Worse for Wear

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So I have the characters. Right now I am at more than two seeing how well your characters were put together so I couldn't decide.  Also, anyone willing to edit for me? Comment if yes

B pov

I sighed. I felt terrible. I lost my temper so quickly and scared not only my mate but Rose as well. 'my mate..she came back for me.' How I knew she was my mate is beyond me. I should ask Kayla. She'll know. I sighed again and leaned against the large tree I was sitting under looking around the clearing for potential dangers to my mate and sister. And now my cub, Mira, who was prancing around with Rose on the forest floor. I smiled as she let out a heartfelt laugh that I have only heard once before. Mira had jumped up onto her shoulder and licked the side of Rose's cheek. I looked a little closer to see that Mira had grown three times her size since I found her. She couldn't have grown that much since then. But obviously its not impossible..I'll have to keep a watch on her. I sighed again 'I'm not ready to be a mother..I just found my supposedly after nearly losing her altogether.' I frowned already missing her presence beside me. She had gone off to the Cullen Residence to get everything back on and let Victoria in. I cant believe I forgot what she looked like. She really never was a threat to me. It was James that was the problem. "Bella!" Roses unusual cheerful voice calling out to me. "yes?" I called back softly knowing she could hear me. "you never told me the little one's name" she scolded playfully, happiness bursting from deep within her. I chuckled and shook my head. "her name is Mira" I told her with an easy smile. "Mira..thats pretty. Did you give that to her?" she asked picking up the now larger cub into her arms and coming towards me. "yes, her mother was dying. I promised I would make sure she was safe before she died." She looked at me startled "you TOLD her you would? As in you spoke to a mountain lion?" I laughed at her bewildered expression "yes Rosalie, I used a link in my mind after our eyes connected. And the same with Victoria. I imagine I could do it with anyone I wanted to honestly." She looked down for a second petting a now sleeping Mira before looking back up nervously "could we try?" I shrugged "sure if you want, I dont see a problem with it. Just look into my eyes until the connection snaps okay?" she nodded and looked into my eyes and I hers. I let my mind be open to her and our connection was instantly accepted. 'I wonder if it worked. She's just staring at me.' I let out a soft chuckle at her thoughts. 'yes it worked Rosalie, nicely done.' she looked embarrassed for a second before grinning at me happily. 'so will we be able to do this often?' she thought to me. I shrugged, a habit I carried from my human life so it seems. 'I'd wager we could any time we wanted to honestly' she nodded and smiled again. It was still hard to get used to her smiling at me. It was way better than the scowl she'd regularly give me for just walking in the room. Her smile faltered and a look of shame and sorrow crossed across her features, and I realized she was still connected to my thoughts so I instantly shut our connection down with a blush covering my entire face. "Bella.." she murmured. "Dont" I told her giving her a reassuring smile. "its okay. I'm not upset with you. You came back. Thats all that matters to me." she nodded smiling back slightly. I knew it still bothered her, but over time things will be better between us. I couldnt be mad, she came back. With Alice. A small whimper left my throat as this overbearing pain crept through my chest causing me to clutch at it desperately. "Bella! Bella whats wrong!" Rosalie's panicked voice sounded next to me. But I could hardly focus on her, its the pain thats now ripping through my entire body. This is the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life and I nearly died a week ago! I felt like my entire body was on fire. "Bella!" Rosalie tried again and I felt what was supposed to be her ice cold hand soothing me but it burned me worse than the fire running through my veins. I snatched myself away from her a loud scream bursting from deep within me as I moved. Like a boa constrictor the more I moved the worse it got. I couldnt think or focus on anything besides the pain that was consuming me on the forest floor. I felt as if my skin was the cause for this, so irrationally of course, I started to claw at my chest until my shirt was ripped from my body as I did the same to my bare skin. "Bella!" Rosalie screamed as she tried to pin my body down to the forest floor. But she was burning me. Her touch amplified every ounce of fire on my body. I used all of my strength and pushed her off of me across the clearing continuing to try to claw at my chest. If I wasnt so distracted by this fact I would have heard the sound