Part 11

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"The baby just heard me say that we need to break out of here through the window. We can't leave this child, knowing the truth." said Gellert, Sarah could sense Gellert's fear in his voice.

"But his only little, He probably doesn't understand many words yet, and his French..." added Sarah.

Sarah bent down and crawled under the table.  "Hello, little boy." She said.

The baby just looked at her. 

"What's your name?"

Gellert rolled his eyes, "Get out from under there and help me get the 4 of us out of here."

"Quatre...4?" Added Felix, looking confused.

"We need to take the baby with us, Felix, he could be a spy baby."

Sarah crawled out from under the table while holding the baby. 

"A spy baby? Are you serious Gellert? It's only  a baby, a baby which probably doesn't know English so why would does it matter if he heard us?"

"Cause we don't know how much he knows...We must test him."


"Here, put the baby on the table and ask him questions... I would ask but kids scare me."

"Gellert, it's only a baby, I thought we were going to have a baby..." Sarah said sadly, putting the baby onto the table.

"Well yeah, but this isn't our baby, it's a evil French baby spy."

Sarah sighed and sat down on a chair opposite Felix.

"Ok so, Mr baby, who is your mum?"

The baby didn't say anything.

"Felix, ask the baby something in French." Said Gellert pacing around the room.

"Qui est ta mere? Who is your mother?"

The baby smiled.

"See, his a French baby so he doesn't even know English which means he has no idea what our plans are."

Gellert rolled his eyes again, "Ask him if he knows who killed Albus Dumbledore."

"Seriously Gellert, isn't it obvious who killed him? It was me."

"Shhh, wait till he tells us."

"Sais-tu qui a tue Albus Dumbledore? Do you know who killed Albus Dumbledore?"

The baby just giggled.

"SEE! HE KNOWS IT WAS ONE OF US!" Shouted Gellert.

He picked up a little toy building block and threw it at a window. The window smashed.

"Let's go, take the baby Sarah..."

"Are you sure?"


Gellert  used his sleeve to get rid of some of the glass that was shattered on the window and cleared the way for the others go escape. 

"Ou irons-nous d'ici sans nos mains? Where will we go from here without our wands?"

"I don't know but I'll find a way of getting them back." Said Gellert.

Felix went through the window first and rana and hid behind a big recycling bin. Sarah and the baby left second.

"Are you sure about this Gellert? It's only a baby, this is basically kidnapping, now we are murders and kidnappers."

"It will be fine, I promise." Gellert kissed her forehead and then Sarah ran to join Felix behind the bin.

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