Making a Pack

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Here you are as you demanded:) enjoy
Bella's pov
I rolled off my back pouncing on Maliki, playfully grabbing the scuff of his neck easily pulling him to the ground. He growled in surprise trying to push me off of him. I realized I was A LOT bigger than all of them. Stronger too. 'Say uncle Maliki!' I demanded laughing at him. 'Never!' He snarled back stubbornly. I pinned him down under me, putting my massive paws on his back leaning down to capture his ear in my teeth. He howled out as I pulled sharply back trying-making him submit to me. A need deep in the back of my mind to make conform to my command. A slow rumbling growl started from chest, Maliki started to growl back before I let out a roar that shook the earth under us. Everything in the forest shrank back in fear, not daring to make a sound against me. I was so into my own thoughts it took me a minute to realize that Maliki was trembling under me whimpering. As well as Kayla and Raina, who were crouched against the ground. I snapped back to reality pushing myself frantically off of my newly found friend. 'O-oh God, M-Maliki I'm so s-sorry' I croaked out shrinking back into myself out of shame. 'It's okay dear Bella..its in your nature..I think it's time we've settled your tiger's need to rule' he whispered softly, as if not to set me off again. I nodded, not wanting to be set off too. 'Then we must stand together in a circle' he told us. We did as told and all stood in a circle. He padded up to me and pressed his paw to my chest, a warning growl left my chest without permission. I sighed deeply only to hear the others chuckle inside my head. 'Do you, Isabella Marie Swan, take the responsibility and care of this pack?' He asked of me in a somber tone. 'I do' I voiced back just as serious. 'Do you promise to love and protect the members of your pack?' He continued. 'I do' I saw a familiar gold color and blue lights flittering around us in a complicated dance, the sky somehow turned darker, and wind just stopped flowing. Then strangely enough I felt the same power I felt when I was going through my first shift settling on my chest under his paw. 'Do you swear to be honest and just in your decisions of power?' Maliki asked me again. 'Yes' my chest swelled with unbelievable power, so much that it literally took my breath straight out of my chest, the swirling colors dancing at a much faster pace than before, growing brighter by the second. 'Then by the power of the first Royal, I hereby declare you Alpha Royal' his deep voice booming across our little clearing. The beautiful lights all started swirling around ME, moving through my thick fur, the blue light causing all of my strips to light up the same eye blinding blue. The gold light, that now reminds me of a certain little Cullen, began moving in a whirlwind around me, the pressure and force of it bringing me to my belly. Maliki was no longer able to stand next to me, all I could see, hear, and breath was that amazing gold light..consuming me. Filling me up with such warmth and love that made my very soul cry. Almost if not stronger than how I feel around Alice. Her eyes coming up in my mind..all the nights she snuck away to see me after I sent Edward away..she was my rock. My very own reason for existing. As if this magical gold light agreed with my thoughts it stopped spinning around me. Allowing me to stand upright, it danced around me ruffling up my fur before heading off into the forest. 'Follow it' Kayla whispered into my head. I hesitated 'where will it take me?' She came up beside me rubbing her smaller body into my much larger one. 'We do not know, that you have to find out for yourself Bella' I sighed and trotted off towards the dancing light. Not knowing where this was taking me. It was strange, for some trees I had to duck under their branches, I was really THAT tall. I could see every drop on every leaf, every bug. Just everything. I even noticed this mountain lion cub, laying next to her mother. I slowly padded up the couple and instantly smelled blood. The cubs mother had four large gashes in her stomach so deep that part of her intestines were cut out, a large pool of blood was surrounding her. She was whimpering in pain, but still managed to lick her cub and hold her paw on its tiny head. I whimpered at the sight moving my head into the sight of the mama lions sight. She lifted her head to me and I instantly felt a connection snap into my brain. ' c-cub..wo...won't be here m...much longer..p..-' 'shhh I will watch over her, till the end of my days. Rest now, she is safe' I murmured licking her snout, she licked her cub once before licking mine. 'T...thank you' and then she was gone. I sighed sadly watching the light drain from her eyes. The small cub,who couldn't have been more than a few weeks old started to cry out loudly. I turned my massive head towards her and licked my tongue over her quivering body, trying to sooth the little lion. After she stopped I picked her up in my jaws as gently as I could. Still seeing the golden light dancing a ways away from me I decided to still follow it. Quickly hoping that nothing else tragic will come up in my way, or ours now that I have a cub to look after. And I will, she will be my cub. I will love her just like her mother did.

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