of very light steps running towards me and another group or set with a tad heavier step trying to come to me as well. I didnt know anything till I felt the most blissful sensation warp itself on my wrists and waist, my scream stopping abruptly and merging into a loud continuous whine. "touch her! she wont stop burning until you touch as much of her body as you can Alice!" A whimper that was almost too quiet to hear over my consistent whine, went off somewhere above me as more of the sweet bliss covered my body. I felt, what it seemed like, lips at the nape of my neck that was so cold it took the fire away instantly. Leaving a pleasuring chill in its wake, causing me to moan, I could feel the bliss seeping into the rest of my body. But this bliss soon started to feel like a smaller body being pressed into me. And soon it smelled like someone was pressed into me, it was so sweet. I could then start to hear again as a soft, quivering voice spoke into my ear. "shhhhh sweet Bella, everything is fine. Calm love I've got you" I let out a shallow breath pressing my body against the bliss. I opened my eyes to see a halo of black spiky hair..that looked and sounded like "A-Alice" I whimpered forcing her body down against mine, inhaling her scent deeply. Allowing it to clear my mind. "yes sweetie I'm here" she soothed. "We have to move her, her majesty needs to with her Bond Mate. Or the pain will return with vengeance." Maliki's rumbling voice spoke again I realized. "I'll take her to my home, and return her in the morning to her current residence." Alice spoke to the group behind her. "I'll return home Alice with Victoria, to explain what has happened." Rosalie said faintly, still in shock I suppose. But the only thing I could really focus on was the creature on top of me. I whimpered again and goodbyes were said and I could feel my body being lifted, tucked into the cool slender arms of Alice as she raced of to her home apparently. I gripped onto the front of her shirt as a wave of need and arousal washed through my body; making me quiver and moan into her ear. I heard her intake of breath and felt her arms tighten and she picked up speed towards our destination. In a spur of desperation, I moved my body to were my legs were crossed behind her waist as my fingers tangled into her soft short hair. Tugging on it without thinking about it, causing Alice to let out a husky growl that caused arousal to pool between my legs. I felt her hands grip the bottom of my thighs tightly. "Bella" she growled again, that cut off into a deep moan as I nipped at the stony flesh of her neck. I heard several doors open, then I felt my back being pressed into a soft bed with silk sheets. I moaned again as I felt the fabric against my back. Being highly aroused at the sensation. I looked up at Alice to see her eyes pitch black, full of lust, hunger, and love. I could feel my animal instincts to make her mine, to mark her. My territory to all those who would lust after her. A sultry smile graced her lips as she lifted up her shirt slowly. Showing off her dark red lace bra and tone stomach. That I knew was hard as stone, but looked so soft. She leaned down and whispered huskily into my ear. "then take me, sweet Bella." a low growl rumbled deep in my chest as my eyes flashed and she was on her back, with me straddling her waist. I grabbed her hands and pinned them down above her head as I rolled my body down against her chest. Her cold body being instantly heated with my hot one. She moaned as my overheated lips grazed over her chest up to her jaw. Kissing my way up to her ear, I could hear her breaths coming out in unneeded puffs of air. "you're mine" I growled dominantly. She whimpered and pushed her hips into mine, her back arching slightly. "yes" I kissed down her to the nape of her neck, and up to her shoulder. "I'm yours, only yours. Forever" I rumbled against her skin. She nodded and gripped my hands that still held her captive. Following instinct, I bit down and sank my teeth into her shoulder. Her hard skin easily giving way to my bite. I felt her raise up, and then felt the orgasmic pleasure of her teeth breaking my softer skin. I moaned in a high pitched volume as I felt her beginning to suck my blood through my neck. This feeling was indescribable. I could hear and feel her moaning along with me as I sucked some of the venom from her shoulder, where if she were human would be her blood. Instead of burning me like in the stories I've heard. It did the opposite. It caused an earth shattering orgasm to take over both of us. I felt my body give way as I slumped against Alice. She took me in her arms and pulled me close. Both of us panting, although I knew she wasnt tired, I could feel myself slip into a blissful slumber as I held my mate close to me. "Goodnight my sweet Bella, my soul-mate." then I was gone.

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