The First Night

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Chris began to judge the hot-tubs, but it was very obvious who the winners would be. You had a clear advantage, plus the other team was missing like three people?? Of course, your team won.

You all cheered, because Chris said you were allowed to keep the hot-tub for the rest of the summer!


As everyone left the dining hall, you and your team decided it would be fun to chill in the hot tub for a while. You all donned your bathing suits and hopped in. It was an exciting time, filled with lots of splashing each-other and gossip.

Before you knew it, night was approaching. But, you didn't want to get out just yet, so you stayed in the hot-tub. Slowly, everyone left the hot-tub and gets ready for bed.

You stayed in the hot-tub, all but your nose and eyes peaking out of the water. You had your eyes closed, until you heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, so.." You opened your eyes to see that Cody was still in the hot-tub, "Um..." He moved closer to you, and placed his hand on yours.

You impulsively moved your hand away, and lifted your head out from the water, "Uh- What're you doing?"

"Heather told me what you told her, and I just wanted to say that like.. I think you're pretty cool?" He sounded unsure. You didn't like that.

He began to push himself onto you. You pushed him away, once again.

You sounded more angry this time, "What are you doing?!"

"Heather said that you like me, and I think I like you too?" He said, still sounding very unsure. Whatever, nothing to lose here, you guessed.

"Wait, really?" Your face slowly shifted back to a smile, "I'm.. surprised. You were so consistent with trying to make sure Gwen saw everything you did just a few hours ago.. What was that about?" You weren't so quick to trust him.

"Well, I do like her, but I also think I like you," He admitted. You rolled your eyes, and got out of the hot-tub.

"Goodnight, Cody," you said, walking to the bathrooms to take a shower. You felt gross. Why did you feel at fault for his actions? It's not your fault he was desperate. It's not your fault he doesn't like you. You've only been there for a day, you still have plenty of time. You'll be fine.

He'll probably end up coming to you when Gwen inevitably rejects him, and you'll just have to be there for him. There's really no guarantee he'll ever even like you, but then again there's really no guarantee that you'll still like him by then.

You made sure you thoroughly cleaned yourself off before heading back to your cabin.

When you got there, you were surprised to see that Gwen was still awake, "Oh, hey, Gwen!" you said, "You will never guess what just happened," you groaned.

"Uh oh, hit me," Gwen patted next to her, signaling for you to come sit by her.

"Cody was acting totally weird, and he like tried to throw himself onto me.. it was so strange, and he was saying that Heather said that I liked him and that's why he was doing that?" You shoved your face into your hands miserably, "Why would she say something about that? I didn't even say I liked him, I just said that he was interesting.." You complained.

Gwen gave you a sympathetic look, "I'm sorry.. That is really weird.. maybe he's just like really desperate right now, hopefully he stops being so desperate soon."

You agreed, resting your head on Gwen as she rubbed your head.

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