Rest in Between Challenges Part 2

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So, you decided to walk up to him, and sit next to him once more. He let out a sad sigh, flopping his arms out across the table and resting his head on them.

"Aww, Cody, what happened?" You asked, patting him on the back awkwardly.

"I got punched in the face.. again... but it was so worth it because she looked happy doing it!" Cody gave another one of his dorky little smiles. You found the gap between his two front teeth to be adorable, it just kind of added to his charm.

"Wow, you like her that much already? It's only been like... a whole day.." You muttered, looking away. He must fall in love quick if he's this hung up on her already.

"Yea, she's absolutely perfect. From her pale skin to her dark hair and her awesome outfits. I wish a girl like her would fall for me," Cody whined.

"Maybe some day, but for now we have to keep working on making you seem less creepy. What exactly did you say to make her punch you in the face?" You questioned him.

"Oh, nothing really, I just smelled her hair. She smells really nice," He said closing his eyes, probably daydreaming about her.

"I see... Okay, let's maybe not do that next time.. Try actually talking to her! Make a move, but make it subtle!" You said, trying to encourage him to be less creepy.

"But- howww?" He whined again. You began to blab on and on about how he could come off as less of a creep. He listened intently, even taking a few notes on the back of his hand, of the stuff he deemed most important.


As the sun was setting you found yourself staring at Gwen. You wanted to ask her something. Something important, at least to you, but you didn't know how to go about it.

Eventually, you just blurted it out, "Hey, Gwen... could you help me look more..." You hesitated, "Look more like you?"

"Oh no! No no no no no! You are not changing yourself for a guy!" Leshawna interrupted before Gwen could even respond, "I heard you two talking about your little crush, but really if he isn't into you he isn't into you! Go for someone else! Use his own tactics on him!" Leshawna suggested.

"Wait... that's actually really smart! Thank you Leshawna!" You said, running off.

"Wait, (y/n)- Come back-" Gwen shouted, but you had already gone too far to hear her yells.

As you ran towards the nearby forest, you felt a hard smack right on your forehead. You fell down, right on your ass. You opened your eyes to be greeted by a familiar, intimidating face.

"Dude! Watch where you're going!" Duncan snarled, before pausing, "Oh. It's you."

"I haven't spoken to you before yet, I don't think.." You said, getting up and reaching down, offering to help him up as well. He was tall, quite a bit taller than you, actually.

"Yea, I don't intend on getting friendly with any of the enemies," Duncan said, rolling his eyes as he allowed you to help him up.

"Well, I do have a bit of information you might deem useful but.. if you don't want to get friendly then never-mind, I guess!" You said, turning around to walk away, a smug grin lay comfortably across your face. You had a plan. As you began to walk away, he grabbed your arm.

"Wait, I'm interested. As long as it doesn't have to do with something that might put me back into juvie! All of this is being recorded, remember that," He said. You nodded, to let him know it wasn't anything that would get him in trouble. The soft moonlight glistened across his face, his piercings stood out especially because of the lighting.

You both snuck deep into the forest, before finding a clearing. Multiple trees surrounding the clearing had a skull shaped carved into them. A soft breeze pushed your hair around, but not his. He probably used a lot of gel to keep it in such a position.

"So, what is this important information you have?" He asked, crossing his arms. He did not want you to waste any of his time.

"First things first, is there any girl or guy on this island you have your eye on? Like romantically?" You inquired, to which you were met by an embarrassed look on the others' face.

"Kind of. There's something about that Courtney chic that really interests me. I want to see if she has some kind of dark-side underneath all of that uptightness, but she doesn't seem to like me all that much so far," Duncan admitted, forgetting completely that this was being broadcasted on national television.

"Oh! Really? Everyone seems to be into her, but I don't really see it, she just seems kind of snobby," You said, "Well, if you really want to know about her, I hear she's not all that interested in guys, but she did say she was bisexual... Hm... Oh! I have an idea!" You said. You already had the idea when Leshawna had brought it up, just kept it to yourself until now.

"What is it?" He asked, a look of desperation on his face. God, was everyone on this island desperate and horny?? Whatever, you'll get your way eventually.

"Well, you could try to make her jealous..." You suggested, a sly look on your face, "Here's my plan.." you said, leaning in to whisper in his ear.

He nodded along as you schemed with him, "Alright, I'm in. But you don't like me or anything like that, right? This is just to get her jealous?" He asked.

"Well, I do get a little something out of it, hopefully, but no, I'm not into you," You said, "Starting tomorrow we act all friendly and lovey-dovey. No matter how weird it may feel, we have to make it look convincing, alright?"

"Got it. See you in the morning, (y/n)," Duncan said, heading back to camp. You looked around for something that might produce a red tint. You found sone mysterious red-purple berries in a nearby bush, so you crushed them up and rubbed a bit of the pigment on your neck.

You walked out of the forest soon after, hoping Courtney was out there for the benefit of Duncan in this alliance type thing. She was. She saw him come out of the forest, and then a few minuted later you come out of the forest.

You made your way back to your cabin, and closed the door, looking at Leshawna, "You're so smart, I really owe you one for this," You said as you rubbed the pigment off of your neck.

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