days"

We laughed at each other stupid moves. It was nice talking to other people for once. Being coupe up in this castle made me miss people my own age. Not that handing out with Raji siblings was a bad thing, it just get a little lonely at times.

"Hey it's getting late" Zen said walking up to us. The other were right behind him. "Shirayuki, wanna go for a walk" She nodded and they parted leaving Raji, Sakaki and I.

"well-" don't be awkward y/n "I'm going to bed" dammit. I got up and headed for the stares.

"wait y/n" Raji called after me and grabbed my arm before I was too far. I turned on my heels and faced him. I couldn't read him. "come with me"

"okay" He lead me outside to the fountain in the garden. As we headed there, I saw Shirayuki and Zen walking passed. They both looked in my direction and gave me a thumbs up. wow nice.

Once arrived we sat down. I was extremely nervous. I have no idea how he's going to react. maybe I should explain first why I walked out. or maybe I should jut stay quiet and let him talk.


"I--" we both said at he same time. "you first" he said with a little laugh.

"I- ugh" c'mon now isn't the time to be at a loss of words. spit it out. "Im sorry I walked out on you earlier, I got nervous and I should have said something but I wasn't thinking straight and I feel so embarrassed but you have to understand it was my first time and I really liked it but got nervous and Im ---" he pressed a finger to my lips making me stop talking.

"I liked it too" he smiled. A slight blush crossed over his cheeks and so did mine.

"so what do we do now" I asked looking down at my hands. He reached other and grabbed my hands into his own. I lifted my head and stared into his eyes. There was a slight shimmer to them. A sparkle I've never seen before.

"Enjoy it" he smiled and pulled me closer. He pulled me into a hug. His arms wrapped around my back holding me tight. I rapped mine around his waist. We sat there hugging for a few minutes. Being in someones hold, really made me feel safe and happy.

We let go of our hug and gave each other a smile. His hand went up to my cheek, tucking my hair behind my ear. He leaned in and so did I. We kiss for the second time. This time it was different. It was softer than before. I can't explain it but it was just better.

Things will change now. It'll change for the good.

We both let go again and leaving out foreheads connected. My heart was beating at a normal pace now. I was feeling normal again. almost as if this was meant to be. 

We left the fountain and he walked me to my room. The entire walk, he kept my hand in his. Once we got to my room, he kissed my hand and said his goodnights. I closed my door and leaned up against it. I couldn't rap my head around what had just happened.  everything was just so overwhelming. 

I crossed the room and sat on the windowsill and looked out. I could see Shirayuki and Zen walking back towards the castle. They walked hand in hand with big smiles on their face. I smiled and walked away from the window and headed to my bed. 

I lied down and stared at the ceiling. my eye slowly got heavy and I soon feel asleep with the warmth of his lips still on mine.


Sorry for the wait!!! I've been slaking I'm sorry. 

Hope you enjoyed it. 

Oh and good new, I may have an idea for the next few chapters that I don't think y'all are ready for........... 




Ains :)

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