Part 5

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A couple days have now passed since the engagement between Gellert Grindelwald and Sarah Mitchell. Sarah wrote to Mildred and told her about her engagement to Gellert and she was so pleased that she sent Sarah a premade wedding topper for the wedding cake. The topper had 2 statues, one of Sarah and one of Gellert. The likeness of the 2 little statues were very similar. This made Sarah even more exited about her future with Gellert. The only thing that spoiled it was the front page of the Daily Prophet that Mildred also sent. It said that someone who works at the Ministry Of Magic had found some information about the wizard that killed Dumbledore. Apparently they knew it was a women and they knew they had connections with Dumbledore's past. Although Sarah had only met Dumbledore once, Gellert Grindelwald had know Dumbledore for years so she did know about his past. Luckily, they have no proof of who the wizard who killed Dumbledore is, so hopefully they are safe... for now. 

Sarah was sat reading the newspaper in the spare room in their house. Sarah liked being in the empty spare room, not only was it quiet but Sarah enjoyed daydreaming about what it would be like if this was her and Gellert's future child's bedroom. She could easily imagine a little crib with a little baby in it, with a large array of stuffed teddy bears, and colourful books on a bookshelf. She could see herself sitting in a little rocking chair, watching her baby sleep while waiting for Gellert to come home safely after being at work all day. But Sarah doubted this would happen, for many reasons. One of the being that they are hiding from the Ministry Of Magic so having a baby wouldn't really be ideal right now, not to mention that they are house bound so they couldn't even buy baby things, and they can't exactly expect Mildred to do everything for them. But the idea of being a mother always popped into Sarah's mind whenever she was in this room and eventually Gellert would catch on which wouldn't be good either cause he only just came round to the idea of marriage let alone having a baby.

Speaking of Gellert, while Sarah was daydreaming about the baby Gellert walked in. Sarah was busy, laying against the bedroom wall with her eyes closed with the newspaper beside her on the ground. Gellert walked over and sat down beside her.

"Hey." He whispered in her ear.

"I'm not asleep..." She said opening on eye.

"Oh, sorry. What were you doing then?"

"I was just daydreaming..."

"Oh really? What about? Our wedding? Me naked?" He said sarcastically.

"Nooo, just life really...our future"

"Ah I see. Anything about our future in particular?"

Sarah didn't wanna discuss her want for children so she just made something up.

"Just about where we will live in the future...Here or back at your castle or somewhere new?"

"Oh well, here is fine for now I guess but maybe in the future we will need more space."

"Space? Space for what?" Sarah panicked that somehow Gellert had read her mind.

"Kids... Maybe not anytime soon but one day I'm sure."

Sarah was shocked... "BABIES?!"

"Yes, babies.... why is that so shocking? I'm human too and I have a needs, wants and aspirations to be a father."

"Yeah but when you said that you wanted babies a few days ago, I thought you were lying."

"Well I was being slightly sarcastic but of course after marriage I want to focus on our family. The only worry I have is that... having children with my last name may be an issue..."

"Why? Grindelwald is a lovely name.

"Yeah but it has bad connotations. I'm an evil dark wizard, I don't want our future son or daughter to be bullied cause of who their dad is."

"Well how do you think I feel? I murdered a schools head teacher, My kid probably wouldn't want my last name either."

"Shhh, I won't let you get caught...And Mitchell is a much more common name than Grindelwald so less people will care."

"True but I still worry, also what school would they go to?" Asked Sarah.

"Well I went to Durmstrang Institute and you went to Hogwarts, didn't you?"

"Well...I actually went to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic."

"Really? You never told me that."

"Yeah, I hated it there... it's too girly."

They both laughed.

"Well if we stay in France we could send out child there."

"Good idea, Grindy!"

"Stopppp!" Gellert said frowning.


Sarah started to yawn.

"Oh are you sleepy? It's only 11:00am." Asked Grindelwald standing up and pulling Sarah up with him.

"No, I'm just tired that's all."

"Oh, I wonder why that is..." Said Gellert sarcastically.

"It's your fault, keeping me up all night." Said Sarah bluntly.

"You enjoy it though. Don't you?"

"Obviously, but now I'm tired. If you keep making  me stay awake all night I'll have to move into this spare bedroom myself, then there will be no room for a baby."

"Well if you sleep in here then I'll sleep with the baby in our bed...ha!" 

"Stop being a smarty pants, It's annoying."

Sarah pushed past Gellert and walked into their bedroom and stared at the bed.

"Should I have a midday nap or have a coffee?" She asked Gellert

"Neither I think you should come with me, downstairs, and make ME a coffee then sit on my lap while I drink it."

"How will that help me?"

"It won't, I just want a coffee but I can't be bother to make one myself... and I just want you to sleep on me." Whispered Gellert into Sarah's ear.

"Grrr, your lucky that you're cute cause if you wasn't I'd of slapped you."

Sarah went downstairs and into the kitchen to make Gellert his coffee. After she made it she took a mouthful of it when he wasn't looking.

"Thank you my love." He said to her as she passed it to him.

"No problem, Grindy!"

"Stop! It makes me sad."

"I'm sorry, my precious, little, blonde boy... I hope are kids have blonde hair like yours..."

"Aw." Gellert started drinking his coffee while walking into the living room. 

He sat down on one of the chairs and put his feet up on a pouffe. Sarah dragged her tired body in and say on his knees resting her head on his chest. She sat there for about a minute before closing her eyes and falling asleep on him. 

After about 2 hours of sleep Sarah woke up and she herself was sat in the chair Grindelwald was just sat on. She felt sad that her fiancé had left her while she was sleeping but she assumed he went to have more coffee so she dropped to sleep again.

Gellert wasn't making more coffee though, he was inside the shed in their back garden and he was practising his dark magic skills.

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