Part 16

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Gellert did not move after hearing the news. Part of him though he dreamt it. They knew that Sarah was already wanted for killing Dumbledore and now she was wanted for kidnap but it was Gellert's fault. It was his idea to take the baby and now Sarah was alone with him. Gellert knew he had to locate Sarah and Richard immediately and warn her. But how? He didn't know where she was. He knew she wouldn't still be in France.

After a few minutes of thinking, he knew what he had to do but first he needed to use Felix's wand. He creeped into Felix's bedroom, Felix was fast asleep in bed. He was snoring pretty loudly. Gellert noticed his wand on Felix's bedside table. Gellert quickly swiped it and tip toed out of the bedroom and downstairs.

Once he was downstairs he summoned Mildred and Oris.

Out of nowhere they appeared.

"Oh hellooooo Master." Said Oris.

"Master, I finished making your new wand..." Mildred passed Grindelwald his new Elder Wand.

"Thank you Mildred, I summoned you here because I need you guys to help me."

"Withhhh whattt."

"Sarah and I have...well...spent some time away from each other, a s-s-separation, I guess is what you'd call it and I wondered if either of you knew where she was?" Gellert couldn't bring himself to say that him and Sarah had broken up.

Oris pulled a strange face and stared at Mildred. Mildred had promised Sarah not to tell Gellert where she was.

"Oh...Me and Oris know nothing about Sarah's current location. Maybe Mr Felix would know?"

"No, he wouldn't know."

"Oh well, I'm not sure where she is...sorry Sir."

Mildred stared at the floor looking nervous. Gellert noticed this and didn't like it.


Oris sprinted over to a open window in the living room and threw himself out of it out of fear.

Mildred looked up at Grindelwald and her face went white.

"I'm sorry Sir but, Sarah told me to promise her not to tell you..."


"She is also in Greece, she is in Mykonos..."

Just like that Grindelwald apparated to Mykonos. He appeared on the same pier that Mildred, Oris and Sarah appeared on a couple days ago where they came here. Gellert summoned Mildred and Oris again. When they appeared he asked them where Sarah lived.

"She lives about 10 minutes away from the beach. She lives near a pathway that leads to the town centre market."

Gellert ran across the pier, across the sandy beach, and into town. He shortly came to a house. Mildred and Oris arrived shortly later then Gellert seen as they couldn't run as fast as him.

"It's this house." Mildred said out of breath.

Gellert looked at the house, it was Sarah's house. He tried to open the door but couldn't.

"There is a patiooooo, in the backkk." Slurred Oris.

Gellert ran round to the back of the house and climbed over the back garden fence. He found himself in Sarah's patio. The door was still locked though so he decided to pick up a rock from the floor and threw it at the glass door. When the door smashed he climbed into the house and summoned Mildred and Oris inside too.

Seen as the house was bungalow, he could easily locate Sarah's room. He knocked on her bedroom door and opened it, luckily the smashing of glass didn't wake her or Richard. Instead of waking her up though, Gellert uncovered Richard, picked him up, and took him into the living room.

"What are youuuu goingggg to do with himmm, Sir?" Asked Oris.

"Kill him, It's the only option we have."

While Gellert said this Mildred snuck into Sarah's room and woke her up.

"What is it Mildred?" She asked half asleep.

"Master wants to kill Richard...their in the living room..."

Sarah rolled over and saw that Richard was gone. Sarah bolted up and ran into the living room.

Gellert had placed Richard on a chair and placed his wand on his forehead.


Gellert turned his head and saw Sarah there. She looked different to how Gellert remembered her. She had a tan. Sarah was normally pretty pale so this tan looked very different. He moved his wand away and stood up.

"Sarah?" He said.

"Yes, and that's my son named Richard, don't you dare hurt him, if you do then hurt me too."

"He is not your son. We stole him from the prison day care."

"I love him, more than you could ever love a child. So leave or else" Sarah pulled her wand out of her pocket and pointed it at Gellert.

"You wouldn't hurt me...I'm not a bad guy."

"Yes you are, you want to kill Richard, you made me think you loved me and wanted a future with me but it was all a lie, you're a mean man Gellert and I was dumb enough to think I could change you for the better but you never changed; you just pretended to be a changed man." Sarah kept her wand pointed at Gellert. "Now, get out!... Oh and take this stupid ring with you."

Sarah pulled her engagement ring off and threw it at Gellert.

Gellert kept staring at Sarah. He had no words to say anymore. He couldn't believe she said this to him after everything they did together.

"You might be thinking, 'Why is Sarah saying all of this?' I'm saying it because I've had time to think while I've been here, While I've been raising a baby and working. I now understand that everything you said was a lie, you never loved me, you never liked me the way I liked you. You only said you loved me because you knew that if I was on your side, you'd be able to kill Dumbledore. Well guess what? I don't care. I loved you Gellert, so much. But that's over now. So get out of my house and never return or else I will kill you and you know I will, you're not the first person I've killed.

Gellert stood up, dropped his wand and walked over to Sarah. When he got close enough to her he pulled her wand out of her hand and threw it on the floor.

"I only wanted to kill him because everyone knows that the kid is missing. Even Muggles know his missing. If I kill him, it's over. I'll take the dead boy back to Paris and then it will be over."

Gellert put his arms around Sarah but Sarah pulled him off.

"Don't touch me."

"Let me kill him and then I'll leave."

Tears fell down Sarah's face. She knew that the only option was for Richard to die but she couldn't bare accepting him get killed. He was only a baby, the ladies at her job knew about Richard, if she returned to work without Richard they would ask questions. She also knew that Gellert would make her leave Greece. She didn't want that either. She actually really enjoyed it here, more than she ever enjoyed Saint-Tropez. More tears fell from Sarah's eyes. She walked backwards into a wall and slipped down. She sat hiding her head in her knees, sobbing. Mildred walked over to her and sat with her while Oris stood silently. Gellert stood looking at Sarah for a while longer. He knew that as soon as he killed Richard, his chances of ever marrying Sarah were gone but he had no choice. He took a slow walk over to his Elder Wand and picked it up and pointed it towards Richard. He considered the idea of Obliviating Sarah afterwards but wasn't sure on the idea.

Gellert did a silent spell to kill Richard. he did this because he didn't want Sarah to know what spell he used on Richard. Seeing as Richard was already asleep, it made his death more peaceful.

She continued to sit with her head in her knees. She didn't even look up. The 4 of them all remained silent for a while...

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