The Leave

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"It's like we weren't even here" he murmured leaning closer his lips a millimeter from my forehead. I was crying freely now. My family left me..Esme..Em..Alice. My little Alice..I was crying freely now. My heart aching in unbelievable ways. She left me. She never loved me "bye Bella" his icy lips placed themselves on my forehead. "Wait.." I whispered out, he looked at with pity and a hint of sympathy. It took all I could not to scowl at him. "Yes Bella?" He implored. I looked down frowning "when you said we..did you mean Alice? Is she leaving me?" I asked desperately hoping she would magically drop down from the trees and dance her way to me. Wrapping me up in her cold arms..but keeping me in her warm embrace. I heard a loud growl causing me to snap my head up to Edward as he held an infuriated expression on his face. "Yes she left you." He snapped "don't you think she'd rather go find a new mall with better sales than be here with you?" He snarled. I flinched feeling tears come and fall down my cheeks. "Why?..she wouldn't leave least not with saying goodbye. You're lying to me! Tell me where she is!" I screamed at him. I saw his eyes blacken. I true sign of his dwindling control. "Bella. Please. We're talking about me and-" "I don't care! Where's my family where's MY Ali-" I felt all the air leave my chest with a loud whoosh then feeling my back crash against one tree then finally hitting a bolder. I tried screaming out in pain but all that came out is blood. I tired to feel the forest floor but I was hit with such force that my body left a creator in the bolder with pieces of rock embedded into my kidneys. A fatal wound not even his father could fix. I knew I was going to die. I heard another growl. I weakly looked up to see Edward stalking up to me. "You're so weak. So HUMAN" he sneered. "Just a plaything..well I'm finished playing with my food. Mother always said not to." I whimpered feeling all the pain from the impact start to make itself known, but before he could even step forward a louder growl-that shook the entire forest cut out across the wind. Edward looked towards it in pure terror before a giant tiger -and I mean GIANT, it was as big if not larger than a horse- races out to stand protectively in front of me. Its tail wrapping around my shoulders and neck, glancing back at me giving my shoulders a comforting squeeze. Then Turing back towards Edward letting out a steady growl as two more tigers charged out of the bush at him. I could feel my life slowly fading out of me. I was panicking, but my body was so sluggish that all I could do was moan in pain. I didn't want to die..I didn't want to leave her. The last thing I saw as painless black coming over me was Edward darting into the woods with a dark look in his eyes and a huge set of jaws closing onto my chest only managing to whimper out one thing "my Alice.."

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