I Can See Through That Lie, Ma'am

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    “John, my aunt is offering us a warm place to stay where we’ll be clothed and fed adequately. And have normal human social interaction. Do you want to go after you’re discharged from the hospital?” I asked, as he moaned a painful response.

    “I can’t think right now, but can you see if a nurse can get me s-some p-ainkiller?” he winced, and I rushed outside, flagging down a nurse. She told me to wait outside. I paced in the hallway, waiting to see what was wrong. Aunt Natasha appeared behind me and looked at my panicked expression. 

    “Tae, are you alright? What’s going on?” she asked. 

    “I was talking to John about coming with you guys, but he said, and I quote, “I can’t think right now, but can you see if a nurse can get me some painkiller?” And then he winced and he was really in pain. Aunt Nat, this is not some normal New York alleyway wound. I think he was stabbed, and us not having a place to live, it got infected. I’m really worried,” I said in one-two breaths. She nodded. 

    “I’ll see what’s wrong with him. If he has an infected wound, you probably won’t want to see him,” she said. Then she knocked on the door. The nurse opened the door and stepped outside.

    “I’m sorry, this patient can’t have visitors for medical reasons right now,” she said sweetly, but I could read her like a book.

    “You are flat out lying. Don’t you dare try to get in between me and my brother,” I snapped through gritted teeth. I pushed my way through to check John’s pulse, which was faint. I had known a little bit of medicine from when I was in South Carolina, and I knew that his heart rate was far too slow for a healthy recovery. Aunt Natasha rushed in after dealing with the nurse and grabbed two containers. She pulled a roll of gauze out of one and the other filled the room with the heavy smell of alcohol. 

    “If he were awake this would hurt. If he’s asleep, he won’t be for much longer,” she sighed and squirted the cleansing alcohol on the wound, then wiping it with a clean antiseptic cloth. She did this twice more. By the second time, John’s eyes flew open and his face filled with panic and alarm. By the third, I was pinning John’s arms to the hospital bed as he bit his lip and whimpered. It broke my heart to see the guy that had taken care of me all these years this way. Aunt Natasha finally finished cleaning it and wrapped a bandage around his abdomen. I slowly let go of John’s arms and he sat up far too quickly, then held her side as he cowered in the corner of the bed. He looked so betrayed and Aunt Nat went to go talk to her friends about what had happened.

 They came back with McDonald’s and Starbucks for John and me, and I let him snack on a few fries so that he could take it easy on his stomach. He curled up as far away from us as possible and I felt so bad for him. I couldn’t imagine what he was thinking right now. The nurse that I talked to when we first got to the hospital rushed in to check on him. 

“I’m so sorry guys. Apparently that nurse was a fake and was trying to access patient files. We’ll keep him for a few more hours and he can be released sometime tonight or you could go home and get him tomorrow morning,” she offered. I simply plopped down into the chair and curled up next to the bed, watching my now sleeping brother. She took the hint and Aunt Nat and Clint pulled up chairs next to me. 

“Y’all can go back if you want,” Aunt Natasha shrugged. 

“And face our boss without you all? No way. Tae’s adorableness may be the thing that saves our butts,” Eliza said. I fell asleep as they kept talking. 

A/N: Here's a new part, I think I picked up the right spot. Please check my message board for a new message. Thanks!


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