Unprecedented Anger

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Okay, so a question has come up about different characters in the story. Such as Mira, the little cub. Will she be just a mountain lion or a shifter? Well I know what I'm planning on doing but I am curious to see what you would like to happen with little Mira. Comment and let me know.

Alice's pov

I sighed softly looking out my wall of clear glass windows seeing the sun peaking out over the vast forest surrounding my house. So much has happened in so little time. I cant even begin to try to filter all that has happened in the last 48 hours. One thing I can accept and realize is that I finally have my true mate by my side. A soft rumbling groan came from the semi-heavy weight lounging across my naked back. Her raging hot skin burning into mine with the up most pleasure, flushed slightly as her body began to wake up. I let out a soft chuckle as I wrapped my arms up around my enormous pillow turning my head back to the other side getting a beautiful glimpse of the astounding creature on top of me. Having been awake all night, I allowed her to move us as she liked. After another few minutes she let out a powerful yawn and I felt her hot lips graze against my shoulder blade, causing a content sound pass my lips involuntarily.

"Isabella.." I murmured. A very loud purr sounded from deep within her chest, vibrating into my very soul. I supposed she enjoyed that I used her full name. She moved her body up my back more to where her head was just below mine and cracked open her right eye to peak at me. Her eye was smoldering in that brilliant blue I saw the day before as she let it droop back closed. We laid there for a few more moments then she leaned forward and buried her nose deeply into my hair inhaling deeply. "you're still here.." her oddly soft voice floated up to my ears. I turned onto my side and pulled her into me. "of course I'm here silly girl. I'm never leaving you again."She nodded and pulled away sitting up and stretching her arms above her head as I propped my hand under my head. "By the way" she started and slowly climbed out of the bed, the sheet dropping to the side of the bed as she walked towards my closet. Her beautifully filled out body marked with her newly found royalty shinning in the sun light. "you have a tattoo on your back and arm. Just thought you outta know." she finished in a humored tone disappearing into my closet. "what!" I shrieked blurring into my bathroom joined by a door in my room. I heard Bella's chuckle from the other room as I turned my back to the large mirror, gasping when I saw the same intricate black swirls on my mate cover my entire left side of my body. It even went down my foot to circle around my middle toe. On my arm though, it stopped at my wrist like hers. "Bella!" I exclaimed breathlessly, stunned by the beauty of these tattoos. "Yes?" she chuckled nearing the bathroom. Whatever I was about to say was caught in my throat as she walked in behind me in a white v-neck that hugged her curves sinfully, dark low cut skinny jeans that were unbuttoned and made my stomach clench. Her hand tossed hair was in a sexy mess that left me craving the unspeakable. I noticed her hair had darkened into a much richer color than before and her arms were much more toned than before as well. She came behind me and reached for a toothbrush that was always kept here for her and some toothpaste and began brushing her teeth. Her eyes never left mine and I suddenly remembered what I was about to say. "uh..these marks" my voice came our hoarse and husky. I felt her chest vibrate with a hungry growl as her eyes flashed blue and I forced myself to continue. "what do they mean exactly?" I watched her shake her head slightly and spit out her toothpaste and rinsing her mouth before shrugging. "We should ask Maliki." I nodded and went to get dressed before I got too distracted and act on my impulses. Seconds later I was dressed similar to Bella and went downstairs to see her eating a huge bowel of oatmeal. I giggled as I sat next to her. "enjoying your food?" I asked tracing her arm. She nodded and offered a spoon jokingly to me. I sniffed the spoon slightly and found it to smell really appetizing instead of the usually smell of dirt and burnt food. I hesitantly opened my mouth and bit off a tiny bite as Bella's eyes grew wide in astonishment. I chewed slowly and oddly, never having the use of it before, and swallowed. Bella watched me as I analyzed what I just did. It felt alright and I didnt want to gag and throw it up as soon as I ate it like I've done many times before when I wanted to be daring. I shrugged and opened my mouth for more wanting to get as much as I could before it backfired. She looked at me crazily as she scooped up another spoonful and fed it to me. "Are you alright Alice?" she asked worriedly. I giggled and smiled at the way my name sounded in her altered voice nodding once and hopping off the stool.

She smiled and shook her head at me finishing her meal and putting her dish in the sink. "lets go see the others" she told me holding her hand out. I took her hand and walked out to our yard with her. I turned to go get my car. "what do you think you're doing Alice?" I stopped and turned to her. "getting the car?" she shook her head and in the next instant a insanely large white tiger was standing in her place. Her transformation must have happened in less than a second. She turned to her side and plopped onto the ground. I giggled at her antics and came up to pet her side. Her fur was plush and oh so soft to the touch. I went down further toward her stomach and she let out a loud purr and turned onto her back so her stomach showed. I chuckled heartily and used both my hands to rub her stomach. "you're such a cat!" I commented jokingly. "well duh twinkle toes. I'm a very large cat."

I jumped startled, not expecting to hear a response. I heard her silky laugh bounce around inside my head "sorry, I forgot you could hear me" I looked at her ridiculously large head as she rolled onto her stomach again. "what do you men I can hear you?" "I have the ability to speak with anyone now through their mind and thoughts" My eyes bulged as I processed this new information. "you're a mind reader now?" I blurted before thinking and gasped as I clamped my hands over my mouth. I watched as her eyed blazed with unrestricted anger and hatred as the ground beneath my feet shook with the force of her growl. It dawned on me that like a new shifter was prone to uncontrollable anger, and she was exactly that. I saw that her eyes were glazed over and she sprang to her feet, almost too quickly for me to follow with my advanced eyesight, and let out an ear-shattering roar that quite possible would have stopped my heart if it still beat. I jumped back as my mate began to tear down near-by trees with her massive claws and body. I inhaled a sharp breath as I saw her fur was almost bleeding into the black it did the day before. Unlike yesterday though, it didn't stop. It continued all the way to the tip of her tail, nose, and paws. I would have admired the pure beauty of her new fur if a dislodged tree flew towards my head. I jumped high over it landing roughly on the ground. Faintly I heard the feet and paws running from the south and another group of feet racing from the north. I panicked as I realized I have yet to have a vision since yesterday morning. I knew that the group from the south had to be her pack and Victoria. But who could be coming from the south? And how am I going to stop the hurricane of anger coming from my mate and keep both of us safe?

A/N I realize its been a ridiculously long time since I've last updated. I wish I could give you guys an excuse other than that I was busy and extremely lazy and unmotivated. But nonetheless I cannot. So, I apologize. Hope you enjoyed it and if you have questions or comments dont hesitate to drop it in my inbox or whatever.

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