The Day Anew

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We were walking around the city eating ice cream that evening and John and I were pointing out all the odd spots in the city, when it got dark and John and I decided we wanted to go back to the hotel. Angelica, Peggy, Laf, and Adrienne decided to come back with us, but Alex and Aunt Nat wanted to stay out late. So Eliza and Clint stayed with them. It was a quiet ride and John fell asleep. His recovery had been pretty good except these past couple of days, where he had been in pain a bit more than usual. John went to change in the bathroom, but I started getting worried when it had been 15 minutes since I heard anything.

"John? You okay in there?" I knocked on the door. I heard only a groan in response. "Can I come in?" I heard a weak yes and opened the door immediately. John was on the floor on his knees, his hands held to his side.

"Tae-" he was cut off by a flash of pain, "I think I need to go back to the hospital," he groaned again, and I knew that he was really hurting.

"Hang in there, I'm going to get Angelica. Just try to breathe," I sprinted over to the two Schuyler sister's room and pounded on the door until Angelica opened up.

"What the heck Tae?" she looked exhausted.

"It's John- he needs to go to the hospital. Right now," Angelica's eyes widened as she followed me back. Peggy came over too. We helped John up as he had his eyes squeezed tightly. He was fully leaning on Angelica and me, and Peggy got the doors and stuff. Then Angelica sped to the hospital, where they whisked John away. I bit my nails and my heart was beating a mile a minute, while Peggy rubbed my back. Then a nurse came back with a smile.

"So the good news is, y'all brought him in just in time and he will make a quick recovery. It appears that the stitches have come undone, and his injury has been exposed, which is why he was in so much pain. The bad news is that it will be costly for all the medications and procedures to get him back on the right track. If that's something that-" Angelica cut her off.

"We'll pay, how much?" She said immediately.

"Around $530,"

"We can pay it. When do you need the money? I have to talk to my Dad," Angelica said. I looked at her crazy like. The rest of the night was spent waiting for John to be released and comforting each other. Peggy had grown increasingly fond of John, and Angelica was protective of us, like she was with everyone else. I ended up falling asleep in her arms. It felt safe and comforting.

POV Clint

So Natasha and Alex had decided we go to a bar. Eliza and I decided not to have any drinks so that we could be responsible while Alex and Nat got drunk out of their minds. And we were right, they couldn't even walk to the cars without falling over. I finally just scooped her up and carried her to the car.

"Clint can we do something fun tonight?" she said, giggling.

"You've had your fun," they both reeked of alcohol.

"Oh come on, let the girl enjoy herself!" Alex said, in a deep voice.

"Alexander you stay out of this," Eliz ordered.

"Come on babe, we can go home and have some fun," Alex tried to whisper to her. It was more of a flirtatious quiet. Eliza's face burned with embarrassment.

"No way mister. You are drunk off your high horse,"

"Baby I'm always like this," Alex walked in front of her, arms open, before falling on his face in the grass. Eliza sighed and helped him up.

When we finally made it back to the hotel, Alex and Nat immediately crashed on their beds. I left as Eliza threw Alex's shirt, that had whiskey spilled all over it, to the floor and pulled the covers over him. I pulled Nat's shoes and sweatshirt off and took her hair out, then pulled the covers over her. I dreaded the morning because a hung-over Nat was not fun to deal with. Angie texted the four of us that they were at the hospital with John, and not to worry because they'd be back soon. That was a relief. I crawled in bed and finally went to sleep, exhausted from the evening.

When we woke up, Natasha was incredibly grumpy. She got sick. Twice. Then she took a shower and some Advil, and she put on some clean clothes. We met up with everyone around ten, and Alex was equally hung-over.

"This is all your fault," Alex scowled and pointed at Eliza and me. We just shook our heads and laughed, not bothering to argue. We hung out and had brunch as Nat and Alex returned to their normal selves.

A/N: I told you that I was all over the place with the length of my chapters. But I hope you enjoy the two mini-combined-chapters. New POV! Answer a question for me; who is your favorite character in the book? 

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