Part 3

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Sarah remained in her place for a while longer. She wanted to talk to Gellert and apologise for ignoring him but she wasn't done being moody. She eventually sat up and put  slice of bacon in her mouth, the bacon wasn't even warm, it tasted like meaty cardboard but she chewed and swallowed it never the less. She then took the plate of stone cold meats back into the kitchen and threw the food away. She then washed the 2 plates and the 2 frying pans up then put them away. After that she felt very thirsty so she got a glass from the cupboard and put some tap water into it. Just as she was about to drink it the Falcon swooped into the garden and flew straight into the  kitchen window  with a bang.

"Ahh!" Screamed Sarah. 

The bird smacking into the window scared Sarah so she accidentally dropped the glass of water onto the floor which caused it to smash.

Sarah then heard Grindelwald coming down the stairs which made her panic so she bent down and picked up the broken glass with her bare hands. 

"What is it?" Shouted Grindelwald marching through the kitchen door. 

This made Sarah even more scared which caused her to not pay attention and cut herself on the broken glass.

"Ouch!" She shouted as she sliced the fingers on her right hand open.

"Hey hey hey!" Said Grindelwald. "Be careful baby. Stand up and wash it."

Grindelwald carefully stepped over the broke glass and pulled Sarah to the kitchen sink so that she could wash her cuts under some cold water.

"Why did you drop the glass baby?" He asked rubbing her fingers with his.

While he did this Sarah locked eyes with Grindelwald and for the first time in a while, she felt like she was about to faint. Grindelwald could tell by the way her eyes were struggling to stay open and wrapped his arms around her waist just in time to catch her when she fell. He lifted her up and began to walk out of the kitchen but Sarah quickly awoke.

"Gellert stop..." She said quietly.

"What's up?" He said continuing up the stairs.

"The bird..." 

Sarah fell asleep again. Gellert decided to put Sarah back onto the sofa instead of in bed and walked back into the kitchen to find the bird she was talking about. He shovelled the remaining glass from the floor and put it into the bin. He then opened the back door and saw the Falcon laying no the floor with his legs up in the air. Grindelwald flicked his wand again which caused the bird to teleport back onto Gellert's left shoulder. He then walked back into the house and shut the door behind him. 

There was a letter in the birds mouth as well as a little parcel. He took out the letter  and unravelled it. It was from Mildred. It read: 

Dear Master and Miss, I have found a collection of things I think you and Miss may like. I can also arrange for a food parcel delivery every2 days if you would like. I have also enclosed the address of a friend of mine who can provide you with some muggle clothes. Her address is Number 64 MajRNice Street Saint-Tropez, France. Goodbye Master and Miss. -O and M.

Grindelwald quickly wrote back saying he would like a food parcel and that he would get Sarah to contact the muggle clothes lady. He put the new letter into the birds mouth and sent him on his way. 

Grindelwald then took the little parcel with him into the living room. Sarah was still unconscious on the sofa so he took her upstairs and into their bedroom. He then returned back into the living room and untied the little parcel. The parcel was wrapped in brown paper with brown string wrapped around it. He untied the string and looked at what was inside. It was a little brown box. Gellert took the lid off the box and saw what was inside. It was 3 rings, his late mothers. All the rings were a dirty gold colour but each had different coloured diamonds in it. One had red diamonds, one had blue and the other had green. He very quickly knew what he could use these rings for. He put the 3 rings into his pocket for safe keeping and then looked at what else was in the box. There was also a pretty necklace, also Gellert's mothers. The necklace had all 3 of the colours which were on each of the rings on it. "They must have been a set." He though to himself. The last time he saw these pieces of jewellery was when he saw his mother wear them before she died. He knew that not only Sarah would love these rings but he knew his mother would approve of Sarah marrying him. He also lifted the necklace out of the box and carefully put it into his pocket. He then closed the box and then went back upstairs to be near Sarah's bedside. Once he was back into the bedroom Gellert placed the 3 rings and necklace into a bathroom cabinet and locked it using his wand so Sarah wouldn't be able to see inside. He then sat on the opposite side of the bed and laid next to her until she woke up.

Sarah was asleep for awhile, she woke up at about lunch time that day. Gellert stayed by her side the entire time. 

"Gellert!" She exclaimed as soon as her eyes opened.

"Hey." He said putting his nose against hers and gazing into her eyes.

She cleared her throat then sat up.

"What happened to my hand?" She asked while looking down at her bloody fingers.

"You dropped a glass and you cut yourself when you picked it up."


"It's alright though, I got rid of the rest of the glass and if you want I'll kiss your cheek again and heel you." Said Grindelwald not even waiting for Sarah's answer and kissing her anyway.

Sarah felt a tingle in her hands and then the red blood faded away without a scar.

"Wow." She said. "My hero."

Grindelwald laughed at her. "Does that mean you forgive me?"

"Mmm... I don't even remember what we last talked about, but sure." Sarah smiled and then snuggled closer to Gellert.

"Well, I'm pretty sure it was about the fact that I want you..."

Sarah lifted her head off Gellert's chest and looked puzzled at him.

"Want me how?"

"All to myself..." He growled

And with that, he kissed Sarah... Not only kissed but basically put his whole mouth inside of hers.

Sarah started to giggle and then...

Chapter revisited: 27/2/2022

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