Part 8

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"Gellert are you in there?"

Sarah pulled her wand out from her pocket and pointed it at the door of the shed.


She flicked her wand and the door flew open.

"Gellert?" She shouted again while walking into the doorway.

Gellert was sat on the floor with his head in his hands, crying.

"Gellert what is it? Why are you crying?"

"They are on their way." He said with his head still in his hands.

"Who are?"

"The American and British Ministry's Of Magic...They know where we are."

"What how?"

"I think they put a spell on either Mildred or Oris... either that or Aurelius told them where we are."

"How do you know they are coming?" Sarah sat down next to Gellert and put her arm around him.

"They sent me a letter by owl...they've taken my elder wand."

He held out the letter the Ministry had sent him. It said that they have information on Grindelwald and Sarah's location and that they have already put a spell on the whole of Saint-Tropez so no one apart from the Ministry can apparate in or out which means Gellert and Sarah  are trapped.

"No Gellert, I won't let them break us up. I still have my wand so I'll protect you."

"It's no use, Sarah. They know you killed Dumbledore so they will just take you away- no questions asked. And cause they already want to sentence me to death, they will only make my life more difficult if you resist arrest."

"We have to leave on foot if we can't apparate away. We can hide in that Muggle clothes shop called MajRNice... and then after a few days we can leave France and move somewhere else like Wales or even Australia."

"It's not going to be that easy. There is already a good chance Aurors are already in France looking for us."

"Why are you being so negative Gellert? Why don't you care that you'll die if you get found? Why don't you want to protect us? I'm your future wife and you don't want to hide me from the Ministry. Sarah thought for a moment. "Maybe you're not the real Gellert...Maybe they swapped the real Grindelwald with a Auror undercover..."

Sarah stood up and pointed her wand at Gellert Grindelwald.

"Show yourself!" She screamed.

The wizards appearance did not change but the man just walked towards Sarah and kissed her on the lips.

When they broke apart Sarah whispered, "Show yourself or I'll kill you."

The wizard took 2 steps back and kept staring at her in the eyes.

"Or...I'll kill myself, then you'll never get the truth..."

She pointed her wand at the wizards chest. Just like that, the wizard span in a circle and when the wizard turned to face Sarah again, he looked like a completely different man than Gellert Grindelwald.

The wizard looked nothing like Grindelwald. This man what white skinned and had very short brown hair. He had no facial hair, and a very strong jaw line. He was wearing an old grey suit that looked like it was his father old one. In one hand he had his wand and in the other he had a badge saying he was working with the Ministry Of Magic. He was also wearing dark green wellington boots on his feet and had an odd accent when he started to talk.

"Nice kiss, love."

He sounded like a farmer.

"You're under arrest, init..."

Just like that he grabbed her right arm and they apparated away. This felt like no other time she had apparated before. This took way longer than any other time and it hurt a lot more too. Eventually they stopped.

Just as Sarah opened her eyes she was injected into her upper left arm with something that quickly knocked her unconscious.

After a while Sarah awoke, she was bolted to a little wooden chair. Her feet were tied to the legs of the chair and her arms were tied together at her wrists. She was in a tiny room that reminded her of the little room Grindelwald had taken her the day they first met. The room looked like a prison cell and it smelt like damp. The door in front of her had little slits in it to allow people on the outside to look in at her. Sarah assumed that the Ministry would have taken her wand away from here.

After a while of Sarah sitting in the chair there was a knock at the door. Part of her hoped it would be Gellert at the door telling her this was all a big mistake and he was going to take her home but instead it was the strange farmer man from earlier with another lady.

"Hello Miss Mitchell...I am Seraphina Picquery and I'm in charge around here. This man is named Zacharias Smith, he brought you here today."

The women flicked her wand and a couple of chairs appeared. She and Zacharias sat down.

"I want to ask you some questions about Albus Dumbledore's death if that's ok. Do you have any questions before we get started?"

Sarah nodded and said, "Do you know where Mr Grindelwald is by any chance?"

"Ah, don't worry about him. He is being taken care of as we speak."

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"It means that he is being treated the same as you are but elsewhere." Answered Zacharias.

"So if that was your only question, Let's get started." The lady flicked her wand and a scroll of paper appeared in mid air. "Right so, Where were you on the 1st of September?"

"Of which year?" Asked Sarah interrupting Seraphina

"This year."

"Oh...I was at home with my partner."

"Where is 'home'?"

She thought carefully, did she want to say that she was at home in Grindelwald's castle or in France with him instead.

"I was in Saint-Tropez...with Mr Grindelwald."

"What were you doing together on the 1st of September?"

"We were chilling out at home. I remember we were making Pizza for each other for dinner. He had ham and pineapple pizza and I had cheese and ham."

Seraphina was taking notes.

"When and where were you when you first heard news of Dumbledore's death?"

"I was in the bath inside of  mine and Mr Grindelwald's en-suite bathroom, he was stood shaving his face at the sink. A falcon dropped of the Daily Prophet earlier that morning so I read it to Mr Grindelwald while I was having a bath. This was maybe a week into September."

The lady continued taking notes.

"Would you say you and Mr Grindelwald tell each other all your secrets?"

"Yes, we have nothing to hide from each other."

"And if I was to ask Mr Grindelwald all of these same questions, do you think he would give me the same exact answers to what you have given me?"

"...Yeah...cause it's the truth."


The word 'interesting' didn't fill Sarah with a lot of confidence. After this Seraphina and Zacharias both stood up and left without a word. Sarah assumed they were on their way to ask Gellert the same questions.

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