Camp Wawanakwa

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"Yo! We're coming at you live from Camp Wawanakwa, somewhere in Muskoka, Ontario! I'm your host, Chris McLean! Dropping season one of the hottest new reality show on television... right now! Here's the deal, 23 campers have signed up to spend eight weeks right here at this crummy old summer camp. They'll compete in challenges against each other, then have to face the judgement of their fellow campers. Every three days, one team will either win a reward, or watch one of their team members walk down the Dock of Shame. Take a ride on the loser boat, hehe... and leave Total Drama Island for good!  Their fate will be decided here, at the dramatic campfire ceremonies where each week, all but one camper will receive a marshmallow.. In the end, only one will be left standing and will be rewarded with cheesy tabloid fame and a small fortune, which let's face it, they'll probably blow in a week. To survive, they'll have to battle black flies, grizzly bears, disgusting camp food... ...and each other. Every moment will be caught on one of the hundreds of cameras situated all over the camp. Who will crumble under the pressure? Find out here, right now on... Total... Drama... Island!"


As your boat arrived to the dock you took a glance at your competition. There was a short brunette girl with a lisp you could hear from the boat, a tall black dude wearing a green shirt, a pretty goth girl who caught your eye, a blond guy with a opened pink button up, a ditsy sounding blond girl wearing a blue bandana, a slender girl with black hair and piercing eyes that shot daggers through your soul, a punk guy with neon green hair and multiple facial piercings, a brunette guy in a red jumpsuit, a nerdy looking ginger, a brooding looking guy wearing a camo shirt, a chill looking blond girl in a sky blue hoodie, an unenthusiastic looking shorter brunette guy, a short black girl wearing a white shirt with what you assumed to be oranges on it, two excited girls with contrasting body types wearing the exact same outfit, a weird looking shorter dude who was picking his nose, a strong and scary looking girl giving you a glare from where she stood, a bigger blond guy wearing a white shirt with a blue maple leaf on it, a pretty rich looking girl with brown hair and tanned skin, a quiet pretty boy who the girls (and some guys) were swooning over, a energetic looking ginger girl wearing all green, and then there was him.

A shorter, skinnier brunette guy who wore his hair in a middle part. He wore a strange cream shirt with two different colored striped on it. Under that was a collared white shirt. He wore blue cargo pants, and some regular looking tennis shoes. All around, he was really boring looking. However, something about him was so interesting to you.

You stepped off of the dock, and Chris announced to the others, "And finally... (y/n)!" You cringed. Now they all knew you, but you didn't know them. You picked up your bags, and made your way over to where your competitors stood.

"Hi, um," You stammered, "It's nice to meet you, I'm (y/n)," You said, and put on a smile. If you wanted to make it here, you needed allies. Your mind immediately went to that guy.

You shook your head violently at the though. No romance, (y/n). You need to win this thing! You told yourself. You found yourself spacing out, as you stared at that guy. Luckily, you caught yourself in time to not miss much from Chris' speech.

"...We need a group photo for the promos!" Chris said, "Everyone on the end of the dock!" He ordered. Everyone did as they were told, and began to pose. You held up a peace sign, not being able to think of much else.

"Okay one... two.. three.. Oops! Okay, forgot the lens cap! Okay, hold that pose! One.. two.. thr— Oh, no wait, the card's full. Hang on!" Chris said, fiddling with the camera.

"Come on, man, my boobs are starting to freeze!" The shorter black girl who wore the white shirt with the oranges(?) on it said, annoyed. You quietly giggled, she seemed like fun.

"Got it! Okay, everyone say Wawanakwa!" Chris said

"Wawanakw- aah!" Everyone screamed as the dock broke from so much weight, and they all fell in. You groaned, noticing how you were going to be soaked for a while. You swam towards the shore.

"Okay, guys. Dry off and meet at the campfire pit in ten!" Chris said, a proud grin spread across his face.

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