Figuring Things Out p.2

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Part one recap:
I was startled awake by the piercing wails of a newborn baby. As I attempted to roll over and ignore the cries of said baby it dawned on me that there was a baby in a house of vampires and shifters. I sprung myself out of bed and down the hall to jump over the railing to the stairs and landed with a soft thud on the wooden floor. Everyone snapped their heads towards me as I took in the strangest sight I've ever witnessed. Rosalie Hale was cooing at an infant that was now being bounced softly in her arms. What's more was I could see Edward standing directly behind Kayla looking at her as if he could finally see the world around him for the first time.

Bella's pov
"Bella" I felt Alice place her hand on my arm as if to keep me grounded.
However, I paid no mind to that fact because I was trapped in an intense stare with Kayla, who looked as if she'd seen a ghost.
"Bella...I'm so sorry..I couldn't help it. Imprinting-" "Kayla stop" I thought interrupting her. "I know. It's okay. I'm really happy you found someone. I think you'd be really good for each other. As your leader you have my blessing."
She bowed her head to me with a thankful smile on her face and I nodded back with a soft smile of my own. I turned my attention to Edward, who seemed like he couldn't bring himself to raise his head to meet any of the eyes in the room, and sighed softly.
"Edward." I spoke out softly, noticing the change in atmosphere around the room, and watched as he snapped his head up towards me in shock.
"Bella.." He breathed out in a tormented voice. I shook my head and held out my hand to him.
He looked at me confused for a split moment before speeding over and taking my hand. He wasn't startled at the extreme difference in warmth from the last time we touched so I assumed that he already knew from the minds in the room what all has happened.
"Edward, I know that it wasn't really you all those times and I forgive you for everything okay? I'm not mad. I'm not upset. I just want to be a family again with you as my brother and myself as your sister." I gestured towards Kayla. "Fate brought us together, and now I see that this was the reason why."
Edward brought me into a bone crushing hug as he spoke hushed words that I knew everyone in the room could hear. "Thank you Bella, thank you so much." He pulled back and grasped my shoulders in his hands. "Please. Allow me to serve under you to repay all the torment and misfortune I have caused you."
I opened my mouth to refuse him but the look in his eyes stopped me in my tracks. I knew that no matter how hard I tried to refuse him, he would always feel compelled to make up for what has happened. I nodded my head once and gave him a small smile. I looked around at the people in the room: in that moment I knew that we were all connected in the fight to come. Only together will I be able to complete this task.
"I want all of you to hear me." I spoke slightly louder than a whisper gaining the attention of all. "The only way we can do this is together. As a family" I was aware that Alice took her place by my side once again and felt her grasp my hand in hers.
I looked down at her and received a reassuring smile from her that I returned gratefully. I watched as everyone stood up- all for Rosalie who still held an infant in her arms- and came to stand behind Edward.
"We are all ready to serve our parts in this Bella." Carlisle spoke up gently giving me a subtle nod.
"Us as well, we will follow you anywhere." Maliki continued. "I know you do not like this title but you are our chosen Queen and leader,"
I nodded, mostly to myself, and sighed deeply. "I know. There are things that we must do together and things I must do myself. I may not be ready to face them but I will be soon. I just need the help of you guys." I finished, toeing the plush carpet with the tip of my foot and looking downwards to avoid the eyes of everyone in front of me.
I heard the shuffle of fabric rubbing together from movement and looked up to see everyone in the room kneeling in front of me. I let out a tiny gasp at the sight and felt my face heat up considerably.
"Wow, after all this time I come back and you're still blushing like a schoolgirl." A deep southern drawl piped in amusement.
I snapped my head towards the sound- as did everyone else and saw Jasper standing in the foyer of the house with a strange woman behind him. Not a word was spoken. I knew that everyone was as bewildered and shocked as I was seeing him.
"Jaz?.." Alice whispered coming from behind me to stand in front of everyone else.
I felt a pang of insecurity and jealousy filter through me as took in her expression. A wave of calm and serenity settle in the room over us.
He dipped his head in a low nod "I have returned home with my true mate Kristine Andrews. I have showed her the way of our family and she has agreed to attempt our lifestyle so please be understanding"
"Of course dear, she's family" Esme spoke up in her usual warm and mothering tone.
I tilted my head to the side in thought. I could easily take away her thirst. I could easily take away everyone's thirst.
"Um guys?" I raised my hand slightly drawing the attention of everyone. "I can fix that."
"What do you mean Bella?" The ever curious Carlisle inquired from where he sat in a dark brown leather chair.
I rubbed my hand on the back of my neck and shrugged. "It's hard to explain."
"If you'll let me" Edward intervened quietly. "I think if you choose to let me hear you, I can make sense of what you don't understand."
I nodded and tried to focus on the conversation I had with the previous queen before settling my gaze on Edward. I reached out to him the way I reached out to the cougar and to Rose. I felt the connection snap together in my head and allowed the memory to flow through me to him.
"Wow" he murmured. He gasped and opened his eyes in excitement. "You can stop our thirst!"
