Found Today

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When John and I walked into the room, there were two people in there, guarding yet another door. We knocked them unconscious and struggled with the lock until it opened, to reveal a gruesome sight.

There was Alex, sitting in a chair, bound by ropes all over him. He was a people person, yet he was all alone. There was a gag in his mouth and his shirt was torn. He had small purple bruises all over, and his face was cut and bleeding. His eyes... his eyes were full of terror and exhaustion, and he was extremely pale and skinny. I didn't think he'd been fed or anything, or even allowed to sleep. His breathing was ragged as I slowly approached him. John ran back out to get help as I carefully untied the gag. He gasped for air and I untied his ankle ropes. His legs were covered in blood.

"Oh my gosh... Alex I know you don't know me that well or trust me but you gotta get that shirt off or you're gonna get infected," I was still shocked as I untied more ropes. He fell forward out of the chair and fell unconscious.

"No come on Alex, wake up," his pulse was faint. I grimaced as I scooped him up, noticing how light he was. His body had been abused in far too many ways for me to understand. It was a wonder he was still breathing. There was a door that led straight to the hallway. I grabbed John and we rushed Alex out to the car, where I laid him in the backseat and gave him a blanket to cover up in since New York was so cold. He shivered when he woke up, hardly able to breathe. John drove to the ER patient receiving wing of the hospital, where we were met with doctors and nurses while I contacted Aunt Natasha. She said they were on their way. Then I followed a nurse to Alex's room.

Soon, Aunt Nat and the rest showed up, Eliza frantic.

"Where is he?" she asked.

"Eliza, calm down, they have to treat him before you can see him," I put my hands on her shoulder to calm her down. She cried.

"I have to be with him, I gotta go!" I shook my head.

"Eliza, you're gonna have to be patient. It... wasn't a pretty picture when I found him. You'll be better off waiting to see him," she sobbed as her sisters comforted her, and Laf was full of pure rage. Adrienne was trying to calm him down, and Aunt Nat and Clint just looked bewildered. A nurse walked over to our group.

"Mr. Hamilton is able to see visitors now," she said, and Eliza rushed forward. Peggy grabbed her and made her walk calmly. She did, however, break free to rush to Alex's side while he slept.

"What condition is he in?" Aunt Nat asked. The two stepped out in the hallway to talk. Everyone left except for Laf and Eliza to give them some space. The nurse said he could go home tomorrow, which was good. Adrienne called Mrs. Washington to tell her. 

POV Martha W.

When I got the call from Adrienne, I was both heartbroken and relieved. I decided to wait until tomorrow, rather than go meet them so that George didn't get suspicious. Speaking of which, I decided to go check on him. I hoped he was holding up okay.

I walked in to find him on the floor, leaning against his desk. His face was red, he was clearly upset. I sat down next to him.

"Hey," I said simply. I wasn't going to do much, I was just going to sit here with him.

"Hi," he responded. His voice was weak.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm fine,"

"Okay," I let the silence linger a bit before trying to get him to talk again. "Are you sure?" he leaned his head on me.

"Not really," then we sat there, until he picked me up, carried me to bed, and made me snuggle with him while he cried. I rarely saw him cry.

"George it will be okay. They aren't stupid, they'll come back," I reassured him.

"How do you know?"

"Because they were trained and raised by the best almost-father in the world," our tones were quiet and hushed, and I laid there until he fell asleep. I curled into him and fell asleep too.


The rest of the day passed by quickly, in and out of the hospital between food, the hotel, and wherever else we needed to go. Soon, it was the evening, and we all left the hospital for the night except for Eliza, who stayed with Alex. When we got back, everyone quietly went to sleep.

The next morning we were abuzz, getting our stuff from the hotel and driving to the hospital to get Alex. We were all nervous, though John and I were slightly less nervous.

"Hey Eliza, how are you?" greeted Adrienne when we got to Alex's room.

"I'm pretty good, I actually slept last night, and Alex was passed out pretty much the whole time," she reported. We handed her breakfast and Aunt Nat and Clint went to someone about payment.

Soon we all piled in the cars, with Alex on crutches. Apparently, he had a badly sprained ankle. As we pulled into the parking lot, I still couldn't get over how cool their building was. We walked toward the front doors, where Aunt Nat scanned her card and hand, then to the receptionist.

"Hello Ms. Sally, how are you?" Eliza asked sweetly.

"Oh I'm doin' fine, ever wondering what the cotton field happened to y'all," she sighed. I grinned at her southern accent but stayed hidden.

"We just had to take some vacation time, you know, we were all a little stressed," she looked at Alex, and they chorused, "don't ask."

"Who's the youngin' over there?" she asked, pointing to me.

"Well, that's my niece. She's from South Carolina, and this is her brother, John," Aunt Nat introduced us. She gushed.

"Oh how lovely! It's about time that this place was a bit more bright," she smiled. We all nodded and walked on to our rooms, which were the way we left them when we went to stay at the hotel.

"Finally, home," Clint said, crashing on the couch.

"Yeah, well don't get comfy, we gotta go soon," Aunt Nat said. Alex sat down in a chair, already exhausted from the strain of these past few days. Eliza handed him his pain meds, which made him very tired. Alex texted Mrs. Washington that we were back, and as soon as everyone's stuff was put away, they led John and I through the halls until we reached a door with a gold and black plaque that simply read, "General". I questioned the name and they explained that his nickname was "The General" that they had made him get on his plaque.

Laf took a shaky knock, and we heard a come in. Only Alex, Aunt Nat, and Laf went in, and the rest of us waited in the hallway. 

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