The Awake-Athon's Surprises

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You and Duncan waited until the rest of your teams showed up. When your team finally showed up, you walked over and sat with them. You sat down next to Gwen.

"So.. you and Duncan, huh?" Gwen whispered, raising an eyebrow.

"Shhh, it's just for my little plan, and he knows too. I took Leshawna's advice," You whispered back to her.

"Ohhh that makes a lot more sense," Gwen said, giggling quietly, making sure only you could hear her.

Chris opened a curtain to reveal a beautiful buffet of food, "Who's hungry!?" He announced.

You felt your mouth begin to water, "Oh my god.." you mumbled, a big grin coming across your face.

You decided to just eat until you were full, rather than eating a shit-ton until you felt sick.

And then Chris chimed in, "Now for the next part of our challenge! The awake-athon!!"

Chris began to explain the basis of the challenge, and you literally could not care less. You just wanted to win, even if it meant staying up for a week. Then again, you would probably lose your mind from being awake for that long.

Everyone headed to the designated area. You found yourself walking up to Cody, not really realizing it while you did so.

"Hey, dude! How's it going with Gwen?" You asked, as you usually did. He looked troubled, maybe deep in thought. You sat next to him, tapping him on the back, and he jumped back quickly.

"Oh! Sorry, what were you saying?" He asked, staring at you.

"How's it going with Gwen? Any luck so far?" You repeated yourself. He sighed, shaking a little.

"I think... I'm going to tell her how I feel..." He said, clenching his hands into fists to try to steady himself.

"Oooh! Do it!" You encouraged, "How are you going to go about it?" You asked.

"I think I'm just going to straight up say it, like nothing special. She would probably like the boldness, I think," He planned.

"I see.. yea that sounds like it would work! When are you gonna do it?" You plastered a fake grin on your face.

"Right... now!" He stood up, "Thanks for listening, (y/n)! I'll let you know how it goes!" He ran off to go talk to Gwen.

You were pleasantly surprised by his impulsiveness, you figured a guy like him would at least try to be more calculated. But, your intuition about people is usually pretty off, especially with guys like Duncan.

Speaking of Duncan, you looked around for him. Once you laid eyes on him, you shot him a quick wink, before walking off. Really, you didn't want him to follow you, or even notice at all, you were just playing your role of course, but if he did that was fine as well.

You walked a ways into the forest, but not so far that Chris would eliminate you or suspect you of sleeping or cheating or something.

You stared off into the forest, you were wide awake. After all, you did sleep for almost an entire day after that... time you had with Duncan. It was still so fresh in your mind. It felt so amazing, even if it wasn't with someone you truly had feelings for. But, hey, if things don't work out with Cody, Duncan will always be an option.

You just sat there in silence, for what felt like days, but was probably just a few hours.


You heard sniffles, which woke you from your day-dreaming. You looked up from the surroundings to see Cody hovering over you. His eyes were red, and puffy, and he was trembling.

"She... She doesn't even like guys..." He muttered, falling onto his knees dramatically. You wrapped your arms around him, petting his head.

"Awww, Cody... I'm so sorry.." You whispered to him, resting your head on his. You felt shitty for not telling him earlier, but this was going to work out in your favor... eventually.

"She said I was better off with someone more like me... or more like you.." He said through sniffles, burying his head in your chest while he wept. You were actually pretty shocked at how torn up he was about this. It had only been what? A week?? But you understood that some people feel differently and more strongly than you do. You just sat there and comforted him as he wept.

Some time passed, and you talked to him until he stopped crying, "Are you feeling alright now?" You looked at him as he moved a bit away from you.

"Yea... but you know what? I think that I never really did like her... I just liked you and didn't know how to confront those feelings.." He muttered, wrapping his arms around you and moving his face closer to you.

"Are you- Are you sure? I don't want you to do anything you'll regret.." You mumbled, looking away nervously. You did not want to be his rebound, but you desperately wanted any kind of affection from him.

"Yes, of course.. seeing you with Duncan made me feel so... insecure? It made me feel so sad because I was the one who wanted all of your attention and affection, not him... He would probably end up getting you wrapped into some crime shit.." Cody admitted. You felt that this wasn't a lie, but for all of the wrong reasons. Of course, you ignored your intuition and gut feeling since they've never been the most reliable.

"Can I kiss you, (y/n)?" Cody asked, with pleading eyes. You just nodded, and he placed his small, soft lips against yours. You closed your eyes, kissing him back. He began to make out with you, and you let him.

Your body rolled off from the side of the tree, and you were laying on the ground, with him on-top of you, still making out with you.

You pulled away quickly for air, before falling right back into his lips.

He reached into his pocket as you made out.

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