Meeting The 'other' neighbors

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Yello ŪvŪ i am here with another chapter plz enjoy this train wreck 🥲👌


izu rose a brow "how come?" "when i mentioned my dad was a pro hero, her demeanor changed and when dad called she had no idea of what a pro hero even is" i then clicked something "a beldem, its a legend but boys, we have just run into a ancient evil being who steals kids souls for her own gain" i looked at a mouse that looked to odd and like lightning used a bit of speed and used my heel to hold its tail in place "now, i got rid of that spy doll bullshit, she's sending out messengers now" i squished the mouse and i turned into a hideous puppet to witch i cringed at "from now on we tread carefully" izuku nodded and shoto hummed in agreement. Nightfall came sooner then i honestly wanted it too i knocked on there room doors as i held my scarf that was almost the same as my dads and toshi's, shoto looked like his average everyday self and izuku now had slacks on and a white shirt with a Japanese print i gulped as we went downstairs and i looked at the door then the mice eating cheese and going into the door i looked up at the two boys and they nodded and we walked to the door before we entered "pretend like you know nothing"  they nodded and we crawled threw and i saw shoto become more tense we saw the other mother in the kitchen  cooking breakfast she turned to us "oh welcome back dears! And hello todoroki" i felt her struggle to pronounce the name and i mentally snickered she smiled "So thoughtful of you to send this nice cheddar dears"  izu looked questioningly "oh the one the mice had" she nodded "please go get your father" she chuckled "i bet he's as hungry as a pumpkin!" she said and i rose my brow "you mean my other father?" she chuckled once more "your better father dear" i took in a sharp breath "yeah izu, go on me and todo-chan will stay here" he nodded and left i gave the other mother a smile "so, todoroki dear, you have such beautiful hair and... eyes" she said and he just stayed stone cold as always "thanks" he said with no emotion in his voice 'good job todo' "if you don't mind me asking how did you get that scar?" he gulped and stayed calm "i don't like sharing information to people i don't exactly know" he said sharply and i nodded "it's best of you don't push the topic" i rested my hand on his shoulder and nodded  soon izu came back in and they ate and me and todoroki just texted each other as silent communications 'hey sho, how you holding up?' he then replied 'this place, its edgy i can get why you don't like it but midoriya seems to have other opinions' i nodded that was true the witch had izu wrapped around her finger, but not us we then followed izu something about a show? And everything in this world- my thoughts stopped this world, it's different in so many ways because she is making it that way! I pulled my phone out and vigorously typed, sho and izu gave me a side glance and the other mother looked at me confused 'click' 'click' 'click' i screen-shotted several things and sent them all too shoto and midoriya there phones rung but i put mine away so they didn't look at it knowing not to at the moment "bye dears!" the other mother called out and I bit the inside of my cheeks a bit frustrated and we made our way to mr. Bobinsky's place shoto knocked the door started to spin and it chucked us inside. I yelped as I was dragged inside with the boys. I looked up and steadied myself as the room lit up and turned into a circus "!" izu said and I bit my lip and put my hand on his shoulder "izu..." he looked at me and his amazed face turned to a concerned one "lilly, what's wrong?" i took a deep breath "i-" i looked away and sighed "please, make the right choice in what you think on this, it looks perfect, i know but-" i was cut off by mr. B he came in between me and izu he pushed me a little rough and i was pushed into shoto and he talked to izu who was intrigued by the mice shoto helped me stedel myself and i backed up a bit and looked outside i gasped 'the cat'


If y'all have any suggestions for possible future fics plz put them in the comments 😁

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