Meeting a Royal

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So the chapter you've all been waiting for. I got goosebumps when writing this so I hope it has the same affect on you as it did for me. Feel free to comment or suggest something. As always, Enjoy.

Bella's pov

"Isabella...." I could hear a gentle call in the back of my mind as I stood up. It was completely black and empty. Totally cliche in my opinion. There was a faint echo everywhere I turned from nonexistent sounds that surrounded me. I looked down to see that I was no longer in the clothes that I previously had on, instead I was dressed in a silk white button up and a vest that was tight fitting and tucked in to an equally tight fitting pair of pants that didn't look like any type of fabric on earth. I had, what looked like leather protective arm bands that was made out of the same material as my pants and vest, snuggly tied to my forearms. I inspected them closer to see beautiful silver etchings in the leather that I could hardly begin to understand. "Isabella.." The same voice from before echoed across the space I was in and I cocked my head to the side trying to listen for the direction it was coming from. I heard it again and figured it had come from somewhere in front of me so I started to cautiously follow it. As I walked I noticed the bleak emptiness around me was gradually shifting into something brighter and welcoming. I looked at the floor I was walking on and saw that it was now a paved cobblestoned road, I quickly looked up to see myself walking towards a secluded house that was at the edge of a fairly large town. Well, if I had to put it more accurately it was more like a village. A gentle breeze blew causing my hair to ruffle gently across my face blowing the scents of the village as well. I took a deep breath and couldn't help the oddly content smile and soft sigh that escaped me as I felt a sense of welcome and belonging at the smell of the vast village.

"Soothing isn't dear one?" A warm voice spoke from behind me. I yelped and spun around to stop dead in my tracks at the woman standing before me. She had golden hair that would rival against Rosalie's shimmering locks, deep hazel eyes that shined with love and pride, a gentle face that held years of wisdom and care, her smile was warm and inviting as I relaxed my tense muscles. I noticed as I glanced down that she was in a flowing white gown that didn't cover her shoulders or neck and I could clearly see the distinctive markings that I had under my clothes. Who was this woman? Was she like me? She must have seen the questioning look in my eyes because she chuckled softly and held out her hand to me. "Come dear one, there is much to discuss in little time." I tentatively placed my hand in hers and let her lead me into the little house. I stepped inside the house and moved to the side as she closed the door behind me. She motioned silently towards a table in a room close to the door and I took my seat as I watched her disappear into a doorway to come back seconds later with a tea tray. As she set the tray down and placed a steaming cup in front of me she glanced over and spoke softly "You are much like I'd imagine you'd be young one." I placed my hands around the warm cup and brought it closer to me watching the steam dissipate into the air. "You chose me" I stated more of a question than an actual fact. "Yes" she stated simply taking her seat. I brought my gaze to hers. "Why?" She sighed and traced the edge of her cup with the tip of her finger contemplating on what to say. I looked back at my cup trying to understand why I was even here to begin with. "I knew that you would be destined to become a great leader, I could sense it in your soul" I looked back up at the soft confession she let out. She raised her eyes and met mine "I don't have much time to explain but I need to know now if you are willing to help me and save my people." Her people? There were more of them? Well surely there would have to be at least. I don't think I could be a good leader. But I wasn't one to back away from people in need of help. I looked back down at my cup contemplating on how I should word this. "I'm not sure what you saw in my soul to make you think that I'm leading material" I started off hesitantly "but I know that I will help you and your people" I looked back up to meet her gaze to see her eyes shimmering with happiness and gratefulness. When she spoke her voice was wavering "Isabella I thank you from the very center of my soul I can't express how thankful I am to you." I blushed at the sincerity in her tone. "But I'm afraid there is something you must know" I frowned and nervously ran my teeth over my bottom lip at the deep severity that swept into the room and settled on our shoulders suffocating the overly distant pleasantness moments beforehand.

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