Coming Home?

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I plugged in earbuds as everyone settled at the hospital, and I curled up next to the window. I felt like punching a wall. I wasn’t mad, I just felt like punching a wall. It’s a default mood for me. Our earpieces started buzzing constantly so I took mine out as Alex dared to answer. I could hear my boss screaming as I held the device as far away as I could. Everyone cringed. 

    “Crap,” Alex said.

    “What?” I said with disinterest.

    “Angelica and Peggy are on their way,” I straight up laughed. Alex was scared of Angie, but she was like my twin. Peggy, well, she’s just complex. She has street smarts and could laugh in the face of an assassin. I should know. 

    “Good luck, mon ami,” Laf said, laughing at Alex. Alex frowned and Eliza rubbed his back. 

    “Shut up y’all, Tae’s asleep,” I demanded. Clint walked in and sat across from me as everyone went to go get food for them. And to avoid being here when Angie and Peggy arrived. Soon enough, the two women walked in. 

    “Where are they?” Angie said. 

    “Um, I don’t know, but I think Alex dragged Eliza off to a hotel room or something,” I lied. Angie’s face was pure comedy.

    “I’m gonna kill that bastard,” she marched out of the room with Peggy behind her. They will tear each other into pieces, good gosh this will be fun. 

    “I don’t think that’s a good idea!” I called out with a smirk. I knew she had a tracker on him and would hunt him down. Clint looked at me like I had just kicked a puppy.

    “What? I’m bored, why not cause some trouble?” I shrugged. 

    “Yeah, but Alex has work tomorrow. I mean, you know his Dad is already going to put him through it,” 

    “Yep. I know,” I scrolled through pinterest looking at nothing, only half listening to what he was saying. I was also monitoring Alex, and John’s health. His heart rate was slowly picking back up. Apparently a nurse noticed too and came in. 

    “I think it would be safe to proceed with the stitches and surgery, would you guys be okay if we did that now?” 

    “Yeah, just whatever we need to get out of here,” I said. This hospital was starting to get stuffy. 

    “Alright then. I’ll have someone bring some extra chairs in here,” they took John to the- well, wherever he was going. Then Tae woke up a few minutes later. 

    “Where’s John?” she asked sleepily. 

    “Chill out, they had to go do something,” her expression changed dark. 

    “Where’s John.” It wasn’t a question, and I didn’t like that tone. Gosh I sounded like my mother. 

    “Calm down, okay? He’s fine,” I guess Clint could see the increasing tension. 

    “Where. Is. John.” Tae growled. 

    “I think the nurse said she went to go do the stitches,” Clint popped in. She left the room. Adrienne and Laf came back with some fries, of which I stole some and shared them with Clint. 

    “So what do we do from here?” Laf asked. I shrugged. 

    “We wait for John to get discharged from this place and then we can go take them back to Boss and hope he has mercy on us,” Clint said. I agreed. 

    “Well, you and I know well his affections for his sons,” Adrienne beamed, latching onto Laf. It was past midnight and he and Clint looked tired. I rubbed Clint’s arm. 

    “Get some rest, we have a long night ahead of us,” I said. He accepted the invitation and leaned his head back against the wall, closing his eyes. He was asleep almost immediately. Adrienne pulled a blanket out of nowhere and curled up with Laf. She ruffled his hair and went to sleep. Alex buzzed me through the com and said that the four of them were staying at a hotel nearby and to tell them when John was discharged. I assumed Tae had found John and let myself fall asleep on Clint’s legs. Boss buzzed in asking where we were and when we were coming back, I just ignored it and went to sleep, hoping that it would be okay when we got back tonight. Then they shut the lights off in the room. 

    Sometime around two in the morning, a nurse woke us up saying that John was ready to go, and gave us a bottle of prescription pain medication. We followed her to where Tae and John were and woke up Tae, telling her that we would be leaving soon. John came in the room in normal clothes, and I paid at the front desk then asked Alex where they were staying. We drove over to the hotel, Alex and his crew waiting in the lobby. 

    “Peggy, Angelica, I’d like you to meet my niece, Tae, and her brother John,” I said, introducing them. 

    “So your nephew?” Peggy asked.

    “Nope. Him and I aren’t related,” 

    “Then how are they related?” 

    “Unofficially adopted brother. His parents disowned him and mine are dead/ in jail,” Tae explained. Angie raised her eyebrows.

    “I had two sisters in South Carolina. One of which was her mom, who was poisoned, and the other just had a pre-existing condition that made her die young. She was the oldest,” I added. 

    “Well, let’s go face the music,” Alex sighed. None of us were looking forward to this. We piled in the cars, Tae and John with Clint and I, Laf and Adrienne with Eliza and Alex, and Peggy and Angie behind us. We pulled into the parking lot at work and Tae took in the sights.

    “This is where y’all work?” she asked quietly. We nodded and scanned my keycard and handprint. The doors clicked open and we filed in, quietly creeping up the stairs to our dorm spaces. I unlocked the door to reveal our living room/ chill zone. There were four doors and a bathroom that split off from the room. In the first room stayed Laf, Clint, and Alex. In the second room was Eliza, Peggy, and Angie. The third was Adrienne and I.

    “Alright, let’s rearrange. Laf and Alex, dorm one. Clint and John, room two. Peggy, Angie, and Adrienne, room three. Eliza, Tae, and I take room four. Got it?” I said. I was too tired to deal with any arguing. Tae walked off to the room and everyone went to their rooms. I hung my spy suit and other clothes up, and Eliza brought her stuff in. Tae set her little bag down and climbed up to the top bunk. There was a twin bed and two bunks beds in the room. Eliza took the bottom bunk and I grabbed the twin bed. 

    “Tae, you can go shower if you want,” Eliza said sweetly. She nodded.

    “You can use my hair wash and stuff. It’s in the second closet. The first closet is the boys, so I wouldn’t open it. Who knows what’s in there,” I suggested. 

    “Thank you guys. I’m not sure where we would be if y’all hadn’t helped us out,” she added tiredly. Eliza went to get the rest of her stuff and I switched into comfy clothes. Then I sat on the couch in the big room, listening to music. Clint popped down next to me. 

    “Can I help you?” I said, wanting to be alone. 

    “No. Just wanted to bother you,” he grinned and I rolled my eyes.  

    “You should go to sleep,” I said. 

    “How long are you going to stay up?” he asked. 

    “I’m probably going to wait for Tae to get out of the shower and then go take one myself,” 

    “Alright, well, I’m going to take one in the morning. Night,” He said, kissing me and then heading off to his dorm. Tae came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, and I relaxed as I let the warm water wash over me. It’s been a long day. 

A/N: I will try to update more often, but this is progress, correct? Love to all and good luck since it's the end of the scho year!

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