Part 10

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Not long after Sarah and Gellert had reunited in the cage, they feel straight to sleep in each others arms. 

In the morning, they woke up to a prisoner in a neighbouring cage banging an old and rusty spoon on the cage bars. 

"Laisse-moi... Let me out!"  shouted the man. "Je suis innocent... I am innocent."

"Oi mate, shut it! You're locked up cause you threatened a Muggle with a hex." Said one of the guards.

"C'etait faux. La boue t'a menti. Je suis innocent, je le jure... That was fake. The Muggle lied to you. I am innocent, I swear it."

The guard walked away muttering to himself. Gellert had enough of this mans shouting so stood up and went over to the side of his cage to try and talk some sense into him.

"Hey, what's the issue? Some of us are trying to sleep." Said Gellert annoyed and croaky.

Gellert's voice had returned almost to normal during the night, the spell must have only been a temporary punishment.

"Dis man is disrespecting me, Sir." The man spoke in a very thick French accent. "Aidez-moi... help me."

"Look, me and my partner are trapped here just like you are, maybe together we can find a way out." Gellert whispered.

"Oui, deal, but how?"

"I'm not sure yet..." Gellert turned to Sarah and grabbed her by the arm. "Hey Sarah, come here. Us and this man are going to break out together."

"Are you sure this is safe Gellert?" Sarah whispered.

"Yes and if the plan backfires then we can blame him." Gellert grinned.

"What is dis plan, Sir?" The French man said.

"Well first-things-first... Let's introduce each other to each other." Gellert looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping into their conversation. "I'm Gellert Grindelwald and this is my fiancée, Sarah Mitchell."

"Nice to be acquainted to you both, I am Felix Pierre Chevrolet."

Felix had short brown hair, with a far back hairline. He was possibly in his late 50's. He had darkish tanned skin, and he was pretty thin. He was wearing something similar to what Gellert was wearing which was like a jumpsuit.

"Gellert I have an Idea..." Whispered Sarah to both men. "I could try and distract a guard."

"How?" Both men said.

"Well, either I could try to flirt with a guard..." Sarah looked at Gellert and could tell that wasn't going to happen so she changed the plan. "Or I could pretend I'm currently experiencing... erm know... lady problems...and so I need to go to the toilet."

Gellert's eyes looked down towards Sarah's lower body and glanced back up. "Oh all right." Gellert looked confused but understood.

"What does that mean?" Asked Felix.

"Erm..." Sarah actually learnt some French from a radio station that she would listen to while making dinner for herself and Gellert so she tried to explain with the knowledge she knew. "I'm not good at French but I'll try to explain, Je ferai semblant que mon cycle menstruel se produit... I will pretend my menstrual cycle is happening."

"Ohhhh...I understand that, Oui."

Gellert went over to the cage door and shouted at one of the guards to get their attention so that they would come over.

"What's wrong, Sir?" Asked the guard.

Sarah remembered that this was one of the guards that hurt her with the handcuffs yesterday.

"I am feeling unwell, I wondered if I could visit your toilet."

"No!" The guard said and started to walk away.

"No Sir please. I really need to go to the toilet, it's very important... I'm bleeding..."

The guard stopped walking and walked back to the cage.

"Bleeding?" The man looked down at the bottom half of Sarah's body then looked back up.

"Yes! I know their aren't many women here but surely you understand what I'm talking about."

"Hmm, ok but be quick." The man unlocked the cage door and pulled Sarah out by her arm.

The man handcuffed Sarah again and guided her to the nearest toilet. Now that the guard was distracted Gellert could leave the cage. The only problem was, how can Gellert rescue Felix when his doors still locked?" Gellert quickly thought of an answer to his problem. All over the floor of Gellert and Sarah's cage was little twigs. He could use one of them to pick the lock.

"Oi Felix, pick up one of those twigs and pick your lock, quickly."

"Oui!" Said Felix doing as he was told.

"Be quick we only have a couple of minutes."

The next couple minutes were pretty tense. Gellert kept looking between the toilet door and Felix.

"Oui, I am free."

"Good, now we need to run to the left of us, down that corridor and hide in the first unlocked room we come too, but not without Sarah."

"Certainly Sir."

As soon as he saw the toilet door open Gellert and Felix ran. Gellert held his hand out for Sarah has he ran past and Sarah grabbed it and ran too.

"OI, GET BACK HERE IDIOTS!" Said the guard running after them.

"Sorry but we don't speak English." Shouted Sarah smugly.

"Haha, Pas d'anglophones ici... no English speakers here." Shouted Felix.

As soon as the 3 of them came to an open door they all ran in and locked the door behind them. They made it away. The room they found themselves in was empty but looked like it had people in it recently, there were all sorts of things scattered around. Crayons, kids books, school bags and pieces of colourful paper.

"What's all this stuff?" Asked Sarah looking around the room. 

Gellert was too busy to answer her. He was looking for a way out, there were multiple windows but all were shut.

"Une chambre d'enfant... a children's room." Said Felix sitting down in a tiny plastic chair.

"A child's room? In a prison?"

"Oui, C'est peut-etre ue sorte de garderie... maybe it's some sort of day care."

"Why would anybody bring their kids here though?" Asked Sarah, thinking outloud.

"I guess it might be because people that work here might have their own children and would rather have them here than in a muggle school." Said Gellert joining the conversation.

"I guess, but they all seem to be gone now."

Despite the fact that all the kids had left the room, Sarah felt like someone was watching them.

Sarah sighed.

"Look, these windows are only single glazed windows which means they will be easy to break, all I need to something to throw at it."

Suddenly all 3 of them heard a crying sound.

"What's that?" Asked Gellert, still trying to find something to throw at the windows.

"Il vient de sous la table... It's coming from under the table."

Sarah bent down and saw a little boy hiding under the table. The little boy couldn't be more than 2 years old. He was wearing a blue and white stripped t-shirt and little shorts.

"Oh my goodness... a baby."


"Oh no!" Gellert said. "He must of heard my plans about breaking out, we must take him with us."

"What?" Yelled Sarah

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