Part 9

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The minutes blurred into hours and the hours were blurred into days. Sarah had lost track of what day it was. She knew it was the 1st of December when she got taken but now she had no idea whether it was even day or night. She knew she had been here a while though, seen as she was getting very hungry and tired. All she had eaten today was the few cookies and a hot chocolate that Gellert had brought her and Mildred when they were organising their wedding plans. All she could do was wait for someone to either rescue her or for them to be let free.

The longer Sarah was left alone with her own thoughts the more she worried about things, she worried that Gellert's alibi hadn't matched up with hers, she worried that maybe Mildred had gotten intercepted by the Ministry when she left Sarah's house, or even that Mildred wasn't Mildred at all. If Mildred wasn't really Mildred then Sarah had just shared her wedding plans with a total stranger who now knew what their wedding plans were.

Sarah also worried about her family; her mother, father and grandmother. She hadn't seen her family in months, although she barely ever saw her mother and father because they were so busy working, she still missed them and surely they would be missing her. Maybe they had worked out where Sarah had gone to, her family knew that her opinion on dark wizards was different to theirs. Maybe they haven't come looking for her cause they think she was killed by a dark wizard. "Wow! I'd love to see the look on their face when they find out that I'm marrying a dark wizard." Sarah thought, a thought that actually put a smile on her face. Sarah suddenly felt bad that she hadn't thought to invite her family to her wedding to Grindelwald. Surely they would forgive her for leaving them to find a dark wizard, surely all her family would need to care about would be that Sarah was happy and who knows, maybe if the pair of them survive this, Sarah's parents could become grandparents.

After a while, Sarah's mind drifted off into another deep thought. This time it was about Dumbledore. Maybe Dumbledore dying was fake too, maybe it was a set up. All it had taken to trick Sarah into thinking that Gellert was Gellert in the shed was a drink from a Polyjuice potion, so could Dumbledore's death be fake too? Quickly, Sarah changed her mind, "If that wasn't the real Dumbledore then how come when Gellert tried, he couldn't kill him when he struck him?" Sarah gave up trying to think of things logically. We were wizards after all, nothing in the wizarding world is logical.

After much more time had passed, there was a knock at the door, it was the lady from earlier.

"Come with me." She said.

She flicked her wand at Sarah's chair which freed her.

As soon as Sarah set foot outside of the cell, 3 guards grabbed her and handcuffed her.

"Ow...!" Sarah said as the handcuffs became tight around her wrists.

Seraphina Picquery quickly marched away and up the metal stairs. Surrounding the stairs were 100s if not 1000s of cages with people in them. As Sarah walked closer to the cages of people, the people screamed at her. They sounded like crazy people, like they were on some sort of drug that made them behave stupidly. They were not only making high and low pitched screams and moans; they were also calling her horrid names. It seemed to Sarah that the prisoners knew that she and Grindelwald were an item.

Sarah followed Seraphina Picquery up and stairs for a while before stopping, this place reminded Sarah of the little corridor in Grindelwald's castle. After a while they all stopped walking. Sarah turned to one of the cages and guess who she saw there? Gellert Grindelwald. Gellert was sitting on the floor of the cage, the floor looked like it was covered in sand. It didn't seem that he was wearing what he normally wore. It looked like he was wearing the sort of thing you'd see a mechanic wear. They were dark coloured overalls, with big black boots.

"Mr Grindelwald...?" said Seraphina Picquery while putting a key into the lock of the cage.

Gellert slowly turned his head to face the women.

"You have a cellmate."

One of the guards grabbed Sarah by the shoulders while one of the others unlocked the cage door and pushed her in.

Sarah fell into the cage and landed on her front. She turned back to face and door and sat up.

"Miss Mitchell, you will stay here with Mr Grindelwald until further notice." The woman said.

Not long later, Seraphina Picquery and the 3 guards left the cage and the screaming and moaning of the fellow prisoners stopped.

Sarah turned to face Gellert, she didn't know how long it had been since she saw him last. He looked very different to how he usually looked. His hair had grown darker, probably due to stress and dirt and his face looked beyond wrinkly and worn.

"Gellert?" Sarah crawled over to him on the floor and sat in front of him. He didn't look happy to see her at all. He looked beyond sad. "Are you ok?" She placed her right hand on his left cheek but even this didn't cheer him up.

Instead of smiling, Gellert gave a loud sigh. Sarah moved to the back of the cage and dragged Gellert over by his hand to join her. The cage wasn't very big but she wanted a little bit of privacy so she thought moving to the back of the cage was slightly more appropriate. This was so no one from opposite cages could hear them talking, but the cages beside them still could.

"Come on Gellert...speak to me please." She whispered.

Gellert looked like he was trying to talk but couldn't. "Maybe they had cut his tongue out." Sarah thought.

She figured if she asked him yes or no questions that he could answer them.

"Are you in any pain?" She asked first.

He shook his head to say no.

"Do you blame me for this?"

He shook his head again. This made Sarah smile although, even though she knew he was probably lying.

"Have you been in this cage for a while?"

He nodded.

"How long?" Sarah quickly realised that this wasn't a yes or no question.

He lifted up his right hand and put up 4 fingers.

"Hours or days?"

As soon as Sarah said 'hours' he nodded.

Sarah's eyes began to fill up with tears. "I'm so unbelievably sorry, Gellert."

"It wasn't your fault." He said in a very faint and slow whisper. It sounded like an old man's voice.

Sarah assumed a type of spell had been put on him to stop him from talking. Feeling bad, Sarah kissed Gellert's forehead and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Poor baby." She whispered into his ear.

Sarah didn't really know why or how long they would be in here for. Maybe a little while until the Ministry works out if they were to blame for Dumbledore's death or not. Or until one of them confesses themselves but neither of them would confess to such a thing as killing Dumbledore. The only problem was that the Ministry knew about Grindelwald's and Dumbledore's closeness which meant they already knew he must be the main suspect...

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