My Little Tiger

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So, a new chapter on my new account. I'm tring to make them longer now that I can do it on a laptop. But if you have any questions or comments you know what to do. If you want to chat then have at it. But as always, enjoy~

Alice's pov 

As soon as I heard her ask if anyone else was with Rose I couldn't hold back anymore. I barreled towards her knocking her off her feet and the air in her not so fragile lungs. "Alice!" Rose called but i could barely focus on her as I pushed my nose against my Bella's neck. I could hear her heart pick up and her blood rushing through the thick vein on her neck. I saw a streak of a thick curved line that seemed to be inked into her skin as it swirled down until it was hidden from view under her tanktop. Maybe there were more? Hell who knows, all i could focus on was the fact that she was still alive. "A-Alice?" her beautiful voice, now amplified by her apparent change into the supernatural world, cracked with such raw emotion it made my dead heart pang painfully. "oh Bella" i whimpered into her neck. "my sweet Bella" as she pulled me tighter against her. I wish I could stay here forever, in her warm arms. That seemed to grow in warmth the longer we held each other. As she couldnt know i was her mate. I couldnt be the reason i bring warmth to her. Trying not to dwell to much on the thought I pulled back to kiss all over her body checking for any injuries I failed to see in her vision. I heard her amused giggle "Alice im fine, Im all healed up" I kissed around her face, trying to avoid her lips, before stopping to look at her. Her face adorned a beautiful content smile as she opened the chocolatey color of her eyes that i loved so much. I heard her breath hitch as our eyes connected and I watched as her eyes widened and turned a bright blue that would put the prettiest sky to shame. I instantly knew that the animal inside her knew she was mine and I was hers. Her eyes held the emotion of love and the feeling of finally seeing the world around her for the first time. 'yes my sweet, you're mine for eternity' I whispered to myself. Her mouth opened as if she had something to say, but no words came out. The sight was so very amusing. "you know Bella, I suspect you're in great shock now." came Rose's amused voice from behind us "but I suggest you close that mouth of yours before you catch a bug" I giggled as Bella clamped her mouth shut with a dark red blush coming across her cheeks as she ducked her head in embarrassment. "oh honey" I cooed softly putting my hands on her hot cheeks. She sighed in content leaning into my touch. "I thought it was cute" she bit her lip blushing again causing me to laugh out loud along with Rosalie and Victoria. A loud growl swept across us and my attention snapped back to Bella who was shaking under me. "Bella? Bella honey whats wrong?" I asked worried. She looked at me, her eyes the same blue before "Mine" she growled again looking in the direction I came from. Her body began to shake harder than before and it instantly reminded me of the wolf shifters. "Bella-" i was pulled into her arms as she whirled onto her feet so quickly I didnt realize what happened until I saw her crouched protectively in front of Rose and me, along with the small cub sleeping in Rose's arms. "Show yourself" Bella snarled in a dark voice. I shivered at the power that was laced into her voice. I watched warily as Victoria slowly walked into sight with her hands up in a surrendering gesture. I could see the fear in her eyes, as she walked closer to us. "come any closer and I'll rip you to shreds." Bella spat crouching lower a steady growl coming from her chest that i could feel in the forest floor. I realized that the black line I saw earlier did go all over her upper torso and arms. Seeming to stop at her wrists. But unlike before, they were now the same blue as her eyes were. I felt Rose grab the back of my shirt wait..her hand was trembling. She was scared..of Bella. I looked back to Victoria who flinched and instantly stopped where she was. I knew if this situation wasnt handled carefully it could end very bad for Bella and Victoria. Victoria refused to meet Bella's eyes that I was sure that they were glowing just as brightly as her tattoos. "Who. Are. You" she said between growls. I should have seen this coming. Her emotions would be going through the roof now after she just met her soulmate. Victoria looked at me for help, but that was a bad move. Bella let out a fierce  roar- literally a roar- and exploded into the beautiful white tiger we saw before...I gasped as I saw the her stripes continue to glow as the white fur on her body began to bleed into a black that was so dark it put the purest ink to shame. I took a step back out of fear and felt Roses taller fame against my back as she let out a soft whimper and cowered into me. Bella's head snapped towards us as she took in our fear induced appearances. Pain, sorrow, and regret flashed across her bright eyes and she lowered her head in shame as her fur became white again. Soon enough her glowing stripes dulled back into the inky black I saw before. She turned back to Victoria and I saw a look of surprise before she nodded and twisted her right fist before crossing it over her chest and bowing lowly. I watched in awe as Bella tucked a paw back against her underside and bowing back to Victoria. After the pair rose again I noticed that Victoria's eyes were black, must have been some terror. Bella looked at her for a second before darting off into the woods at such a fast speed that I could barely keep up with my eyes. And thats saying something. Before we could act on it or even register the fact, she came back with a large buck in her massive jaws. She walked up to Victoria who was still standing in shock mind you, and gently set the buck down in front of Victoria. She tentatively pushed her nose against Victoria's forehead before turning back to us. I noticed that Rosalie was still trembling behind me. Bella let out a soft whimper looking between me and Rosalie. I made eye contact with her and as if saying with my mind and eyes I said "go to her, Im okay." giving a soft and adoring smile before turning and taking the small sleeping cub out of Rose's trembling hands backing away as I watched Bella lower herself onto her belly and crawl slowly to Rose letting out soft whimpers with her ears down. When she finally got to her she butted her head against her Rose's face and chest. Showing just how large she was compared to us. Rose flinched away from her causing Bella to whimper again. I bit my lip at how broken Bella sounded, ashamed at what she cause. Scaring her mate and her mates sister did not sit well with her tiger side. She let out a deep soothing purr, and I watched as she seems to easily shift back into her human form and wrap her arms around Rosalie. "Im so sorry Rosie" she whispered. Rosalie let herself be held as i witnessed one of the world most rarest thing take place. Rosalie Hale..being vulnerable. To Bella..I guess she really has changed. I turned away to give them some privacy and walked over, well danced, to Victoria who was just now finishing off the buck Bella gave her. Her eyes a bright gold now, with a reverent gleam in them. I giggled as she shook her head as she murmured "shes something else.." I giggled looking down at the little pup in my arms. "yes indeed. But shes MY something else"

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