Part 17

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After a while Gellert beckoned Oris over to him.

"Oris, go get a towel from the bathroom to wrap him up in." Gellert whispered.

Gellert was still considering the idea of Obliviating Sarah. Yes it would be very useful but he didn't want to make Sarah love him again only cause he missed her.

When Oris came back the pair of them wrapped Richard up. Gellert thought it would be best if Sarah didn't say goodbye so Gellert stood up, while holding Richard's body and apparated back to Paris.

In Paris it was very early in the morning, about 4:00am. Gellert took Richard to the bench where he, Sarah, Felix and the baby sat right when they broke out of prison. Gellert laid the baby on the bench and kissed it on the head. He then quickly apparated back to Sarah's house in Mykonos.

Sarah was still on the floor sobbing when he returned. He turned to face her and said, "We need to Obliviate Sarah."

Sarah looked up at Gellert. "No, you can't." Sarah stood up. "You can't Gellert, that was my son, how can I forget him."

"I need to, or else you will grieve a child that wasn't even yours forever and you'll never love me again."

"If you Obliviate me then I'll never love you again. I'll never forget my son, not ever. Don't you dare Gellert."

Gellert walked over to Sarah and put his hand on her chest near her neck.

"Gellert, please. If you ever loved me, you wouldn't be doing this. You can't erase parts of my life, I wont allow it."

"It's too late. I have to, I've hurt too much. I have to do this, For The Greater Good."

Gellert lifted up his wand and pointed it to the side of Sarah's head.

"Please Gellert."

"Shhh." He said.

He kissed Sarah's forehead and Obliviated her.

"You won't remember anything, Sarah I'm sorry. I'll explain this to you one day but I can't let you live in constant grief and hatred forever."

Sarah fainted.

Gellert picked her up and took her to bed.

Oris ran over to Sarah's engagement ring on the floor and passed it to Gellert as he walked past.

"You two should leave, and go tell Felix to never mention Richards name again."

Oris and Mildred apparated away.

Gellert laid Sarah on her bed and covered her up. He went outside of the room and tidied up. He made sure the whole house looked like Richard had never been there. He even fixed the glass door that he broke earlier.

He then returned to Sarah and laid next to her in bed until she woke up.

He wondered whether she would remember anything or if she ever would feel like something has changed. he came up with the idea of telling Sarah that they are hiding in Greece due to the fact they broke out of prison and are in hiding, which was in fact true, and the reason why she lives in one house and Gellert lives in another is because if one house gets found they can always apparate to the other for safety.

Sarah woke up at about 9:00am.

"Hmmm." Sarah sighed and yawned. "Gellert?"

"Yes, I'm here."

Sarah rolled over to face him.

"I missed you." She said.

"Why? I've been here all this time."

"I know that but I've missed you. I feel like I haven't hugged or kissed you in ages."

"Aw, well now you're away we can."

Sarah and Gellert's lips met each others. Gellert really enjoyed kissing Sarah again. He had missed her so much even though they were only apart for a couple of days. The kiss felt like it lasted forever, neither of them wanted the kiss to end. Eventually though, the kiss did end.

"Wow, it looks like you really did miss me, baby." Said Gellert while he rann his fingers through Sarah's messy hair.

"We should get up, I need to go to work." Sarah groaned.

"Nooo you don't...I can think of something more fun for us to do." Gellert winked.

"Like what?"

"Making a baby. While you were sleeping I was thinking about how great of a mother you would be."

"I'm sure I wouldn't be that great."

"I think you would and I promise I'll be the best dad ever."

"Hmm, maybe later. I'm not in the mood right now. You'll need to spend the day winning me over..." Sarah giggled and walked out of the room and into the kitchen.

Gellert remained in bed for a while longer, thinking about having kids with Sarah. It was so strange seeing Sarah act like that so soon after Richard dying but he understood it. After a while he made his way into the kitchen and tried to convince Sarah into having a baby with him again.

"See you're making breakfast, that's definitely something out future baby would love." He said walking into the kitchen.

"Well, everyone loves breakfast so I don't think it's that special."

"It is. Maybe if I went into town and bought some baby clothes, it would make you broody for a baby."

"Hmm sure, but not until you've had some breakfast."

Gellert made a plateful of different fruits. There were pomegranates, apples, pears, and grapes. Sarah got out 2 bowls from the cupboard and the pair of them tucked in.

After breakfast, Gellert changed his normal clothes to Muggle clothes and went into town. He went to a stall that sold baby clothes and he bought some that he though Sarah would like, he bought a set of 3 babygrows. One had little giraffes on it, one had little zebras on it and the other had little cats on it. He also bought a really small pair of white Jelly Shoes. Gellert knew that all of these tiny baby clothes would make Sarah really broody. The clothes costed 20 Euros all together so he paid and left. He also saw the stall with the lady from Sarah's job sitting behind it. Gellert wasn't aware of this though so he ignored it. He then quickly ran back to the house with them and showed Sarah.

Sarah was now sat on the sofa relaxing.

"Look at these."

Gellert held up one of the tiny babygrows and one of the little shoes.

"Aww, Gellert. They are so cute."

Lexi started meowing.

"See, even Lexi agrees." Said Sarah.

Next thing Gellert knew he was getting dragged into the bedroom and his clothes were getting ripped of him...

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