Part 1

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To catch everyone up, A young women saw a man on a wanted poster and decided to track him down, after spending a lot of time together, they build a connection. The man then trains the women to do dark magic which then ends up with the death of a popular schools head teacher, Albus Dumbledore. Now the man and the women are hiding in France.

"Argh!" The man moaned while rolling over in his bed.

"Mmm" Moaned the girl rolling over to face him.

The pair of them opened their eyes and grinned at each other.

"Baby, what are we going to do? I'm wanted for murder and you are hiding from...who?" Said the girl. Waking up in the morning next to the a criminal reminded her of her recent misfortunes.

"Well, It WAS Dumbledore but now he is dead, so maybe just the ministry. But that doesn't matter right now."

He planted a kiss on the girls head and pulled away his bed covers and got out.

"Hey! Close your eyes..."

"Why?" The girl said giggling.

"Cause, Miss Sarah Mitchell,  I'm naked."

"HAHA!" Sarah giggled uncontrollable at this. "Alright then."

She hid her eyes under the duvet cover and waited till Gellert Grindelwald was in the bathroom before looking again. She fought the need to want to peak at him as he walked his little bum away from her.

The bed was very large with a white duvet and pillows on it. The walls were a light baby blue colour and the floors were a very pale pink colour. Opposite the bed there were 2 big windows which Grindelwald had already boarded up and between the windows there was a very big full length mirror.

Sarah waited in the bed for Grindelwald to come back. After about 10 minutes he came out wearing only a towel around his waist.

It caught Sarah's eye so she said, "Ooh lala, Mr Grindelwald."

"Shut up, sleepy head." He said walking over to the bed and laying back down again.

Sarah stopped laughing and making jokes at him and just laid in the bed for a while.

"Are you ok?" He asked her, noticing that her smiling face had been replaced with worry.

"I miss my mum and dad, and nanna. I know I haven't seen them for ages but I still miss them and now we are in a different country."

"It's ok, sweetie. It gets easier." He got up and walked over to Sarah's side of the bed and kneeled down next to her. "As long as we stay together, in this building, all will be fine..."

"We can't stay here forever though. We need to buy food and things, Oris and Mildred aren't here anymore." Said Sarah now sitting up in bed. She and Grindelwald held hands and stared at each other lovingly. Fiddling with Grindelwald's fingers was always here favourite pass time.

Oris and Mildred worked for Grindelwald at his castle, Oris was his assistant and slave while Mildred was a chef.

"We! Are! Wizards! We can do everything ourselves by magic." Grindelwald said.

"Hmmm, I guess so. Anyway I'm going downstairs to make us breakfast...the muggle way." Sarah got up, brushed past Grindelwald and went to walk out of the door.

"WAIT!" Yelled Grindelwald while standing up. "You're half naked, come here and get some clothes on."

"FINE!" Sarah walked over to Grindelwald's side of the bed and picked up his blazer. She then put it over her bra and buttoned it up.

"Better?" She said walking back over to the door.

"Yeahhh... but now I have nothing to wear..." Said Grindelwald while winking.

"Good!" She said with a smile and a peck on the cheek.

And just like that Sarah opened the door and jogged down the stairs and into the kitchen.

The kitchen was small, much smaller than the kitchen at the castle. It had blue tiles on the floor and white tiles on the walls, there was a little fridge with eggs, sausages and bacon in it and a little white oven. The countertops were also white.

Sarah got all the different pans out of the cupboards. She got out 2 frying pans, one for the eggs and one for the bacon and sausage.

When the food was almost ready Grindelwald came waltzing in through the door wearing only his boots, trousers and white shirt.

"Hey Grindy..." Said Sarah giggling again. "Foods almost done."

"Grindy? Wow!"

"Sorry, Mr Grindelwald." Sarah giggled again.

"You can call me Gellert if you want. It's not like I call you Miss Mitchell all the time."

Sarah got anxious and looked down at the countertop in front of her while her face went white. Her wind went straight back to the bridge.

"You ok?" He asked walking over to Sarah while putting his arms around her.

"Yeah, it's just... Dumbledore called you Gellert before I killed him."

"Well, he got the privilege of calling me by my first name as we were dating, but now we are dating so now you can call me it..."

"But we aren't really dating though, are we? We can't go anywhere together like other couples can. We can't kiss in the rain, kiss in public. We can't buy each other Valentines day gifts...or even... get... married." Sarah listed. All she wanted was to live a normal wizard life, see her family again and live life as a free woman...

Grindelwald had honestly never thought of marriage. At the very least with Sarah. When Sarah uttered the word 'married' he froze. He released his hands from around her arms and waist and stood with his arm by his side behind her. "We...could...get...married one day maybe."


"I can get Oris to apparate here to wed us."

"Yeah but..."

"And I'll get Mildred to make us a wedding cake...and buy you a dress..."

"I hate dresses" Started Sarah almost loosing her temper.

"What's up then? Don't be moody, If I knew you were going to be moody I'd have left you at my castle." He joked while checking the meat in the frying pans.

Sarah turned 180 degrees to look at Gellert in the eyes, his eyes had always been fascinating to look at. One was dark brown and the other was white. She staring at him dead in eyes and said this, "Don't ever joke about leaving me. I only killed him cause I knew you couldn't." And with that Sarah walked out of the room and into the living room in a mood.

Grindelwald instantly felt bad for Sarah and wished he hadn't said anything at all.

Chapter revisited: 27/2/2022

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