Part 12

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Gellert marched over to a public toilet to change his clothes which left Sarah alone on the bench again. Sarah was really upset at Gellert for being so sexist towards her. Why on earth would he say that? It wasn't he fault she knew nothing about babies. Gellert was the oldest, he should be more eager to do parental things. Sarah was only 23 years old. The weather was getting colder, by now it was more into the afternoon, the lunch rush was over so the population of the park was now at a minimum. This was actually quick idea seen as the 3 of them were hiding from the prison.

Before long Gellert, Felix and the baby returned.

The baby gargled when he saw Sarah.

"It looks like the baby likes you, Sarah." Said Felix passing the baby back to Sarah.

"Yes it does..." Sarah didn't look at Gellert when got close to her.

She was still very angry at him. She didn't want the baby or Felix to realise though so she stayed polite.

"We should probably find a place to stay the night." Sarah said while standing up and picking up the baby and the bags.

"I'll hold them." Felix said while grabbing some bags.

Gellert just stood there motionless.

"Where should we go? How much money do we have left?"

"I have only 30 Euros left but at the wizard bank I have loads, we can go there next so I can buy a new wand, then we could actually leave Muggle territory." 

Felix then lead the way to a weird looking statue. The statue was of a women. The same as the picture below

"Oui, this is it!" He said pointing at the base of the statue, "Marche a travers ca

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"Oui, this is it!" He said pointing at the base of the statue, "Marche a travers ca... Walk through it."

Gellert and Sarah looked at Felix puzzled but did as he said. Felix lead the way through the statue, Sarah followed with the baby and then Gellert followed.

When they exited the statue on the other side, the world had changed, it no longer looked like Paris. 

"Where are we?" Asked Gellert

"Nous sommas a la Place Cachee... We are in Place Cachee." he said.

"I think I've been here before, maybe when I was in my first year at Beauxbatons..."

"Oui, this place is popular for first years...I'll quickly go to the bank..."

Place Cachee was very quiet, probably because the school term was still going on, but it wouldn't be long before school children ended school for their Christmas Holidays.

Felix went to the bank and got out 100 Galleons.

Felix then lead the 3 of them to the wand shop, Cosme Acajor.

"Here is Cosme Acajor"

Felix walked into the shop. While he was inside Sarah, Gellert and the baby were waiting outside for him.

"We really should give this baby a name..." Gellert said, this was the first thing he had said to Sarah in hours.

"Oh, I don't know, as you know Gellert, I am only a women so I'm obviously unqualified to do such an important task despite following through with a murder you should have done yourself..." Sarah shouted sarcastically 

"Shhh." Gellert placed his hand over Sarah's mouth. "1. Don't you dare say that out loud again, 2. I didn't really mean it earlier when I said that and 3. Stop standing here moaning about the past when you could borrow some money off Felix to buy a wand."

Sarah didn't say another word. She pasted the baby to Gellert and marched into the wand shop.

The shop looked a lot like how you'd expect. It looked like a mixture between a bookshop and an old sweetie shop. There were shelves upon shelves of wands ready to be sold. There was a ladder up against the shelves to allow the shopkeeper to access all the wands. The counter was where the shopkeeper was standing while talking to Felix.

"Alors Monsieur Chevvrolet, vous avez besoin d'un remplacement de baguette?...So Mr Chevrolet, You need a wand replacement?"

"Oui parce que j'ai accidentellement laisse tomber mon ancien dans les toilettes...Yes because I accidentally dropped my old one down the toilet."

Felix just noticed Sarah came into the shop, "Hi Sarah come here...C'est Sarah, elle a aussi perdu sa baguette...This is Sarah, she has also lost her wand."

"Oui, Je te trouverai les deux remplacants... I will find you both replacements."

The shopkeeper went to one of the shelves and got 2 new wands and put them on the counter.

"Ceux-ci couteront 40 galions chacun... These will cost 40 Galleons each."

Luckily, Felix had 100 Galleons so he could afford 80 for both. This meant he had 20 Galleons left.

Felix and Sarah left the shop and opened up their new wands.

"Don't you need a wand Sir?" Asked Felix.

"No, I'll get Mildred to get me one once we are home."

"Who is she?" Asked Felix.

"She is a lady that works for Gellert."

"Only me, last time I checked, we lived there together."

Sarah ignored Gellert and changed the subject.

"Anyway, now we have wands, we should leave, Saint-Tropez, Gellert?"

"Maybe but what if our house is still being watched?"

"I'll be quick, I'll only pop home to collect Lexi and then we can go away..."

"What about me and the baby?" Asked Felix butting in. "I'm not from where you are from but I don't think I'll be welcome home now I've broken out of prison, can I come with you." 

Sarah and Gellert looked at each other.

"Well who says I'm going to remain with Gellert, maybe I'll raise my son alone." Sarah ripped the baby out of Gellert's arms.



The baby started to cry and rain started to pour from the sky.

The 3 adults stood silently in the rain.

"I'll go home with Richard to get Lexi and I'll leave, that's final."

"Richard? You are aware giving your kid a name like Richard is horrible, Richard shortened is 'Dick'. That will be embarrassing for him." Gellert was in a horrible mood, the worst mood his been in all day.

"I don't care."

Sarah apparated away.

"Should I come with you or Sarah?" Asked Felix looking slightly confused.

"Come with me. We will go to Greece."

Gellert and Felix apparated away.

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