A friends help

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I know how Caroline got the candy thing in the first place but I switched it up for the plot to thicken because why the hell not 😀👍


i stopped walking "this 'thing' she" then it caught me "she's like William" i mumbled "she kills the younger ones in that house, and it seems she hasn't been in contact with the outside in a very long time, so she has lost her touch, at least uncle William kills to just do it" i shrug and the cat deadpanned at me i looked at the cat "what, my uncles ...strange, i know my shit" izu gulped "ya, i've meet him" he shivered "creepy" "and dead" i pointed out and izu nodded then i raised my hand "wait no sorry, dead but still alive" izu nodded once more "it's fun being immortal ain't it izu dearest" he smiled and nodded "immortal?" The cat questioned and we continued walking then we saw the house then i threw my knife at a bush the cat flinched at the action but realized what i did "target and eliminated" i picked my knife up and put it away as the big dead rat was picked up by the cat me and izu went into the house it was quiet i lowly growled as i had my knife and scarf ready for use we busted a door down and the room had a bug museum i gaged a bit 'i thank mic for my hate for bugs' i thought then the other mother spoke startling us "They say even the proudest --" a chair practically picked izu up and i was seated in his lap i blushed a bit but shook my head, 'not the damn time stupid feelings' i thought then she spoke up again "--spirit can be broken ... with love." i rose my eyebrow "Of course, chocolate never hurts. Like one?" they were alive fucking bugs me and izu cringed then izu spoke up "we want to go home" she became upset "we want you to let us go" i snarled she gaped "Is that any way to talk to your mother?" she said to izu, obviously izu was mad and he just in the heat of the moment snarled "you're not my mother" the witch gasped and with a hurt tone she replied "apologize at once izuku!" "no" he said and i gripped my scarf and made sure my phone and belongings were out of her sight "i'll give you till the count of three" she said as she counted i gripped onto izu my eyes widening in a mass  panic she then said three and grabbed my arm and izu's wrist and dragged us down a hall "hey let us go-!" she threw us on the other side of the mirror down the hall "hey what the-'' she then snarled "you can come out when you've become a respectful son!" She then disappeared and I crawled to izu "hey you ok?" i said and he nodded and he got up and lifted me up with ease i looked at the wall and put my hand on it "solid" i said then took my phone out and called shoto "lilly, where is everyone" i thanked the god and explained our situation "can you help us?" he hummed "i'll be there, give me a few" then he hung up i then called dad he picked up "lilly! Hey kiddo what's wrong you ok!?" he asked and i explained everything once more "dad, i'm in the Blair  witch" i said till i heard someone"dad, i'll call you when i make it out of this hell hole" he nodded and i ended the call "who's there?" izu questioned a tall girl ghost then said "Hush! And shush! For the Beldam might be listening!" izu looked confused "you...you mean the other mother?" There was a blanket im guessing those were bodies. I took my phone out and took pictures as izu questioned the few children. I caught the last part "and ate up our lives" going back to their bodies. I'm guessing they spoke of their eyes "wait, i felt your energy! It was your eyes" i said hushed they looked at me shocked "listen our world has advanced much more than when this witch had caught you guys" i made my eyes change "we will help you" izu said with a glow to his eyes too then we saw two hands "see you soon" and we grabbed them to be pulled out by shoto "thanks sho, but how come she couldn't take you?"  he shrugged but we stayed quiet "izu lilly is that you?" i heard the other mother question "the door" i whispered and we all ran for it and crawled thru it and closed the other side but not before hearing the other mothers complaints i panted and locked the door i tried to catch my breath "ok, so let me get this straight your sorry ass got into trouble and didn't invite katelyn or me?" i looked up "oh thank god, clover" i got up and hugged her "explain, what are we dealing with" i nodded and we left outside of the house as i explained i saw the cat "hey there bud, meet my friends shoto todoroki and clover green" he nodded i smiled "im run a bit, i need it" i turned into a cat and saw the cat shocked at my new appearance "ok guys, you explain to the cat about our world advances well train our quirks a bit" i nodded "so, your a shapeshifter" he said and i nodded "i am indeed, shoto can burn things with his right and freeze with his left, izu had enhanced strength, and clover can use plants and get help from animals like her pet snake Ronan and make him into a giant version of himself" he nodded and we came back and i turned back sho had fire in one and ice in the other i looked and saw Ronan wrapped around clovers wrist i smiled "hey there Ronan" i pet the top of his head and he made a approving squeak "here lilly, hold him for a second" i nodded and Ronan slithered onto my arm i looked at the house the energy shifted almost immediately i winced at it Ronan looked at me with worry as did the cat "animal instincts, you felt that too right?" the cat nodded and so did Ronan  "you ready?" izu asked i nodded i looked at clover "hey its best me and sho stay on the other side for backup, keep Ronan  with you, i can always feel his aura and he will alert me if theres trouble" i nodded "thanks clov" he hugged me and Ronan  the wrapped around my wrist and his scales changed to a silver tone as fake bracelet "and here, kaliey gave me this because i lost something, it will help you find those kids eyes" she put a charm in my hand i put it in my pocket "were going to confuse the fuck out of that witch" i said and she chuckled we then crawled threw the door we went inside then i looked at the mirror down the hall i gasped "mrs. mr. midoriya!" i said and every one looked at the mirror they were covered in snow she then spelled out 'help us' i gulped and anger bubbled in my stomach but midoriya beat me to it and threw something at the damn thing and it shattered i looked at him and he looked really upset "im sorry midoriya" clover said and i nodded we went to the stupid door i gripped the key tight then opened it me and izu crawled threw, "Ronan  will still be connected to me so if push comes to shove, ill help you, if she tries to close the door she wont be able too as we reached the other end with the cat thick vines blocked the door from closing i put the key in my pocket and the cat spoke "hey if your going to do this, play a game, shes got a thing for those" i nodded "yeah now bag" i held my bag open and he got inside, i zipped it up but not all the way "she wont play fair, be careful" i nodded and looked at izu "hey, it will be ok" i took his hands in my own "you need to stay strong, you have taken down worse, overhaul got a good taste of your true power, so did nine, but this witch couldn't  handle a bit of your power because she doesn't  even know it exists" we then heard mrs. midoriya.


This chapter was long 0-0 welp-

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