Betterment (💙❤)

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Another prison break except this one ya get romance :D

Art by Areksuck on twt

Tw: Blood and gore and shit, dream was being tourtured in prison and it goes over that so its pretty dark


"Tommy... How did i exactly come back. You have yet to actually explain it to me" the brit said as the brit blonde continued to angrily chop at some wood.

"Dont worry about it Wil, its nothing important"

The brit groaned, kicking his feet forward like a upset child. "Tell me Thomas, I would like to know this information" the brit said while jumping off the low branch he sat on.

The brit blonde swung his axe into the floor in an angry manner before letting out a loud sigh. "Dream brought you back, the reason he joined schlatts side was because schlatt gave him a book to revive people. When Ghostbur went into the prison he brought you back"

"Really? So dream got me out of that hell hole" the Brit said, a smile curling onto his face.

"Yea, the Dick head took away Ghostbur cause he wanted out of prison, honestly he deserves it there, that fucking prick" the brit blonde said while wiping some of the sweat he had collected on his firehead off.

The Brit hummed thinking to himself with a small smile 'well then, lets exchange 1 favor for another, dream got me out so I'll have to get him out'.

The Brit straightened his coat saying "thank you for telling me tommy, well i gotta go, I forgot I had to discuss something with my new house with Phil, talk to ya later tommy" before running off, a wide smile still plastered on his face.

"Maybe we can be better people together, im sure prision has messed him up a bit"

'Hopefully not to much'


The brit walked into the pinkettes house, his eyes shuffling through thr darkness to try and find what he was looking for.

'I really shouldn't be doing this but no one can know im breaking him out, i still dont know what tech and Phil think of dream' the Brit thought as he found a chest and started shuffling through what was inside.

The brit found a few of the things he needed, shoving them in his inventory quietly.

The Brit let out a screech as he felt someone grab him by the back of his neck, his eyes shooring up to see a farmiliar pinkette.

"H-hey techno"


The brit hid his face in his hands as he tried to hide the emmbarasment he felt, Phil and techno looking at him with blank expressions.

"What where you doing wil?" The blonde asked as wilbur peaked up to look at the 2.

"I... I cant tell you what Im doing but I have to do this mission thing and.... And I needed alot of materials quickly" the Brit said while looking down at his lap feeling guilt overwhelm him.

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