Cody's Jealousy

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"Weird... They seemed so hung up on me just yesterday. Now they're all over that Duncan dude? Somehow, it was kind of comforting knowing that someone liked me so much that they'd be willing to help me get with the person I like, even if it wasn't them..

I'm not sure why, but I feel jealous. I think I liked the idea of having a rebound if Gwen rejects me, which probably won't happen because things seem to be going smoothly with us. I'm not sure.. Only time will tell, I guess,"


I watched as (y/n) snuck into the forest with Duncan. I was a bit disappointed, but more confused than anything. Something about it seemed so off, but I really couldn't figure it out.

I liked the idea of someone obsessing over me. Nobody has ever felt that way, not about me, at least. It's weird, I don't even like them like that, but something about them getting together makes me feel so possessive.

Maybe it's because they're kind of starting to look like Gwen.. Those two have been hanging out a whole bunch from what I've seen. They seem really close already, which is awesome. It's nice to look at, two hotties right next to each-other constantly.

(y/n) has started wearing darker clothes, and wearing makeup in a similar style to Gwen's. It's really sweet that they get along so well. Maybe if Gwen sees me with (y/n) more often she'll get jealous!

2nd person POV

You woke up to a loud airhorn noise. Immediately you heard Leshawna complaining, saying something like "Do I look like a farmer?!". You rubbed your eyes, stretching and rolling out of bed.

"What's going on..." You grumbled groggily, as you rubbed your hands through your hair. You noticed that you were still in your clothes from the previous day, and your face began to heat up. You NEEDED to change.

Unfortunately, your hopes of showering were interrupted by Chris on the speakers around camp, "Get dressed and get outside ASAP!"

You groaned, throwing on a different outfit and putting on deodorant, and some perfume/cologne. You tossed your dirty clothes on your bed, and covered them with your blankets, before heading outside.

"Hi, Chris, you look really buff in those shorts!" you heard Heather say.

Chris explained that we had to run a twenty kilometer run around camp before breakfast. You were already hungry enough from only eating one thing, that wasn't even technically a food, from the day before.

"Okay, runners.. On your marks... get set... go!!" Chris exclaimed, and everyone began either sprinting, jogging, or walking.

You jogged at a normal pace, hopefully going to talk to either Duncan or Cody. Luckily for you, Cody was the closest to you, so ran up to him.

"Hey, man! How's it going with Gwen!" You asked through your panting, from running so much.

"I think she might be starting to fall for me! I just have to keep up what I'm doing now and it'll go great!" Cody said, wrapping his arm around your waist again.

"I thought you gave up on the making her jealous thing.." You muttered, your face heating up again. As much as you hated that he was doing it to make her jealous, at least he was doing it with you, and not some other girl. You were glad to help him in any way.

"Well, I was, but it seemed to work last time! Plus, I can't be losing my wing-man to that asshole Duncan! He's trouble.." Cody said with a dorky grin. God he was so fucking cute. From his haircut to the gap in his teeth to the way that he dressed. But he was kind of cruel, really. Knowing how you feel, and using you to make Gwen jealous. It's not like it'll even work on her, she's not stupid. He should stop treating her like she is.

"I see... Well, speaking of Duncan," you slipped out of his grip, "I should probably wish him a good morning. See ya, Cody! And good luck!" You said as you ran off to catch up with Duncan.

"Good morning, dear!" You forced, smiling as you caught up to him. You planted a soft kiss on his cheek, making sure Cody saw.

"Are you sure this is working? She doesn't seem very jealous to me..." Duncan whispered, moving closer to you, probably trying to make it look like he was kissing you back in return.

"Of course! You just have to give it time, and be patient. She's not going to say something immediately, you have to wait and make sure she notices what's going on! Oh, wait, we're done I think!" You grinned as you and Duncan arrived at the dining hall. You were relieved to be done with this shitty run.

You took seats at opposite tables, and you gave him a wink, before waiting for the rest of your team to show up.

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