I nodded sheepishly in response. "Can come someone please tell the rest of us what you two are on about?" Rose snapped from where she was sitting.
"If we drink from Bella, the burn from our thirst for human blood will cease." He breathed in amazement.
"Is that why shorty's eyes changed?" Em boomed. "Ouch!" "Shut up you buffoon!" Rose hissed after slapping him behind his head.
Everyone chuckled around at his childlike antics. "Yeah, after you drink from me the true vampiric color of your eyes will appear. Which is why Alice's is no longer gold." I summarized.
"It seems I have missed a lot that has happened." Jasper drawled out. "But if what I hear is true, Bella" I turned towards the question in my name. "Can you please save me?"
I blinked a few times in surprise from how he worded it and felt the heat rush up to my ears in response. "U-uh yeah, sure. Of course. You have to come b-bite me." I stammered out.
"Jasper are you sure you can han-" "I trust Jasper Esme." I broke in. "He's not going to hurt me."
Jasper gave me a searing look that I couldn't understand, gave his mate a kiss on her hand, and came to stand before me. "Bella." He whispered, his voice hoarse from the emotion dripping from him. "I can't begin to explain how much gratitude I have for you. Whatever this family is going through, please know that I will follow you till my last days."
I gave him a smile and nodded silently pushed my hair behind my back offering the side of my neck where Alice didn't bite. I held my hand out for her as she stepped closer into my side, wrapping her arms around my entire arm.
"I'm right here Bella, Jasper." she whispered in encouragement.
"When you're ready Jasper." I told him meeting his eyes once before closing mine.
"Kristine, can you please be by my side?" He whispered to his mate.
"I am already here my love" she spoke for the first time in a soft, mousy voice that I found quite soothing.
I felt the cool brush of his breath on my neck as he sighed in preparation and shivered once gripping onto Alice's hand tighter. I breathed in deeply trying to calm my rapidly beating heart; but as I started to exhale I barely registered the sharp sting of my flesh being punctured as I felt my blood slowly being sucked out of me. It was an odd feeling. I felt as if I could feel the blood moving in my veins upward to Jasper's awaiting mouth. Jasper let out a ferocious growl at the taste of my infamously sweet blood and steeled myself not to flinch under his grasp.
"Okay Jaz, you have to stop now." Alice said forcefully when I began to go slack between them.
"Sweetie, you have to control it.." Kristine continued, he faltered slightly but still didn't release me.
"Jasper.." I rasped out. "I know you can stop. You're better than the monster trying to win"
He let out a soft groan and began to tremble. His teeth slightly pulled out from the wounds they cause on my neck. With all the strength I had left, I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him away from my neck. He growled again and ripped his mouth away from my neck. Before he could run away I grasped his shoulder in my hand, preventing him from moving.
"Don' did fine Jasper." I reassured swaying slightly where I stood. I opened my eyes and leveled my gaze with his. "I'm fine, the bite is already healed. How is your thirst?"
He sighed deeply looking at the ground for a split second before looking up at me again. "It's still there but it's not the burning thirst it was before. It's like I just want something to drink instead having to control myself constantly." He summed up in amazement. I could feel the gratitude and thankfulness seeping from his pores. I knew everyone in the room can feel this from him.
He opened his mouth again and I laughed a little on the inside. "If you're going to thank me, dont." I got out before he could start. I laughed out loud this time as he comically closed his mouth, as did the rest of the family, and clapped his shoulder once more. "My blood has been torturing you since I joined this family. It's good I can finally take your struggle away. Now." I claimed turning my head slightly to Alice. "Can you please sit me by Rose? There is a baby here and still haven't been told why."
Alice smiled brightly at me and scooped me in her cool arms, flitting over to the seat open by Rose and settling down with me in her lap. I pressed a chaste kiss on her lips leaning into her embrace. I thought for a second and frowned.
"What is it my sweet?" she whispered with a concerned look creeping onto her features.
I raised my face up to hers. "That was only Jasper." I looked around to the rest of the Cullens, including Kristine. "There are six left. It's only fair if I allow the same to them now."
"Bella dear, you're still human we understa-" "No Esme." I broke off. "I need to do this for you."
I returned my attention to Alice, she had a deep frown on her face but an understanding gaze in her violet eyes. "I really don't like this Bella. But I know how stubborn you are and I want this for them to."
I smiled happily at the support that she has given me and pressed my lips against hers in a deeper kiss than before. "Thank you, Ali." "Anything for you my dear." she whispered back to me.
"But seriously, what's with this baby?" I questioned again peering over at it while it was sound asleep in Rose's arms.
Rose smiled sweetly at the baby. "This was the mountain lion you saved. This is Mira."
I gasped loudly and leaned over to her. There she was, she had a tuft of dark, brown curly hair on top of her head and on her shoulder was the familiar black swirling patterns of my tattoo.
"She looks just like you.." Alice whispered from behind me, And she did.
I noticed everyone in the room was leaning in towards our little group on the couch as I hesitantly reached out my hand to Mira. "Yeah..she does.."

And boom! You have your update! Comment and tell me what you think.

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