The beginning of absolute bullshit

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a haunting lullaby plays against a black, star-pricked sky when something appears in the distance. A buttoned eyed doll floats into view through the open window of a small sewing room where it lands in a pair of hands that are made of sewing needles.The doll - which resembles a young little girl in old- fashioned clothes, hair fixed with ribbons and braids - is placed on a sewing table. An elaborate sewing kit is opened, and, in flickering green light, the needle-hands go to work. The doll's old clothes are cut away; button- eyes torn off; hair pulled out. The doll's stuffing is removed and then the empty cloth body is pulled inside out, turning from brown to pale .Sawdust is poured in the "new doll's" mouth; facial features added; forest green hair punched in; and then a fresh pair of shiny black button eyes is selected from a button drawer.The transformed doll, in a plaid shirt and a poorly made replica of ripped jeans, its new button eyes affixed, is released out the window and back into the dark stared night.......

Lilly pov:
I sighed in the car as todoroki just leaned back and was 'asleep' izuku looked very nerve wrecked i bit my lip "hey izu, it will be ok" i assured and he just nodded we were only teens we didn't like the move but my dad made me go with the midoriyas because he felt it was better, he would always make time to call me or text me which i appreciated i was always a bit too hard to handle when it came to my curiosity but i knew how to contain myself most of the time i was always socially cautious especially when i could tell something was off, i looked up and saw the house we were going to stay at

on a rambling old Queen Anne-style house with tacked-on outside stairs. It's late winter, the sky a damp, grey sponge. A SIGN in the foreground reads "Pink Palace, Apartment for Rent".

I sighed once again we all got out and i helped mrs midoriya with the boxes and sutch i heard something and looked up a seven-foot-tall blue-skinned man performing calisthenics on the rooftop, counting in what seemed to be Russian i sighed once more "dear, you alright? Your full of sighs this morning" mrs midoriya said and i chuckled "its alright just think of things, i hope that my stay with your son and todoroki won't be a burden" she smiled gently "don't worry dear, your no such burden in mine, or my sons eyes, i just feel moving has put him in unease" i nodded "i understand" 

 i took a box inside when i passed the kitchen i noticed a random key, i placed the box down and took it off the wall inspecting the strange key i shrugged and put it in my back pocket izuku then joined me "heyo, you wanna go look around outside?" i asked and he just nodded i frowned a bit at his lack of response and we went outside while he went god knows where i noticed a black cat i smiled and sat on a fallen tree "you look like quite a trouble maker" i said and the cat hopped on the tree and let out a 'meow' i nodded and looked at the house when a sudden unease about the place swept over me i looked at the cat "somethings wrong here isn't it" i said and the cat nodded witch shocked me a bit but i kept my composer (ok to clear something over, quirks in this au were just starting to develop in the world so the 'other mother' doesn't know of that stuff yet, oh boy i can't wait to- no nope no spoilers! Anyways back to the story TvT) 

I had a few aspects of my father's quirk but most of it was my mothers, shapeshifting, i know not much of it but depending on the animal my eyes would glow a certain way "lilly! Come one inside!" I nodded "bye there buddy" I said and left for the house. I opened my room door and gulped as i didn't like the feelings that started to well up in me so i knocked on izuku's door he opened it with all his might pjs on he blushed madly "l-lilly! W-what are you-" i rubbed my arm and he noticed my unease "here, come on" he led me in and i sat on his bed "what's wrong?" he asked "this house, something is wrong with it, i don't know what but i sense something and i don't like it" 

this is one of the downsides to my powers, if a persons and or presence has a powerful aura i could sense them and they would become overbearing sometimes "i think it's just the neighbors getting to you" then he smiled "here let me show you something cool i found" we went downstairs and by the fire place there was a door? Then i patted my pocket 'the key' i thought and pulled it out and took a deep breath and looked at izuku who had sparkles in his eyes i unlocked it and gasped a blue purple tunnel was on the other side of it izu was now next to me about to crawl in "izu wait, as if im not going there without a fucking clue of whats on the other side" i scolded him and he pouted "oh come on please lilly" i blushed a bit and remembered the re-sharpened pocket knife that was still in one of my jeans pockets i sighed "fine, but im tagging along" "yay!" he said and we crawled into the tunnel the second we reached the other end everything was the...same?

Ch.1 woohoo! TwT


MHA izuku x (oc) coralline AUWhere stories live. Discover now