Part 4

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A few days have passed since the last chapter and the new school year has started at Hogwarts. Today Mildred sent Gellert and Sarah the latest Daily Prophet newspaper which discussed how Hogwarts will run without Dumbledore ruling it. Sarah is sat in the bath reading it while Gellert is shaving his face.

"What does it say?" He asks while rubbing some shaving cream onto his cheeks and chin.

"It says that Professor McGonagall will take over in the short-term and then in the new year they will find a proper replacement."

Grindelwald sighed.

"Apart from that." Sarah continued, "They want people to come forward with information if they know what happened when Dumbledore died..."

"Well hopefully no one will come forward with information." Grindelwald says while staring at Sarah through the reflection of the bathroom mirror. "Only me, you, Oris and Aurelius were there... And Aurelius knows not to speak to anyone."

Aurelius was one of the people Gellert Grindelwald was trying to train to help kill Dumbledore.

"Let's hope so." Sarah said while rinsing her soapy hair.

While Sarah was rinsing her hair out he stood staring at her through her reflexion in the bathroom mirror.

"What are you grinning at?" She asks noticing. "I'll get out if you want... so you can shave in peace."

She stood up and hopped out of the bath. Then picked up her pink towel off the floor and wrapped it around her body.

"Aww, I preferred you when you were naked in the bath." Gellert said while smirking.

"Shhh" She said walking over to him and kissing his back. "Don't be naughty. Anyway, what should we do today?"

"Something romantic..." Gellert said while quickly turning around and lifting Sarah up.

Sarah wrapped her legs around Gellert's waist and he took her to their room. He then attempted to pull Sarah off him but failed. Sarah had wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his shoulders so tightly that he couldn't pry her off him.

"Get off me!" he said huffing and puffing.

"Nooooo, I'm your monkey and you are my tree."

"What does that even mean?" He said still struggling.

"It means, I'm a little baby monkey and you are my tree."

Gellert sighed again and then decided to sit on the bed himself which the leg to Sarah sitting on his lap.

They sat like this for about 30 minutes, just cuddling, well Sarah was doing more of the cuddling than Gellert was.

"Sarahhhh, move please." Gellert moaned after a while.

"Whyyyy, YOU! ARE! MY! TREE!" She said stubbornly.

"I need the toilet..."

"Wee or poo?" Sarah said giggling.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Cause if it's wee, I dare you to wee on me... I wouldn't care." Sarah said while still being tightly wrapped around Gellert.

"And if it's poo?"

"Then I'll let you go, if you even tried to poo on me I'd leave you."

"What if I poo on the bed instead?"

"That's even worse..."

"Hmmm, I've heard of many people to poo on beds. There was once an actress named Amber who pooped on her husbands bed and blamed it on him..."

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