Find Him

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POV Martha W.

I screamed. I didn't mean to be so loud, and I definitely didn't want George to worry. But he came running as I grabbed my toe.

"Martha! Are you okay?" He said frantically. We were both on edge this morning. That's when I lost it and started crying. "Hey, hey, shh, it's alright, I'm right here. Nothing's going to happen to you. We're both just a bit stressed," he comforted me and held me until the tears stopped. I couldn't tell him what was happening, for fear that he'd likely get himself killed.

"I'm just tired and stressed George, but I'm okay. I'll be fine," I shoved the last tear away.

"Are you sure?" He asked, kissing my forehead. I nodded. Inside, I was so scared of losing Alex. You dirty little liar. How could you make him believe everything is fine? A voice in my head said. I choked back a sob.

"George I think I'd like to be alone for a while," I said solemnly. He gave me a concerned look.

"Okay, whatever you need darling," he put a hand on my cheek and smiled, then left. I grabbed my headset and called Dolley, James, Elizabeth, and Hercules to go look for Alex. Then I told Laf to meet up with them. All I could do now was wait.

A bit later, George came in, utterly distraught. He was almost crying. His entire expression was stressed and devastated. I sighed, knowing him all too well. He was going to do something stupid and irrational.

"I- I know you said you wanted to be alone but-" he choked up, and I opened my arms for a hug.

"It's okay. I know, but I'm sure that they'll be home soon," I said comfortingly.

"What if they don't come back?" he blurted.

"George- no, don't think like that. They'll come back," I was very concerned about his health by now, because all this stress and worry couldn't be good for him.

"If you say so. But still,"

"Nope. Shush. That kind of negativity is not good for either of us,"

"Martha~" he whined.

"George, I'm worried about you more than I am the kids! You aren't taking care of yourself, and I have to drag you out of your bed of sorrow every morning. Do you know what Lafayette would say if he saw you right now?" he looked down, ashamed.

"I'll do better on that," then he walked away. I almost regretted what I said. 

POV Natasha

Dolley, Elizabeth, James, and Herc all met up with us to help find Alex. I knew Martha was worried, but I hoped she hadn't told Boss yet.

I had one last idea where Alex might be right now, so we headed to the building.

"Do you think we'll find him?" Eliza said sadly.

"I'm not stopping until we do or I die," Laf said angrily.

"Nobody is dying, and we will find Alexander," Clint said.

"You guys are smart. We can do this. Let's go," Tae said. Dolley and her crew were on the other side of the city when we pulled up to the building. Entering the back side, we quietly crept up the stairs where we heard several footsteps. Angie and Peggy stayed at the door to keep watch. We listened through the door until Laf had enough and busted through. Two men, one woman, and a locked closet door. Two guns, one knife, and a bundle of ropes. Someone's coat- it looked a lot like Alexander's- layed on the floor.

"So you have unfortunately- for you- showed up. I think you-" the man with the sly grin was cut off by Tae punching him in the face.

"Talk crap and I'll stab you in the back," she growled. The other man pulled his gun as more people appeared from behind us. Tae and John slipped away to where I thought it was safe. I was wrong. They lock picked the closet and I heard two gunshots. I had given them two guns for self protection, and they disappeared into the other room. I turned back to the fight at hand. There was a lot of punching as the other people fell to the ground. I contacted Herc and told him to get over here, and then I beat some people up.

A/N: Short, I know. I'm sorry. I'll add another couple of parts today. What's your favorite ship so far? Have a great day y'all!

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