Neighbors and warnings

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i gritted my teeth and backed up "that fucking witch" i growled i looked at shoto "listen, im not crazy, just, ill get you before izuku dose something that i didnt sign up for" i went to the kitchen too see izu talking to his mom and the real hizashi joined us too "hey there kiddo" he said and i smiled "mrs and mr midoriya, good moring" i said with a polite tone you see the thing about hizashi is that i knew that he was all for one but as long as he knew his boanderys around izu and my family i would be fine then i got a call, "oh sorry guys, excuse me" i went to the porch "hey miss. Midnight, is everything alright?" she chuckled "yes, everything is quite alright but i missed you! So i stole shoutas phone and called you" i chuckled "midnight please let me talk to my own kid in peace" she whined i laughed "thank you" he said sharply "hey dad" i said with a smile and he gave a small smile "how is toshi and serine?" he turned the camera serine was cuddled up with- i choked "d-dabi!?" i half yelled and half whispered "yep, apparently my daughter fell in love with a villain and he doesn't mind this shockingly" then he turned the camera to show toshi and sapphire playing uno ''and uno" she said and he sighed "how?" he said and i chuckled "she's the master" i said and toshi looked at the phone and flipped it off i did the same "lilly!" I heard Eri call out "when are you coming home?" i chuckled "in a while, don't worry, this is just for mrs. Midoriya's vacation to see her husband. I'll be back when we come back" she frowned.'' I'll miss you!" "me too squirt, me too" someone then tapped my shoulder i jumped and saw izu "oh hey izu, whats up?" i saw todoroki come out then "mom wants us to talk to the neighbors" i nodded "see you later dad" "be safe kid" he then ended the call i then noticed a letter "oh, they must have mixed it up" i picked it up and gagged "alright then" we went to where the guys arrows led and izu knocked a bit anxious "hello?" he asked and he knocked again and i said "hey our mail got mixed up, should we leave it here or?" the door then opened i looked at todoroki as he did me and we noticed izu went inside looking around "hey izu wait up" i said and me and todoroki caught up to him we turned around then ducked i yelped and he closed the door "Famous Jumping Mouse Circus not ready, little people!" I narrowed my eyes "circus? Oh here" i handed him the package"  he picked it up and i retreated behind the obviously stronger two powerful guys and wiped my hands on my jeanes the guy took a approval to the package "new cheese samples" he said and i saw izu noticeably cringe at the word cheese the man then swung down like a spider monkey and stands beside us on the balcony. I coughed a bit "excuse me" i said and i coughed again but this time it was a little more violent "stupid witch, she dosent like me" i smirked "good" i cleared my throat then i noticed the conversation came to a end so i walked down with the two boys till mr. bobinsky jumped down startling us but he landed fine then he straightened out and looked at us "The mice...asked me to give you message." izu looked at him questionably "The...jumping mice?" he asked then mr. bobinsky leaned down to our level since he was really tall, too damn tall for my liking but oh well he then said in a hushed tone "do not go through leetle door. Do you know such a thing?" he asked and i looked at izu and todoroki "the one that Aizawa showed me that was bricked up?" "Bah. So sorry, is nothing. Sometimes the mice are leetle..." he trailed off then He points to his head and rotates his finger. We then left to the other neighbor. The doormat said no whistling "huh?" i questioned then the door opened and we were surrounded by dogs till who i'm assuming is mrs. spink ''quit that incessant barking!" she said a bit harsh then turned to us "How nice to see you, dears. Would you like to come in? We're playing cards." then she looked over her shoulder and said something though i wasn't paying attention to her i stared absentmindedly till a little bell caught my ear i looked at a mouse i flared my fangs that grew as werewolf teeth so they became sharp and flashy the mouse squeaked and ran off i smirked 'i like mind games too you witch' i thought but was taken out when izu nudged me so we could go inside i sat in between the boys and looked around not paying attention to the current conversation till i heard "oh my, dear izuku your in quite danger as well as you two, but fury follows you" she pointed to me i smirked "i hope it does" the two women argued over the cup i took it and saw a giraffe but upside down i gasped dropped the cup "oh dear what happened?" mrs. Spink said and I shook my head and gritted my teeth "that witch!" i said and i looked at the cup that was now on the carpet in disgust "well, i think should all go back to our schedule" todoroki said and me izu and todo left once we reached the porch "what was that" todo and izu looked at me concerned i shock my head "the other mother, she is doing something, i can feel it, the dark aura i feel here its from her, i don't know what the hell she even is-" a thought came to mind as i pulled out my phone "this witch must have been around for a long time, but she has one downfall, she has no idea of our new superhuman community"


MHA izuku x (oc) coralline AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora