A/N 03/19/2024 - Should I Keep Writing This??

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Starting this by saying I am addressing, explaining, and asking a few questions. Answers would be greatly appreciated!!

So.... The fanfic I wrote for a friend kind of blew up. I started it like my freshman year of high school, when the world was still in quarantine. Since then, I've graduated and got a job. I'm still very much interested in Total Drama, but I'm honestly not sure if I should continue writing this.

Continuity errors, people being confused about the direction it was going, etc. I had originally intended to make it a slow-burn 'fic, with angst and other stuff which kind of went over peoples' heads as evident by the comments.

I think if I were to continue this, I'd start with doing a total rewrite, to fix errors and change some things I'm unhappy with. But.. I'm honestly not sure! It seems like some people enjoy it, some people don't see the vision I had, and some people want different things than I had in mind.

To give a better idea of the direction I intended to go with this fanfiction, I'm going to give a small layout, most likely not using proper grammar so forgive that.

-Starts off as the show, with the challenges. Obviously, "y/n" or the reader develops some pretty heavy and unrequited feelings for Cody.

-"Y/N" makes some questionable decisions, that are definitely unfavorable in the eyes of some readers, out of desperation.

-"Y/N" gets voted out of the camp before Cody does, gets to relax, but observe, for a chapter or two in the resort shown in the Leshawna voted out episode.

- Episode 9, where Cody is voted off due to nearly fatal injury occurs. After hospitalization, he is now at the resort with "Y/N".

-They both root for Gwen together, "Y/N" had made friends with her, after all.

I won't spoil the rest of what I had planned, but that's the general direction I was planning on going.

Now— the Duncan situation!
Like I had said at the beginning of this update, I wrote this fanfiction for a friend. It wasn't my intention for so many people to see it, however it was made with her in mind and not the vast majority of people. I see a lot of people would prefer if "Y/N" had hooked up with Noah, or Gwen even! But if I were to continue writing this.. I think I'd scrap that part overall. Maybe there would be a sideline romance with another character, to take up for the "make him jealous" aspect, but I definitely wouldn't go as overtly sexual as I did before. I was 14 and had a lot of hormones I wanted to displace in a fanfiction that met my standards. Those standards have since changed, as I'm now older.

Anyways, if you read this; let me know your thoughts! How could I improve this if I begin to write it again? Which character should be in the sideline romance? Should I even keep that part?

It would stay as a slow burn, but I think some more subtlety is needed.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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